Who was Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong?
For this week’s forum, Mr. Gerald Weston showed the students a video summary of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, showing how God used him to lead the church for many years. Mr. Weston introduced the video to the students and explained the importance of understanding church history, especially as none were alive when Mr. Armstrong led the Worldwide Church of God.
Brief Timeline of Involvement with the Church and Work
1892 – Mr. Armstrong was born in Des Moines, Iowa
1928 – HWA gives his first sermon.
1931- HWA is ordained a minister.
1933 – He presented his first 15-minute on-air radio program in Oregon. The radio station needed a time slot filled with a religious program on Sundays and allowed Mr. Armstrong to do so free of charge. This was the beginning of the Radio Church of God.
1934- The Plain Truth magazine begins.
1937- The Radio Church audience grew; nearly 100,000 listeners reached the 1,000-watt station KRSC.
1944 – The radio program broadcast throughout all of English-speaking North America.
1946- The radio broadcast starts 6 nights a week
1953 – Mr. Armstrong joined Radio Luxembourg and began broadcasting The World Tomorrow to Europe
1955 – 1st Tomorrow’s World TV program broadcasted.
1970 – King Leopold III of Belgium gave Mr. Armstrong one of four watches made for those who contribute to world peace.
1979 – August 16: Mr. Armstrong was an unofficial Ambassador for World Peace.
1985- The book “Mystery of the Ages” was given to members at FOT.
1986 – Mr. Armstrong died.
The Work
Mr. Armstrong lived a long life and realized that while technology such as radio and television were changing the world; the world’s evil ways of thought were not. Led by the inspired word of God, he saw it as the commission of the Church to preach the gospel to the whole world. This commission follows such scriptures as Mark 16:15 and Matthew 24:3. Matthew 24:14 states, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” As Mr. Armstrong met world leaders, he shared the same message with them without trying to convert them to his religion. He explained the reasons for the state of the world, why we don’t have world peace, and how world peace can one day be achieved. Mr. Armstrong did not speak to world leaders to save or convert but to use that good relationship with them to preach the gospel message. Finally, he acknowledged that one of the biggest misconceptions is that everyone needs to be saved now or be eternally punished. God is not calling everyone now but will give them a chance to know the truth in the Millennium and experience true peace.
Final Thoughts
God used Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong to help preach the Gospel message to the world. Mr. Armstrong took this commission seriously, as is shown by his life. Mr. Weston concluded the forum by challenging the students (and the younger generation) to remember this and have the same dedication in this Laodicean era. Through this presentation, the students gained a new appreciation for Church history and how God built up his church. For this week’s forum, Mr. Gerald Weston showed the students a video summary of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, showing how God used him to lead the church for many years. Mr. Weston introduced the video to the students and explained the importance of understanding church history, especially as none were alive when Mr. Armstrong led the Worldwide Church of God.