The Living Education Experience – For International Students
Author: Katelyn Wissinger| Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2024-25
Did you know that Living Education is an option for young international members of LCG? As a post-high school education, it allows students to grow closer to God and draws students from all backgrounds and circumstances. Lili and Johann Rangel, a sister and brother from Mexico, took advantage of this opportunity over the past two years and were willing to share their experience.
Why Living Education
For both, strengthening their relationship with God and taking the opportunity to live abroad were primary reasons. Johann said he came because he “Wanted to grow in my knowledge of the Word, the Bible, and to work on my relationship with God. But I also think it was an opportunity to live abroad.” Lili expressed why she attended: “It was a program to help young members of the Church learn about the doctrines, the Bible, and how to live a Christian life. At some point, I didn’t feel like I knew about my beliefs. I wanted to ensure I knew the doctrines if I had faith and to prove to myself that God exists”.
Opportunities and Challenges
The experience of living in the United States has come with opportunities and hurdles for both Lili and Johann. Yet, through the help of fellow students and faculty, they feel these obstacles haven’t hindered them from thriving at Living Education. “Even though we have cultural differences, it feels like family,” Johann said. These also affected Lili, “It is difficult to speak English as a non-native speaker, but it is interesting to learn how people live here, the difference between the culture, and even how people eat. If you want to do it, you can do it.” Many resources are available, and instructors will help you through the challenges.
In addition to experiencing a different culture and language, the Living Education program includes many activities and the chance to be at the church’s headquarters. “The activities we have in LE are great; we do hikes, white water rafting…adventure, a lot of adventure. If you don’t like adventure, there are other activities like Friday night dinners.” Lili expressed her experience regarding students’ access to the ministers here at HQ. She also stated, “The Church activities, families weekends, the L4T, all the activities we do in LE are something I would never have the opportunity to do in Mexico.”
Consider the Second Year
Indeed, the first year is full of exciting opportunities, increased knowledge of the Bible, growing closer to God, developing relationships, engaging in activities, and being at the center of the Work. But what happens when the year flies by, and the student is left wanting more? Or are they willing to give back to the program with their time? Living Education also offers a second-year program to its students. Johann said he decided to return because “It was going to be an opportunity to help others, to guide others’ Living Education experience, and it was a leadership opportunity. The second-year program is a leadership development program, and that caught my attention.”
Lili and Johann’s two years as students at Living Education in Charlotte have helped them learn more about the Bible and themselves and sharpened their focus on living as Christians. As young adults coming to a new country, this program has provided opportunities and challenges that have ultimately helped them develop a stronger relationship with God.

“This is a program that is going to change your life for good. Look at it as an opportunity to grow and serve others.”

“Doing two years of Living Education is one of the hardest things I’ve done. If somebody asks me if they should do it, I’d say yes because I believe doing hard things makes you more resilient. Do hard things!”