
Student Life: Start of LE!

Author: Hyabiel Daniel  | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2023-24

Living Education Program: A Thrilling Start to a Journey of Connections

The first two weeks of the Living Education Program have been a whirlwind of introductions, orientations, and building connections. New friendships are forming, and the campus is buzzing with the excitement of fresh beginnings. Students have been busy settling into the different classes,  adjusting to the rhythm of their daily routines, and setting the tone for the coming months. Lectures, workshops, and team-building activities have paved the way for a strong sense of community, setting the stage for what promises to be an enriching journey.

Dorm Life: A Challenge and Classroom for Life Skills

There are 22 students this year, 11 girls and 11 boys. Dorm life will surely be a challenge for the students. However, this can also be a learning experience as this is the majority of the students’ first time being independent from their family. Sharing a house with non-family members can teach essential life skills like conflict resolution, responsibility, financial literacy, management, and effective communication skills. They also develop social and cultural sensitivity, and gain practical household skills, while building a network of friendships and gaining a deeper appreciation for home life.

As students transition into the core phase of the program, the campus has become a hub of curiosity and intellectual stimulation. Their unique perspectives and enthusiasm will and have already begun to enrich the classroom experience. The innovative curriculum spans various disciplines, encouraging students to think critically, connect ideas, and approach problem-solving from multiple Biblical angles. But the Living Education Program isn’t confined to traditional classroom settings. With regular field trips, guest lectures, and interactive projects, students are constantly reminded that learning is a dynamic and interconnected experience.

In-Work Study Program: Real-World Experience

One of the highlights of the Living Education Program is undoubtedly the in-work study program, which has now kicked off. Students have seamlessly integrated into professional environments. Headquarters is buzz with conversations about real-world challenges and solutions. This phase is about more than just work experience; it’s about cultivating a sense of responsibility, time management, and adaptability.

As students, we are excited about the opportunities for growth and learning that lie ahead. These upcoming semesters will be memorable and transformational for everyone.

Hyabiel Daniel is a first year Living Education Student. She is from London, United Kingdom, and typically attends the Seven Oaks Congregation. She enjoys studying social sciences and also loves spending time reading books, baking and spending time with loved ones. Hyabiel currently works as a writer and manages the Facebook page for the Living Education department. 

The Secrets to Staying Organized

Author: Lexi Mitchell | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2023-24

In the first forum of the 2023-2024 school year, Mr. DeSimone explained to the LivingEd students that having organization in all aspects of life is the key to maximizing time and effort. 

To demonstrate, he introduced to them the “Five S’s of Lean” number game. The goal of the game was to prove just how inefficient working can be without an organized system in place. It’s easy to fall into habits of disorganization, and it’s easy to assume that work done under those conditions is ‘as good as it’s going to get’. But, as the students quickly learned, that is far from the case.

The S’s stood for:

  1. Sort: Keep only what is necessary and discard everything else- when in doubt, throw it out.
  2. Set in order: Arrange and label only necessary items for easy use and return by anyone
  3. Shine: Keeping everything swept and clean for inspection for safety and preventative maintenance of equipment.
  4. Standardize: The state that exists when the first three pillars of the 5S’s are properly maintained.
  5. Sustain: Making a habit of properly maintaining correct procedures.

The 5 S’s Game

Mr. DeSimone then had the students participate in the game, which had several rounds. Each time, he gave out sheets of paper with numbers distributed across the entire page. He asked the students to identify and cross off the numbers 1-49 in ascending order within 20 seconds. During each round, he incorporated different aspects of the 5 S’s to make the number sorting more efficient. 

In the first round, there were 99 numbers on the page with no organization at all. 

In the second, the numbers 50-99 were removed from the page. 

During the third, numbers were organized into grid boxes. 

Finally, in the fourth, numbers 1-49 were lined up in ascending order. 

With each round, the amount of time it took to eliminate numbers decreased dramatically. This game proved the benefit of organization, and showed that the more we force ourselves to be organized, tasks that we complete will be done much more efficiently.

The Myth of Multitasking

A second point that Mr. DeSimone made was that trying to multitask was a dangerous idea. To introduce this point, he referenced a book titled “The Myth of Multitasking”, written by Dave Crenshaw. The passage he read to them told the story of a woman who was trying to explain to the book’s narrator that she was skilled at multitasking. As proof, she claimed that she was able to continue working at her computer while coworkers talked to her face-to-face. Although she bragged that she was able to focus on the two actions at one time, the narrator explained to her that instead of multitasking, she was doing something called “switch-tasking”. 

Switch-tasking is the action of shifting your full attention between multiple different tasks in quick succession. When many people claim to be multitasking, they aren’t actually doing two things at once. In reality, they are simply completing the action of shifting back and forth between things to focus on.

Mr. DeSimone then went on to give a second exercise, wherein he had the students write out the phrase “multitasking is a myth” one letter at a time. After writing each letter, the student was to number it, starting from one. They continued on in that way until the last letter-number pair was written. 

This took a long time, and the students made plenty of mistakes. 

The second time this exercise was done, the students were asked to write out the full phrase first, then follow up with writing the numbers. Doing this decreased the time it took by half. 

His final takeaways from this exercise were that in the first case, no tasks were fully completed until the full time was up. The longer time was accompanied by mistakes and confusion.

But in the second case, two tasks were put out in half the time, and on top of that, each task was done much quicker and more effectively than in the previous instance. 

New Perspectives

These examples provided the students with an extremely important lesson. Organization, order, maintenance, and time prioritization are all important skills for anyone to have, and for individuals who, like the students, have jam-packed schedules, these skills are even more crucial. The students left this forum with new perspectives on efficiency, and were even more prepared to have a great and profitable year. 

Lexi Mitchell is a first-year student in the Living Education-Charlotte Program. She is from Long Island, New York. At home, she worked as a lifeguard and a swim instructor. Currently, she assists in the Living Education department as a social media manager and as a producer of written content. She enjoys reading, cooking, exercising, and spending time with family.

LivingEd-Charlotte and Youth Camps

This year, the Living Education-Charlotte students are doing their part to put into practice what they’ve learned in the classroom! Nine of our Living Youth teen camp staff are from this year’s LivingEd class. In addition, four LivingEd alumni are serving at the camp. Interestingly, six of the staff members have been accepted for the 2023-24 upcoming school year. One more note of interest – three of the staff members took part in the Living University program.

Godly Protocol: Loving Your Neighbor

Author: Nathan Kroon | Student Leader, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated Reading Time: 3 min.

Mr. Richard Ames, in the final forum of the 2022-23 Living Education–Charlotte year, gave the students instruction in protocol.

In our world, there are certain standards that we adhere to, depending on our environment. Mr. Ames called this system of standards GIPS: Guidelines, Instructions, Procedures, and Standards. We can follow guidelines others set before us in our childhoods, our marriages, etc. There’s an etiquette we follow in our communication with other people. Mr. Ames recalled that, during his time in the military, before God called him into the Worldwide Church of God, this was especially important. What expectations do people have for us in terms of protocol, and what expectations do we have for other people?

Types of Protocol

Protocol can be defined as an expected standard of conduct, or as a premeditated procedure followed in certain situations. For example, when a football player in the NFL suffers a concussion, the protocol for when they can begin playing again is typically at least nine days later. Mr. Ames said that he had to learn about the strict procedures he had to follow to be on the air during his first job as a radio announcer. Airline companies also have safety protocols for when something goes wrong during a flight, which have saved several lives since the initial innovation of aviation. One way to organize what to do during these protocols is to create a checklist. This is what an airline follows when an emergency arises, and they can be incredibly helpful for keeping track of routines you want to follow.

Basic Keys to Loving Your Neighbor

  1. Have an Attitude of Respect

Mr. Ames quoted Dr. Roderick C. Meredith, saying, “Every human is precious in God’s sight.” We need to treat others with respect. Philippians 2:3 tells us to esteem others higher than ourselves.

  1. Choose Words of Respect and Courtesy

Mr. Ames listed five simple phrases we can use every day with each other to show respect and courtesy:

●  “Thank you.”

●  “You’re Welcome.”

●  “Please.”

●  “I’m sorry.”

●  “How may I help you?”

These phrases will help us to get along with other people.

  1. Follow Biblical Instructions

“When all else fails, follow instructions” is a common phrase. Mr. Ames said that it really should be, “To prevent failure, follow instructions.” The Bible gives us tons of lessons on how we should manage our conduct:

●  Obey your leaders (Hebrews 13:17).

●  Submit to one another (Ephesians 5:21).

●  Let your “yes” be “yes,” and your “no” be “no” (Matthew 5:37).

●  Don’t use corrupt words (Ephesians 4:29).

●  Seek wisdom (Proverbs 2:1).

Our world today is becoming a confused mess, and that is because people aren’t following the protocols that God has set before them. It’s important that people prove to themselves that God exists and that the Bible is the word of God. With that, they can learn biblical protocol through His statutes and instruction. Practice godly protocol—it will ensure you an abundant life!

Nathan Kroon is a Student Leader at Living Education. He originally hails from Washington State and is a 4th generation Christian. Currently, he works at Headquarters as a Video Editor and is the Lead Landscaper at the LivingEd dorms. His hobbies include playing guitar, listening to music, drawing, and watching movies.

Build an Atmosphere of Radiant Faith

Author: Kaleb Johnson | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated reading time: 4 min.

Mr. Michael Heykoop gave a stirring presentation on radiant faith.

Mr. Heykoop began his forum by recalling when he first read the Sevenfold Mission of God’s Church, articulated by Dr. Meredith in the Living Church News article “The PURPOSE for God’s Church.” He recalled there was one mission that made him stop and think—the seventh, the mission to build an atmosphere of radiant faith. Why does the faith of others matter when we are judged based on our individual faith? 

Mr. Heykoop explained that radiant faith creates an inspirational environment in which people are prepared to do the work of God. After all, we are inspired by the faith of those in Hebrews 11 and examples throughout the Bible. Clearly, the faith of others does impact us. He then explored what the Bible says about radiant faith. 

The Power of an Atmosphere of Faith—and Lack of Faith

The Bible shows that an atmosphere of unbelief has consequences. Mr. Heykoop pointed to the example of Christ in Nazareth, where He did no mighty works “because of their unbelief” (Matthew 13:58). He also referred to the story of Caleb and Joshua, who showed personal faith in God—but the Israelite camp as a whole had a faith-choking atmosphere that led to disobedience and punishment. The Bible specifically warns that lack of faith infects a group. God instructed Israel to send only fearful, fainthearted people home from its army (Deuteronomy 20:8), so that their fear wouldn’t spread. Clearly, the faith of the person next to us is important! 

The Bible also shows that a single individual’s faith can be used to inspire others. Mr. Heykoop turned to the story of David and Goliath. Goliath taunted the Israelites 80 times before David answered the challenge—but this certainly would not have happened by the end of David’s reign! By then, we read of numerous mighty men. These men likely would have lined up to fight Goliath. David’s personal example of radiant faith, over time, came to be reflected throughout Israel. 

Reassuring Faith

The faith of the group can also affect the individual. Mr. Heykoop turned to the example of Elijah. He began reading the account of Mount Carmel and the encounter between Elijah and the false prophets of Baal. As Mr. Heykoop said, this is “one of the most visually inspiring miracles of the Bible.” In this miracle, Baal’s prophets cry out for hours to no effect, but a short, 30-seconds-or-so prayer by Elijah causes God to send fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice. Yet even after this, Elijah is afraid and his faith is weak! Elijah fasted for forty days and was still afraid to go back to Israel. Mr. Heykoop showed that it wasn’t until God told Elijah that there were still 7,000 men following God—still faith in Israel—that Elijah got back to work. And after this, Elijah and Elisha perform some of the most profound miracles in the Bible. In this case, the faith of others in Israel encouraged and strengthened Elijah. 

Six Challenges to Take On 

Mr. Heykoop underscored the importance of an atmosphere of radiant faith. “We’re not judged by the faith of others, but the faith of others is a phenomenal tool we can use to grow.” We should hear the stories of miracles and blessings in the lives of our brethren and use them to grow our own faith. Mr. Heykoop then gave six challenges to the Living Education students to help build an atmosphere of radiant faith. 

  1. Pray for the mission of God’s Church. 
  2. Pray for the needs we see in God’s Church. Sometimes we can fulfill the needs of others, but often all we can do is pray about them. 
  3. Pray for the leadership in God’s Church. Israel refused to follow its leaders—Moses and Aaron—but we can do better. We should pray that God will guide our leaders’ decisions. 
  4. Pray about what we are asked to pray about. We should take announcements seriously, and we should maintain that fellowship with each other by praying for one another. 
  5. Participate—get to know people. We can’t radiate faith to others if we never interact with them. We should fellowship with others, meet others, and inspire faith through interactions. 
  6. Act with faith. We must live by faith to build our faith. We should make consistent plans to step out on faith, doing the right thing even when it’s hard, and give others the chance to be inspired by our faith. 

Mr. Heykoop concluded by stating, “It is essential we not just have individual faith, but an atmosphere of faith.” 

Rod McNair gave a forum recently explaining the psychological benefits of growing and tending to plants. Read about that here: Grow Something. 

Kaleb Johnson is a student in the Living Education-Charlotte Program. He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in the spring of 2022. In addition, Kaleb enjoys writing, video-making, trying new activities (anything and everything), playing chess, and debating (it’s not arguing!) with people. He currently works in the Living Education department producing written content & videos and helping with a variety of other projects.

A Ri-disc-ulously Fun Sunday!

Author: Kaleb Johnson | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated reading time: 2 min.

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Living Education hosted the second annual Disc Golf Tournament, featuring fantastic food and lots of fun. 

This year, Church families and young adults came out bright and early on a sunny Sunday morning. The Living Education students led the disc golf tournament by organizing teams, helping people to navigate the course, and tallying the final scores. After the tournament, everyone enjoyed a lunch of potato salad, coleslaw, freshly grilled corn on the cob, and chicken legs and thighs.

Disc Golf: A Team Sport?

The disc golf tournament was a team-based event, and the teams were selected in an interesting way. Two Living Education students led each team, making six teams altogether, and then the participants chose which students’ team to join. Thus, the students were encouraged to come up with a fun team name and theme to draw as many people as possible. 

As the game progressed, students tallied their score by recording the number of throws it took each person to get the disc into the basket. Like in regular golf, a low score is a good score. To help their team members navigate the sometimes-confusing disc-golf trail, the students arrived an hour early and walked through the trails. Also, rather than use all 18 holes, the tournament was limited to the first six holes. Each team would start on a hole, and then rotate around, allowing for continuous play. 

All the teams were done after about two hours, and the Director—Mr. Jonathan McNair—announced the winners. The first award was actually a surprise—the award for the team that hit the most trees. That award was won by team 2—Ellie and Kezia’s team—who managed to hit a tree-mendous 60 trees (for context, my team hit 15 trees total). The team with the lowest average score was team 6—Nathan’s team—which scored 28. Par for the six holes was 20, so this team was only eight points over (for context, my team scored 31, and the highest scored 45). Team 6 received their spectacular award of free Living Education pens for all and a single Living Education mug—to be divided amongst the winners, of course. 

An Impeckable Lunch

After announcing the awards, Mr. McNair unveiled the food. During the tournament, he had been was grilling on his charcoal smoker, preparing some egg-straordinary chicken and a-maizing corn on the cob. All of the guests and students flocked through the food line and corn-sumed the provisions. Then, the activity wrapped up, kindly giving the students a free afternoon to do homework. The second annual disc golf tournament was a fantastic event, a total hole-in-one! We look forward to hosting the third annual disc golf tournament next year. 

Just before this, the Living Education students adventured the trails for an exciting mountain biking activity. Read about that here: The Wheel Deal.

Kaleb Johnson is a student in the Living Education-Charlotte Program. He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in the spring of 2022. In addition, Kaleb enjoys writing, video-making, trying new activities (anything and everything), playing chess, and debating (it’s not arguing!) with people. He currently works in the Living Education department producing written content & videos and helping with a variety of other projects.

You Can Soar Like an Eagle

Author: Nathan Kroon | Student Leader, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated Reading Time: 4 min.

Mr. Dexter Wakefield, Director of Business Administration in the Living Church of God and teacher of the Biblical Communication class at Living Education–Charlotte, has always had an affinity for airplanes.

It started in his youth, when he would build model planes and ride in planes that his father piloted. “He only had to pull me out of a dive a few times,” he said, jokingly. He has had a pilot’s license since the 1980s, and now primarily flies gliders, which requires an extra certification. He occasionally will briefly discuss his flights with the students in his classes. By popular demand, he gave the students a forum about his adventures in flying and on certain principles of flight.

Intro to Gliders

Gliders, also known as sailplanes, are capable of climbing thousands of feet into the air. Mr. Wakefield showed this illustration to the students to show them all the different parts of the glider:

The airfoils on the craft are designed to keep precise airflow over the glider’s surface. When the wind and the angle of the airfoils produce lift, drag is also created. The ratio of lift to drag is important, and depends on the weight of the plane. Low performance planes generally have a lift-to-drag ratio of 20:1. Medium performance planes will function at 30:1, and high performance planes do well at 40:1 to 60:1.

Thermal Dynamics

Gliders require a tow plane to perform a takeoff. Once in the air, gliders will typically use “thermals” to pull them higher. Thermals are columns of rising air, caused by warmer air temperatures on the ground. The heat being produced from the ground causes the air to destabilize, form a bubble, and create a column of rising air. The released moisture from the air forms into clouds, and this tells the pilot where the best lift can be found. Mr. Wakefield stated that he has flown with eagles and buzzards. Birds will fly in a circle in the thermals. Pilots learn to fly with the circle, not against it.. Thermals are stronger towards their middle, so pilots will try to fly in the center of the thermal.

Mr. Wakefield getting ready to fly

Flying High

Mr. Wakefield said that pilots can also fly through what are called high altitude waves, but they need clearance to be able to fly above 18,000 feet in them, because above that altitude is controlled airspace. It’s also necessary to wear an oxygen mask above 12,000 feet. Mr. Wakefield took high-altitude training at an Airforce base, back when they would train civilian pilots. One thing that they will teach you is that, above 25,000 feet, you have about three minutes of useful consciousness. At 30,000 feet, it’s about only about 30 seconds. This is why they instruct adults on airliners to put an oxygen mask on themselves first, before they put one on their child, in case of an emergency. High altitudes can make a person feel great, at first, but they can cause a brain to function poorly. Fingertips and lips will also begin to turn purple. One of the better parts of flying high, Mr. Wakefield stated, is slowing down enough to  stall speed. When you enter a speed lower than stall speeds, the plane will stop flying and start falling. However, pilots are taught how to pull out of a stall if one occurs, so Mr. Wakefield will let the plane enter a series of dives, and then safely pull up, allowing the ride to feel like a roller coaster. Being a pilot can be a lot of fun!

Nathan Kroon is a Student Leader at Living Education. He originally hails from Washington State and is a 4th generation Christian. Currently, he works at Headquarters as a Video Editor and is the Lead Landscaper at the LivingEd dorms. His hobbies include playing guitar, listening to music, drawing, and watching movies.

Eras in the Old and New Testament

Take some time to review the Church eras of both the Old and New Testaments, and learn more about how they compare with each other!

Course Spotlight from God’s Feast Day’s: Pentecost

Embracing Our Inheritance

Author: Kaleb Johnson | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated reading time: 4 min.

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Don’t squander your Spiritual Inheritance! Embrace it instead. 

Mr. Phil West spoke for a forum, and he informed the students that they had a Spiritual inheritance from both God and their parents. He warned them not to scorn it by expounding on a powerful parable and encouraged the students to cherish and embrace their incredible inheritance. 

An Inheritance from Our Parents

Phil West began by asking how many of the students came to the Church through their parents. He then informed those who had that their parents had fulfilled Proverbs 13:22 by giving us an inheritance. “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.” 

But what is our inheritance? It is something far greater than riches: God’s truth.  Mr. West continued by saying that our heavenly Father also promises an inheritance, one we will receive if we heartily serve God (Colossians 3:23-24). But we have a choice to make: Will we embrace these inheritances or scorn them? It is up to us to choose to listen to our parents and to choose to serve God. 

A Biblical Example 

The Bible has a stark example of squandering an inheritance. Mr. West turned to Luke 15:11—the parable of the prodigal son. He explained that the son demanding his inheritance while his father was still alive was disrespectful, but not unlawful. The father, no doubt gravely concerned, let his son go. The son then went out and wasted his inheritance on prodigal living, not respecting the work his father had done to give him these possessions. Young people raised by parents in the Church can do the exact same thing as the prodigal son if they leave the Church, disrespecting the inheritance of spiritual truth their parents provided. And it doesn’t end well. 

A Lesson for Us

In the parable, the prodigal son did not end up with the glamorous life he no doubt imagined. Instead he ended up poor, hungry, in servitude, and friendless. Similarly, those who leave the Church end up in slavery in Satan’s world and spiritually starving. Mr. West warned the students not to “test” the world. There is nothing but “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life” (1 John 2:16), which will leave us spiritually hungry and morally exhausted. Ultimately, the prodigal son “came to himself” (Luke 15:17), stopped living in denial, and recognized his pitiful state. When it comes to those who leave the Church, Mr. West explained, we hope they come to themselves one day and return. 

The Choice and the Consequence

At this point, the prodigal son decided to return (Luke 15:18). But none of his suffering and pain had been forced on him. Mr. West compared the parable with the story of Cain and Abel. Cain and Abel were raised the same, taught the same values, and given the same chances to succeed. Yet Cain refused to listen to God, control his emotions, and rule over sin. Cain made a choice to ignore God. Abel, on the other hand, offered a more excellent sacrifice of righteousness and is remembered as righteous (Hebrews 11:4). One son chose to follow God and one did not. Similarly, the prodigal son did not have to squander his inheritance. He could have embraced it like his brother. Instead, he chose to despise his inheritance, leave, and then suffer the consequences. 

Embracing Your Inheritance

As the prodigal son returned, his father embraced him and forgave him (Luke 15:20). Through the story, Mr. West explained, the prodigal son had changed so much. First, he had been disrespectful and demanding, but now he was humbled and appreciative. His father embraced him, just like God is always there to forgive, help, and encourage us. But there is a key lesson from this parable: don’t be like the prodigal son. We can skip the suffering and mistakes by choosing to follow God and not squander our inheritance. 

Concluding, Mr. West read, “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come, and the years draw near when you say, ‘I have no pleasure in them’” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). He warned us not to chase after wealth, lust, or the temporary things of this world while we are young, but rather to embrace our spiritual inheritance and make the most of it. 

Mr. Adam West also gave a forum recently. In his forum, Mr. Adam West explained the value of living a simple life in a chaotic world and gave practical tips for simplifying. Read his forum here: Simplify Your Life

Kaleb Johnson is a student in the Living Education-Charlotte Program. He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in the spring of 2022. In addition, Kaleb enjoys writing, video-making, trying new activities (anything and everything), playing chess, and debating (it’s not arguing!) with people. He currently works in the Living Education department producing written content & videos and helping with a variety of other projects.

The Wheel Deal: Mountain Biking Activity

Author: Kaleb Johnson | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated reading time: 2 min.

Smartphone Users, Try our mobile friendly version!

Read about this year’s tree-mendous mountain biking activity!

The Living Education–Charlotte students geared up for an exciting experience—a midweek mountain-biking adventure at the Whitewater Center in Charlotte! As the name clearly suggests, the Whitewater Center is famous for its biking trails. Kidding! Every year, at least one student thinks that the activity is whitewater rafting and not biking. However, the center does have over 50 miles of trails available for mountain biking, hiking, and running.

Raising the Stakes 

The bike trails are ranked by difficulty—green means “easy,”  blue is “more difficult,” and black is “very difficult.” Having mercy on us, Mr. McNair picked a green trail, but easy is a bit of a relative term; it still took concentration and precision to ride on the narrow trails with steep turns and sharp hills. 

To make things a little more interesting, Mr. McNair divided the students into three groups and gave them a task to complete: ride a three mile trail around a lake and take group pictures at specific points. He marked the trail map and selected team leaders who had to make sure that the group was in the right spot, adding a little map-reading challenge to the mix.  

For a few students, this was their first time getting off the beaten path on a bike. It was certainly challenging learning to ride between the trees, rocks, and roots, but everyone got the hang of it, without too many crashes. By the end, we were all enjoying the thrill of cruising between trees, over hills, and through bumps. 

The team leaders did a nifty job navigating the trails and taking pictures at the right spots. When the challenge was done, the students had the chance to ride a few more trails around the Whitewater center. After several hours, the Living Education students packed up and headed home, pretty exhausted but with shared memories of a great new experience! 

The last exciting event for the Living Education students was a music recital at a senior care center. Read about that here: 2023 Music Recital.

Kaleb Johnson is a student in the Living Education-Charlotte Program. He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in the spring of 2022. In addition, Kaleb enjoys writing, video-making, trying new activities (anything and everything), playing chess, and debating (it’s not arguing!) with people. He currently works in the Living Education department producing written content & videos and helping with a variety of other projects.