
Grow Something

Mr. Rod McNair started his forum this past Tuesday by asking, “Isn’t it sad that as mankind, we either make anything we touch worse or destroy it?” As Christians, it is essential not to lose touch with nature. From the dust, mankind came, and to it, we will return, as seen in Genesis 3:19. From this, it is clear that God intended man to tend and keep the land. “So what about you?” 

As Living Education students learn how to build a spiritual foundation, Mr. McNair recommended always incorporating growing plants into their lives. Try to grow something, no matter where you are, heading, or where you live.

Mr. McNair posed the question, “What can you grow?”  He gave two recommendations. One option was flowers, which add color and scent to the environment. He told the young men, “Hint: girls like flowers, and growing them can be a gift to one in your life.” We were also encouraged to “Grow something to eat.” Growing your food is a healthy and cost-efficient option in the long term.

Why grow something? Small growing projects can have positive benefits, such as connecting to the reality of God and improving one’s health. Studies have shown that growing plants goes beyond bending and walking; they also reduce stress and anxiety, assist with attention deficit recovery, decrease depression, enhance memory retention, help improve happiness and life satisfaction, and increase self-esteem. These benefits do not just apply to outside plants. Indoor house plants work just as well by boosting moods, productivity, and concentration. They also give some privacy and reduce noise levels in offices or homes. 

Mr. McNair explained that many popular and top games involve farming and gardening. He also showed that everything that someone gains from online gardening is limited, while gardening in real life has physical benefits.

 He listed these steps to grow something: be practical, grow what you like, do it quickly, and take advantage of where you live. Then, he challenged the Living Education students to grow something for themselves then and there. He gave each student a small plastic cup with some “dirt” and let them choose a couple of seeds to put in the dirt. 

He encouraged us all to grow something and reminded us how easy it is to start somewhere small. “Moreover, the profit of the land is for all; even the king is served from the field.”

International Travel

On Tuesday, Mr. Dexter Wakefield was excited to share his personal experiences of traveling internationally. He hoped to convey the beauty and art of traveling around God’s creation. 

Mr. Wakefield has had only two Feast of Tabernacles in the United States for twenty-five years. These adventures started when he was asked, “What Feast site would you like to serve at?” He answered, “Anywhere they need a minister, as long as I can afford it.” Mr. Wakefield encouraged everyone to take the chance to travel internationally and gave us a few tips for our trips. 

His first tip was that you will have a lot of free time, so you should look for things to do around the area to which you travel. On a trip to Belgium, Mr. Wakefield mentioned there were Chocolatiers in every third shop, so of course, he and his wife stopped at a few of them. Going on with his list, Mr. Wakefield advised researching the history of the place one is heading for and the nitty gritty. Such as driving, traffic laws, and regulations on international flights in smaller countries

Mr. Wakefield states that whatever one expects, they should expect the unexpected. You are in a foreign country and never know until you experience it yourself. He also said that no matter where he and his wife traveled for the Feast of Tabernacles, once they were with the congregation, it didn’t feel like a foreign country but felt like they were among family, being warmly welcomed by the local brethren. He informed the student of a couple of Feast sites he and his wife have been to in recent years: Kimberly, BC; Bruges, Belgium; Living Stone, Zambia; Bela Bela, SA; Bingsburgh, SA, Kendu Bay, Kenya, and Tororo, Uganda. 

Mr. Wakefield’s list continued:

  • Prepare for Jet Lag
  • Study the land’s history
  • Understand your insurance
  • Photocopy of personal information: credit cards, passport, license
  • Flashlight
  • Places of things to do around where you are staying,
  • Traffic laws and signs
  • Have local currency 
  • Stay on the main roads
  • Prepare for anything to happen

With Mr. Wakefield’s information, the LE students can better understand what to expect when traveling internationally. They left with a greater appreciation for international travel and are excited for future opportunities to apply these lessons.

You Will be Tested

Today, Mr. Mario Hernández gave us a timely and much-needed forum covering lessons we need to glean from Daniel chapter three. 

Mr. Hernández started his forum by reading the courageous story of Daniel and his three friends. He emphasized the relevance of this account today because very similar things will happen again. We will be tested and persecuted like never before. We are in the end days! 

The conviction of these young men is admirable, and we should strive daily to mimic the example they left for us. Mr. Hernandez reminded us there would be a time of persecution before the elect go to the place of safety. As Proverbs 17 says, all will be tested and refined by God. Mr. Hernández explained that God will not allow anyone to enter eternal life without being tested. Satan, the devil, was given everything without first being tried, and we can see the result of that today. God has a great reward for us, but we will first experience trials and soon-coming persecution. 

The time is rapidly approaching when Satan will attempt to save himself. Mr. Hernández compared Satan’s desperate attempt to that of a king fearing his death who wipes out all of his competition, whether that be young men or little infants. Satan is, and is going to, do his very best to steal each of our crowns! Mr. Hernández said it is easy to see Satan’s hand directly guiding specific individuals throughout history. He explained that the Nazis used to use black magic till Satan had entered Hitler. Satan spoke through Hitler in one of his speeches and said: “I have fallen from heaven.”  Revelation 12 shows that Satan was cast out of heaven with his demons. We should not be foolish and believe that Satan will not enter men in our future to cause further strife and persecution.

We can falsely believe that those who are counted worthy of being in the place of safety will simply receive divine intervention and be miraculously taken under God’s protection; however, Mr. Hernández explained that when Exodus 19 speaks of Israel being taken out of Egypt under the eagle’s wings, they physically walked to the promised land. The Israelites did not just fly there; and they did experience hard times on their journey. So in Revelation 12, when it says we will be given two great wings like an eagle, we may be like ancient Israel leaving Egypt. 

Once he had made us aware of the coming difficulties, Mr. Hernández urged us to practice the principles from Daniel 3 daily! We must pray daily that we are counted worthy and remain diligent, not even flirting with the idea of sin. We have a tremendous future, but we must first accept the tests we will go through. The time is coming, and we will be there if we diligently follow His commandments. We will be there to hear the blowing of the 7th trumpet and rise to meet Christ in the sky! We were very appreciative of this heartfelt reminder and are joyfully taking the principles from Daniel and striving to put them into practice! 

Who was Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong?

For this week’s forum, Mr. Gerald Weston showed the students a video summary of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, showing how God used him to lead the church for many years. Mr. Weston introduced the video to the students and explained the importance of understanding church history, especially as none were alive when Mr. Armstrong led the Worldwide Church of God. 

Brief Timeline of Involvement with the Church and Work

1892 – Mr. Armstrong was born in Des Moines, Iowa

1928 – HWA gives his first sermon.

1931- HWA is ordained a minister.

1933 – He presented his first 15-minute on-air radio program in Oregon. The radio station needed a time slot filled with a religious program on Sundays and allowed Mr. Armstrong to do so free of charge. This was the beginning of the Radio Church of God.

1934- The Plain Truth magazine begins.

1937- The Radio Church audience grew; nearly 100,000 listeners reached the 1,000-watt station KRSC.

1944 – The radio program broadcast throughout all of English-speaking North America.

1946- The radio broadcast starts 6 nights a week

1953 – Mr. Armstrong joined Radio Luxembourg and began broadcasting The World Tomorrow to Europe

1955 – 1st Tomorrow’s World TV program broadcasted.

1970 – King Leopold III of Belgium gave Mr. Armstrong one of four watches made for those who contribute to world peace.

1979 – August 16: Mr. Armstrong was an unofficial Ambassador for World Peace.

1985- The book “Mystery of the Ages” was given to members at FOT.

1986 – Mr. Armstrong died.

The Work

Mr. Armstrong lived a long life and realized that while technology such as radio and television were changing the world; the world’s evil ways of thought were not. Led by the inspired word of God, he saw it as the commission of the Church to preach the gospel to the whole world. This commission follows such scriptures as Mark 16:15 and Matthew 24:3. Matthew 24:14 states, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” As Mr. Armstrong met world leaders, he shared the same message with them without trying to convert them to his religion. He explained the reasons for the state of the world, why we don’t have world peace, and how world peace can one day be achieved. Mr. Armstrong did not speak to world leaders to save or convert but to use that good relationship with them to preach the gospel message. Finally, he acknowledged that one of the biggest misconceptions is that everyone needs to be saved now or be eternally punished. God is not calling everyone now but will give them a chance to know the truth in the Millennium and experience true peace.

Final Thoughts

God used Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong to help preach the Gospel message to the world. Mr. Armstrong took this commission seriously, as is shown by his life. Mr. Weston concluded the forum by challenging the students (and the younger generation) to remember this and have the same dedication in this Laodicean era. Through this presentation, the students gained a new appreciation for Church history and how God built up his church. For this week’s forum, Mr. Gerald Weston showed the students a video summary of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, showing how God used him to lead the church for many years. Mr. Weston introduced the video to the students and explained the importance of understanding church history, especially as none were alive when Mr. Armstrong led the Worldwide Church of God. 

“How Are You?”

 Mr. Paul Kearns, an area pastor for over a decade in New Zealand, presented the forum this past Thursday.

Mr. Kearns began by asking us, “How are you?” He clarified that this is often a polite greeting, where the person posing the question does not expect or even want a heartfelt reply. The point of the forum was to encourage us to be more aware of how those around us are doing and to take the time to care for our fellow man. 

Mr. Kearns expressed that human nature is carnally self-centered, yet we can use God’s Holy Spirit to help us care for others. We find in Second Timothy that men will be lovers of themselves during the end times. Self-love and a focus on the self are rising, which is why we, as Ambassadors for Christ, need to put off the carnal spirit of man and grow in the Holy Spirit. 

With the rise of various technologies such as Facebook and Instagram, people can converse in a shallower way today. We are losing our connection with people and focusing more on ourselves as a society. Since we are inherently carnal creatures, it comes as a surprise that the decreased connection with others has resulted in astronomically higher levels of depression. As a societal whole, we crave the likes and approval from others through the screen and are caught up in receiving it. A simple solution to this is to follow in Christ’s shoes, honestly care for the other person, and put the mind off of oneself. When we feed our carnal desire to dwell on ourselves, we are hindering ourselves and others. We need to put the focus off the self and more on our brothers and sisters. 

Mr. Kearns guided us to 3 John, which shows that letters were a nice tool at the time, but there is still a time when face-to-face communication is necessary. This can be compared today to a quick text. Texting does have a purpose, yet Mr. Kearns pointed out how much more intimate a phone call is. He took it another step further and said that if at all possible, we should be going out and visiting local brethren and others in person.

As he closed, Mr. Kearns left us with three keys to grow in caring:

  • Know others by name
  • Talk less and listen more
  • We show we care through action 

“Asking how people are is not the end goal, but the starting point.”

We left the forum excited and eager to show our care for others. Before going to lunch, we all asked each other, “How are you?”

Red Heifer

Mr. Nathan began his forum by pointing to current events in the Middle East, such as the Israeli-Hamas war. Despite all the coverage of these events by Western Media, some issues are still not examined, and this is what Mr. Nathan presented to the Living Education students: Hamas claims that Israel has red heifers, and this justifies the attack on the nation. To understand the importance of this claim and to be aware of the news, Mr. Nathan explained the topic of the red heifer.

The Requirements:

There are several requirements for a red heifer, some of which are stated in the Bible and others that the Jews set.

  • Must be 2 years old and weaned
  • It must be red all over, with only a certain number of white hairs allowed
  • Not blemished (Numbers 19:2)
  • Female

The Sacrifice:

The Bible states how the red heifer was to be sacrificed historically, which is the basis for how it will sacrificed in the future. First, the sacrifice had to occur outside of the camp at Jerusalem, as stated in Numbers 19:3. This means that any current attempts made to sacrifice on the Temple Mount do not count because the sacrifice has to occur outside the camp. The ashes from the burnt sacrifice of the heifer were kept outside of the camp and stored for use in water for the purification from sin (Num 19:9). To serve in the Tabernacle, the Levites were required to cleanse themselves with this water of purification (Num 8:5-7). 

History of Sacrifice of the Red Heifer:

Over the last 30 years, a renewed effort has been made to find a red heifer that meets the requirements and start sacrifices. In September 2022, five red heifers were shipped to Israel from Texas; two turned out to be ineligible, but three remain. As of 2024, they were eligible to be sacrificed. However, this does not mean that sacrifices will start immediately. From the time of Moses in the 15th century BC until the temple was destroyed in 70 AD, nine heifers were sacrificed. According to the Jewish Rabbi, Maimonides, the 10th would signal the return of the Messiah. The Temple Institute in Jerusalem keeps heifers for possible sacrifice at Shiloh. At the same time, a replica of the Temple and its instruments is made to understand how the sacrifice should be conducted. It is important to note that once the heifer is sacrificed, the ashes from the sacrifice can be kept for purification purposes for an extended period. This means that even if the heifers are sacrificed, there is an unknown length of time until the sacrifices begin again in Jerusalem. 

Christ’s Sacrifice:

Just like the heifer, Jesus Christ was a sacrifice without blemish (without sin), as Hebrews 9:12 states. Christ was also crucified outside of the gates of Jerusalem,m just as the red heifer must be sacrificed. Christ’s sacrifice is the perfect replacement for the blood of the red heifer commanded for Israel and redemption from our sins.  As the sacrifice of the red heifer was a physical way to be cleansed from sin, those who have received the Spirit are spiritually cleansed and purified (1 Peter 1:22).


The start of the sacrifice of the red heifer is essential to be aware of because it signals end-time events. The sacrifices of the red heifer must start again so that they can be stopped and replaced with the ‘abomination of desolation’ (Daniel 9:27, Daniel 11:31, Matt 24:15-22), which will signal the end time ‘great tribulation’ that precedes the return of Jesus Christ.

Final Thoughts:

Mr. Nathan ended his forum by reminding the students to become wise and understand the world scene. He encouraged them to be aware of how events worldwide, especially in the Middle East, play into end-time prophecy and to realize how Western Media portrays them.

Being The Managing Editor

In a recent forum, the students heard from Mr. Robinson, the managing editor for the Living Church of God. As managing editor, he is involved in the design and layout of Tomorrow’s World and Living Church News and nearly all of the church’s written and printed content. When God works in our life, He gives us the experiences we need to shape us for later in life. In his current job, Mr. Robinson employs design principles that are a key factor in increasing comprehension for the readers of Church literature.

Experiences Matter

Mr. Robinson stated that God gave him the perfect life experiences to bring him to where he is today. Despite only attending Ambassador College for one year and never finishing his degree, he had already learned the printing trade and used this knowledge to find a job in the field. He was at the right time to witness the technology boom in the print industry. At one of his first jobs, Mr. Robinson typeset business cards. After that, he landed a job at a high-end design agency, where he wondered why he was there since he had never been interested in design. Mr. Robinson worked at a print shop for 12 years before being hired by the Church.

We might have experiences in life that don’t make sense now, or we may be in situations that cause us to wonder, however, Mr. Robinson reminded us of Romans 8:28: 

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

God places us in situations that prepare us for what we will later do. He has a master plan for us, and we must remember that He has a perfect end goal. We shouldn’t be discouraged, even if we are in a difficult situation that leaves us wondering why.

After 20 years of publishing experience, Mr. Robinson was offered a job as the Managing Editor of the Living Church of God. His experiences working in print shops and design suddenly became useful; one of his first projects was redesigning Tomorrow’s World Magazine. Today, design is very relevant to his job. 

The Purpose of Design:

The design organizes and clarifies information to be intelligible to the reader; and conveys the essentials to them.

Principles of Design for a Managing Editor

  1. Structure of elements for a design and create a clear order of visual dominance between elements
  2. The font used and how the text is displayed matters
  3. Selection of color for printing and color theory
  4. Image & Cover Selection

Mr. Robinson provided an insightful forum into how he came to his job as Managing Editor of the Living Church of God and the importance of design. When we are left wondering why we are given a certain experience, we need to have faith that God has a master plan for us and there is a reason. 

Here I Am

Mr. Phil Sena began his forum on willingness by stating that a person’s level of willingness reveals their heart. He went on to give several examples of individuals who displayed willing attitudes in the Bible and the different qualities they had.


When God called Abraham’s name, Abraham responded, “Here I am,” This indicates that Abraham trusted God because before Abraham even knew what God was about to ask of him, he was willing to follow God. Mr. Sena revealed this quality about Abraham: his willingness to build a relationship with God over time. He then was willing to follow through on what God had asked of him. Genesis 22 records three instances of Abraham’s willingness to trust God, where he replies, “Here I am.” Hebrews 11:17- 19 further describes this characteristic of Abraham.


Exodus 3:1-4 describes Moses’ encounter with God, calling him from a burning bush, showing that God can make His will known unexpectedly. When God called Moses from the midst of the burning bush, he responded, “Here I am.” Moses was willing to follow God even in this unexpected situation. In the same way, there may be unexpected opportunities to serve in a congregation, and we should be willing to help, which can happen at different times in a person’s life, before and after baptism. 


A willingness to follow God is not limited to older people; young people can demonstrate a desire to obey God. God called Samuel when he was young; age did not exempt him from responding. Proverbs 4:1-7 directs young people to get wisdom and be willing to follow God. 


Mr. Sena used the example of Ananias in Acts to show that willingness does not require ordination. Ananias is mentioned simply as a disciple of Christ (Acts 9:10). 

Christ asked Ananias to go to the house of Saul, who persecuted the saints and gave him sight; Ananias willingly followed through on this request even though he was not ordained.

What if we lack motivation or willingness?
There are two steps we can use to combat a lack of motivation. 

  1. As Philippians 2:12-13 shows, we can ask God for willingness to do His good pleasure. We can go to God to help us “work out” our own salvation and desire to change and become more like Jesus Christ. 
  1. If sin is holding us back, Isaiah  58:6 tells us to fast. Verses 9 and 10 state the result of this fast of repentance: “Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; You shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’” This fast of repentance from sin will lead to a willing attitude, and we can start this process anytime.

Final Thoughts

This forum used the examples of several individuals in the Bible to highlight different qualities of willingness. We must seek God and repent of our sins to gain gusto because this is essential to respond to God’s call. Are you willing?

The Moon, Mars, and Beyond–God’s Awesome Universe: A scale we cannot yet fathom

This past Thursday, we had an out-of-this-world forum! Dr. Roedolph Opperman has a Ph.D. in Aerospace engineering and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. He is a lead systems engineer at a space transportation company, Momentus. Dr. Roedolph Opperman presented to us a subject that he holds very near and dear.

Dr. Opperman reminded us of the moon landing more than 50 years ago. He said that NASA aims to send man back to the moon as soon as 2025, hoping to establish a base at the south lunar pole. 

Dr. Opperman described the history of our search for habitation on Mars. He explained that to this date, there have been five successful U.S. rovers sent to Mars. They began in 1997 with Sojourner, which was supposed to last only one week on the planet but lasted nearly 90 days! 2003, twin rovers launched Spirit and Opportunity, which were supposed to last 90 days. Ultimately, Spirit lasted over 6 years, and Opportunity lasted over 14 years! In 2011, the Curiosity Rover was sent up to Mars, followed most recently by the Perseverance Rover in 2021, on which Dr. Opperman himself had worked.  

Each of these rovers has been a fantastic mechanical achievement for man. Perseverance is the first of the rovers to have video footage of it landing on Mars, and it was sent with a small helicopter drone to assist the rover after successfully landing on the red planet. This was a test to see how this idea would work out, intending to complete just a few flights. However, it was able to fly over 10 miles and complete dozens more flights than expected. 

To get a machine that works on another planet requires a lot of extreme testing. This testing has to be completed here on Earth because, at this time, it is not feasible to send someone to do maintenance on it once it is out of orbit. This is where Dr. Opperman came into the equation with him and his team testing the rover long before it was even sent out to Mars. Remarkably, they must ensure no bacteria on the rover when testing it to reduce the likelihood that future missions to Mars will come across proof” of life that simply came from Earth. 

He discussed the advancements coming from Elon Musk’s company, Space X. Their most recent rocket has a size and weight capacity that can take 100 people into space; compare that to the previous space shuttle that was only suited to take 7. This is important for the people it can take into orbit and the equipment that can be taken up because of the increased weight and storage capacity. This will reduce the cost it takes to take things to space. What may be an even more remarkable achievement is the ability to reuse their rockets and the booster stage with the propellants. This has been achieved by using a chopstick method to catch the base while it is still in the air, returning to the launch pad after take-off. This will save an immense amount of money trying to recover the materials from the ocean after the landing or build a new rocket from scratch, which was historically the case. Before Mr. Musk achieved this feat, they would crash land in the ocean where the salt water would damage components, rendering them unsalvageable or burn up in the atmosphere. With this technique of catching them, all that needs to be done is a simple refilling before they can be used again.

Dr. Opperman shifted to how even while man is making these advancements, we are still so far, not even a distant speck, in comparison to God’s glorious power. It says in Psalm 147 that God determines the number of the stars and knows them all by name. He explained that there are estimated to be at least 100 billion trillion stars in the seeable universe. This does not even take into account what we have not discovered yet! God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 22, saying He will make his descendants the stars of heaven. As the sand of the seashore, it is even more remarkable the more we learn about how vast the universe is. 

Dr. Opperman suggested a slideshow on a Sabbath evening to look at and admire some of the Hubble or James Webb telescope pictures of God’s wonderful creation of galaxies and the universe. This can help remind us of the power that our Creator has and the beauty that He provides us. We are so grateful for Dr. Opperman’s presentation and are excited by the advancements being made. Yet, we are still sober in our understanding that we can only do so much with our current physical and sensual bodies. While not now, the stars are calling, and we must go.

Thailand and the Church of God

Author: Katelyn Wissinger| Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2024-25

Did you know that Living Education runs a Thailand program?

Since 1957, the Church of God has been involved in Thailand, preaching the Gospel, and also opening through doors that focus on educational activities. The current director of Living Education, Mr Jonathan McNair, spent 7 years in Thailand, beginning in 1984, both teaching in the classroom and overseeing the Ambassador Foundation activities. He presented a forum to the Living Education students on the Thailand educational program, first delving into its history and then explaining how the program works now. 

A Brief History:

1957- The World Tomorrow begins broadcasting from Radio Bangkok in Thailand

1968- Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong (HWA) meets King Leopold III of Belgium, who makes it possible for him to meet Thailand’s head of state

1971- HWA visits Thailand and meets King Bhumibol

1972- Sawasdi Yingyuad was hired as a Thai instructor at AC in Pasadena, California

1973- HWA meets Thailand’s Prime Minister Kittachakorn and gives a presentation in Bangkok

1974- Two AC students participate in an exchange program with Chiang Mai University

1975- HWA starts the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation to conduct cultural, humanitarian, charitable, and educational activities of the Church and AC

1976- HWA makes two visits with Prime Minister Seni Pramoj of Thailand

1979- Thailand’s Supreme Patriarch Ariawongsagatayan visits Ambassador College (AC) and asks Dr. Hoeh for help with refugees in the country. HWA approves the Ambassador College Educational Program in Thailand (A.C.E.P.T.) in connection with Wat Thai Los Angeles

1980- First A.C.E.P.T. group goes to Thailand- Chiang Kong

1982- HWA speaks to over 200 World Tomorrow magazine subscribers in Bangkok; HWA hosts the Supreme Patriarch at AC

1983- Two AC students are sent to Djittabhawan to teach English to monks

1984- One student continues teaching English in Djitta, Pawan, and two AC students start teaching at Wat Sakret/Wat Mahathat

1985- Two AC students start teaching at Chitralada Palace, Thailand, and three students begin to teach at Sathitchula; Thailand’s Queen Siriket visits AC

The Present:

Two years ago, Living Education began to work with our local church leaders to send student volunteers to teach English in Thailand. They served as assistant teachers in an elementary school in the northern town of Maesot, under the supervision of Mr. Htoowah Laybeh, our minister in the area. As part of their two-month stay, they also experience the flavor of Thailand through field trips planned by Mr. Laybeh. 

Final Thoughts

The efforts of our volunteers who travel to Thailand to teach English continues a legacy that can goes back many decades. Through their efforts and the leadership of Mr. Htoowah Laybeh, the church is able to provide a valuable gift to Thai children and teachers, they gain experience that comes from living in a different culture, and they serve as examples of what real Christianity is all about.