
Blowing of Trumpets – A Memorial

The first fall festival is the Feast of Trumpets. Leviticus 23 instructs God’s people to celebrate “a memorial of blowing of trumpets.” What do these trumpets represent, and why should we remember them annually? This Feast pictures the start of the most momentous events in mankind’s history. We should study to understand its meaning clearly.

Course Spotlight from Feast Days: The Feast of Trumpets

Course Spotlight: The Disciples’ Prayer

Did you know since time immemorial, people have practiced the spiritual discipline of prayer in serving the true God or false gods? Prayer is a fundamental act of worship throughout the Bible.

Course Spotlight From Tools for Christian Growth: Prayer

Course Spotlight: Proselyte

Do you know what the word “Proselyte” means? Take a quick look at the definition, and a peek into our course on the Apostolic Tour if you haven’t already!


Course Spotlight: Roman Spectacle in Second Temple Jerusalem

Here’s a description of some of Herod’s building works and activities during the early church period…


Course Spotlight: Burial Box of James the Brother of Jesus

Did you know there was a discovery of a burial box that James the brother of Jesus Christ may have been buried in? In the fall of 2002 this discovery incited much scholarly debate over it’s inscription’s authenticity, which stated, “James the son of Joseph the brother of Jesus.” 

Course Spotlight From The General Epistles: (Part 1) The Letters of James and Peter

Course Spotlight: Healing

The subject of divine healing is a greatly neglected part of most people’s Christianity. It is rarely even discussed in “mainstream” churches.

Why? The primary reason for this neglect is that a very real Satan the Devil has blinded the vast majority of humanity—including most professing Christians!

Course Spotlight From The Life, Ministry, and Teachings of Jesus Christ: (Unit 2) The Galilean Ministry

Course Spotlight: The Resurrection – Lecture 5

This lesson focuses on the amazing account of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the events that unfolded that day. Watch the lecture by Dr. Roderick C. Meredith covering the burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Course Spotlight From The Life, Ministry, and Teachings of Jesus Christ: (Unit 4) Passover to the Resurrection

Course Spotlight: “Foot Washing”, by Dexter Wakefield

When we perform the foot washing ceremony, there are two things that we need to be very aware of as we perform them. We wash, and we are washed. And both have important meanings—so important, in fact, that God has us act out these meanings as a constant, annual reminder.

Course Spotlight From God’s Feast Days: Passover

Course Spotlight: Passover – Easter Comparison by Mike Desimone

Many people think of Passover as a Jewish holiday and Easter as a Christian holiday. But are they right? Take a look at a helpful comparison of Passover and Easter by Mike Desimone!

Course Spotlight From God’s Feast Days: Passover

Course Spotlight: Two Types of Bread

There are two types of bread, leavened and those that are not. What can we learn from looking into these two different types? Take a look at the words used for these types in the Bible and consider learning more about the use of “bread” in the Bible by studying the articles linked.

COURSE SPOTLIGHT FROM  The Life, Teachings, and Ministry of Jesus Christ: (Unit 3) The Judean Ministry