In some of our courses, we have a “Student Thoughts” section where we ask a question to see what the students think. In Unit 4 of the Life Ministry and Teachings of Jesus Christ course, we asked the question: Christ instituted the foot-washing service as part of Passover to teach us about true humility. What are some ways we can genuinely serve others with Godly humility?
Here are some of the responses:
“God has given each of us unique talents and gifts, and as we go through life we also develop various skills. As our abilities become refined, pride can find a foothold and our focus can turn inward. But, rather than using gifts and skills to aggrandize the self, if we keep our focus on the needs of others then we can use our talents to uplift and bring joy, comfort, and love to those around us.” – TF
“We can serve others in whatever need they may have. If we see a need we should fill it. We can pray for and visit the sick, comfort those who are grieving, offer food or clothing if needed and we can open our home in hospitality for fellowship. If we look around at our brethren in our congregations, we will see there are many we can serve.” – JS
“God’s people should be willing and ready to serve whenever and wherever there is a need if they are able. There are many elderly among us who may need a ride to Sabbath service because they no longer drive, or help with yard work, or picking up groceries or something that would make life just a little easier for them. Other ways we can serve is by sending cards to those who are ill, or calling them during the week to check on them, or even visiting them to sit and chat for a while. These may seem like small deeds but they are big to those who need and receive such acts of kindness. Jesus Christ said that He came not to be served but to serve (Matt. 20:28). Christ desired to serve and so should we, with the same humility and love.” -MSJ