Prophecies Fulfilled Through Christ’s Crucifixion
Take the Passover lesson here
Take the Passover lesson here
Take some time to review the Church eras of both the Old and New Testaments, and learn more about how they compare with each other!
Course Spotlight from God’s Feast Day’s: Pentecost
On the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost), seven weeks after the first omer of the harvest had been presented to God, two loaves of bread were to be offered to Him (Leviticus 23:16–17). These two loaves were different from normal meal offerings in that they were leavened. What did these two different grain offerings symbolize? Why were the two loaves at the end to be leavened, and why were there two loaves offered on Pentecost?
Course Spotlight from God’s Feast Days: Pentecost
Scripture reveals that God established His covenant because of hesed, a Hebrew word that could be rendered into English as “covenant love.” Hesed is more than just a general type of fondness. Learn more about what it meant for the Old and New Covenants here!
Course Spotlight from God’s Feast Days: Pentecost
During the year of the Exodus, the approximately seven weeks between Passover and Pentecost were marked by a journey, as the Israelites moved toward the mountain of God and entered into a covenant with their Creator. What lessons can we learn from this period of time?
Course Spotlight from God’s Feast Days: Pentecost
What are “firstfruits”? Do they have spiritual significance in God’s plan? In order to understand the concept of “firstfruits,” we need to understand the physical harvest pattern in ancient Israel.
Course Spotlight from God’s Feast Days: Pentecost
What was the significance of the first Pentecost, and when was it observed by the ancient Israelites? Find out in this excerpt from our Bible Study Course!
Course Spotlight from God’s Feast Days: Pentecost
Recently, we observed the Passover, and millions of other people observed Easter. Does it matter which festivals you observe? The answer may surprise you!
Course Spotlight from God’s Feast Days: Passover
This excerpt outlines important lessons we can learn from the very first Passover!
Course Spotlight from God’s Feast Days: Passover
Examine this excerpt to learn more about the ancient observances of Passover following Israel’s escape from Egypt!
Course Spotlight from God’s Feast Days: Passover