
Announcing! Fall Holy Days Art Contest Winners – 2019

Group 1 | Ages 12 & Under

WINNER: Jude Hunter – Albany, NY

Artist’s Description: It is a free-hand rendition of a lion and a lamb. The picture was colored in colored pencil. I drew it with a 0.7 graphite pencil.

Artist Bio: I was born on August 9, 2008. I have seven siblings. I like to draw and play with Legos. I have brown hair and green-grey eyes.

Honorable Mention:

Jonathan Wilson – Indianapolis, IN

Artist’s Description: This shows the nations coming up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem as described in Zechariah 14:16. There are many people coming up the road to the city.

Artist Bio: I was born in Zionsville, IN. I like Legos, cyclocross, and animals. My favorite Feast site was Costa Rica where I saw monkeys, parrots, and coatis.

Gabriella White – Lafayette, LA

Artist’s Description: The time of the millennial Feast of Trumpets. When I close my eyes this is what I see. Its the time after Christ returns when a trumpet (mom says Shofar) is blown, signifying the start of the Feast of Trumpets in the Kingdom. (Mom helped me choose my colors right for the sunset and water.)

Artist Bio: Gabriella (Ella) is 7 years old. She attends the congregation in Lafayette, LA. She is an artist at heart! Drawing and coloring are some of her favorite past times. Ella seemly edifies MOST of the fruits of the spirit at her young age. She wants to make all things beautiful. She brings flowers from nature in the home constantly. She is a blessing in her family.

Zhania Susi – Melbourne

Artist’s Description: This is an artwork of the millennium. I took inspiration from the bible hymn “It Won’t Be Long Now” as it describes how the world will be at peace.

Artist Bio: Hi, my name is Zhania. I am eleven years old and I am in grade six. My hobbies include, calligraphy, drawing and painting.

GROUP 2 | AGES 13 – 20

WINNER: Hannah Wolford – Bristol, VA

Artist’s Description: My submission depicts what the front page of a newspaper might look like in the Kingdom. The headlines describe some of the events taking place when the world tomorrow becomes the world today!

Artist Bio: I love being creative, and graduated this past spring with an Associates degree specializing in Art. I hope to one day become a professional artist.

Honorable Mention:

Chevy Dela Cruz – Quezon City

Artist’s Description: Inspired by the hymn “It won’t be long now” portraying the wolf, lamb, leopard, kid, lion, bear, and a child dwelling peacefully together.

Artist Bio: Watercolor and graphite are my usual mediums. I am a self-taught artist who does commissioned portrait artworks to earn money for school, savings and offerings. I love art of all kinds and I wish to improve myself with what I do to serve the brethren and to deliver God’s words with it.

Lexi Mitchell – Plainview, NY

Artist’s Description: My picture shows a girl during services at the feast, listening to the song ‘It Wont Be Long Now’ being sung, and imagining the scenarios of the Kingdom mentioned in the chorus.

Artist Bio: My name is Lexi Mitchell and I’m 14 years old. If I had to choose an activity to do it probably would be reading a good book, but drawing is cool too.

GROUP 3 | AGES 21+

WINNER: Diego Villafaña – Santiago, Chile

Artist’s Description: Tiempos vendrán, en donde la maldad se apartará del mundo y el bienestar se apoderará de la tierra. Esta ilustración representa al Milenio, un período de tiempo en donde Cristo gobernará a la Tierra y la sumirá en paz, felicidad y gozo abundantes para cada ser viviente. TRANSLATION: The time will come when evil will depart from the world and justice will take over the earth. This illustration represents the Millennium, a period in which Christ will rule the earth and there will be an abundant peace, happiness, and joy for every living being.

Artist Bio: Nací en Viña del Mar, Chile, el 19 de Noviembre de 1997. Desde pequeño he disfrutado del dibujo y la pintura, y los he practicado en mis tiempos libres durante toda mi juventud hasta el día de hoy. El titularme como Técnico en Animación Digital me ha permitido aplicar estos conocimientos de una manera mucho más profesional y estilizada, principalmente desde el área digital. Hoy en día realizo ilustraciones personalizadas para los sermones locales de la congregación de Santiago, Chile, en la Iglesia del Dios Viviente. TRANSLATION: I was born on November 19, 1997 in Viña del Mar, Chile. I have enjoyed drawing and painting since I was a child, and have practiced it in my spare time throughout my youth until this day. Having a college degree on Digital Animation Technology has allowed me to apply this knowledge in a much more professional and stylized way, mainly from the digital area. I currently serve in the congregation of Santiago, Chile, making the illustrations for sermons CD and DVD covers.

Honorable Mention:

Jaclyn Stiffler – Little Rock, AR

Artist’s Description: Lion and Lamb Pen and Ink on Paper. A traditional scene of a lion sweetly nudging a little lamb, free from fear, totally at peace.

Artist Bio: As a child I always enjoyed drawing and creating art, so it only seemed natural I’d pursue this passion into adulthood. I graduated in 2001 with a degree in fine art and continue to freelance today. My family has always been a source of encouragement, support and now with the addition of two adorable nephews and a beautiful niece…inspiration! I’m so thankful to God for a world of color and beauty, and especially thankful for the gifts and abilities to take what I see and put it on paper!

Brandon Fall – SeaTac, WA

Artist’s Description: I had fun thinking of how a toddler might interact with a great big bear in the Millennium: pulling on the bears cheeks, jumping on the bears back and hanging onto his ear, and of course, snuggling. 🙂

Artist Bio: Brandon Fall serves as the pastor in the Pacific Northwest. Before coming into the ministry, he had the opportunity to work in the illustration and graphic design field. Occasionally he draws pictures for his four children.

Louis Crespo – Charlotte, NC

Artist’s Description: Pastoral setting during the Millennium. This is one in a series of 3 pastoral millennium settings that I completed digitally.

Artist Bio: I studied human anatomy and figure drawing at the Arts Student’s League in New York. I also studied Acrylic and watercolor Landscape Painting in Suffolk College, Long Island. Took a course in Graphic Design and have taken drawing courses at various levels of my life. My hobby is to create illustrations plus various other endeavors. Lately, I am drawn to do digital artwork in Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 10.5.

Jose Zamora – Mississauga, Ontario

Artist’s Description: Related to Feast of Trumpets: “It pictures the massive intervention of God in human affairs- climaxing in the Second Coming of Christ as King of kings.”

Artist Bio: I am a Filipino, self-taught artist who enjoys oil and acrylic paintings and sculptures. I am a former Architectural designer in my hometown.

A Special Thank You

to our panel of judges and all the artists who submitted their work! The beautiful pieces you see displayed here are a testament to their God-given talents, hard work, and dedication to God’s work.

Coloring pages now available with Part 4 of our Fall Festival’s Lessons!

Stay tuned for our upcoming artwork gallery, featuring the submissions from other artists.

Artwork from this contest will be featured in our upcoming Special Edition-Fall Holy Days Children’s Lessons Packet.

Want to participate? Be looking ahead for upcoming Living Education contests for artists on our Updates blog!

All images displayed in this post were submitted by private artists who have granted all rights and permissions of use to Living Education for the purpose of education, and/or promotional publication, in accordance with the Fall Holy Days Art Contest Rules and Guidelines. All rights reserved.

Concours Artistique pour les Jours Saints de cet automne!

Conditions et règlement officiel du concours

Avez-vous jamais rêvé d’illustrer un livre ? Vous aimez créer des bandes dessinées ? Est-ce que l’aquarelle est votre passion ? Avez-vous de l’expérience dans le domaine de la création d’images vectorielles sur tablette, ou est-ce que les bons vieux crayon de bois et papier sont plutôt votre style ?

Nous recherchons des artistes de tous âges dont les œuvres pourraient être mises en vedette dans notre édition spéciale des leçons pour les enfants des Jours saints d’automne.


Les Jours saints d’automne : Quand vous pensez aux Fêtes divines d’automne, quelle image vous vient à l’esprit ? Pensez-vous à un Israélite faisant sonner une scintillante trompette en argent devant le tabernacle ? Ou aux deux boucs le Jour des Expiations ? Ou bien imaginez-vous le lion et l’agneau pour représenter le Millénium ? Quoi qu’il en soit, préparez-vous à mettre votre créativité à profit !

Soumettez vos œuvres artistiques traitant de la Fête des Trompettes, du Jour des Expiations, de la Fête des Tabernacles et du Dernier Grand Jour. Ces œuvres peuvent représenter des symboles, des traditions religieuses, des personnages ou des scènes bibliques se rapportant aux Jours saints d’automne. Nous sommes particulièrement intéressés par tout travail de type « bande dessinée », bien que nous acceptions tout style pouvant être utilisé dans notre édition spéciale des leçons à l’attention des enfants : « Les fêtes divines automnales : Un guide d’étude pour les parents qui enseignent à leurs enfants la voie divine. »

Quel genre d’art recherchons-nous ?


Les œuvres artistiques soumises peuvent être soumises sur tout support 2D (ex. crayon à papier, encre, crayons de couleur, fusain, pastel, aquarelle, gouache ou acrylique) et réalisées sur tout support traditionnel ou électronique sont acceptées. N’oubliez pas que nous sommes à la recherche d’œuvres soignées et prêtes à être utilisées dans nos diverses publications.

Les œuvres doivent être de la plus haute qualité possible (c.-à-d. non froissées, exemptes de taches, de traces de gommage, etc.) Le cas échéant, définissez les paramètres du scanner, de l’exportation ou de l’appareil photo pour soumettre des images de haute qualité.

Qui peut y participer ?

Tous les artistes, quel que soit leur âge, sont invités à soumettre leur meilleure oeuvre qui sera répartie selon trois catégories en fonction des groupes d’âge  ci-dessous :

Groupe 1  | – de 12 ans 

Groupe 2  | 13 à 20 ans

Groupe 3  | 21 à 121 ans

Ouverture du concours & date limite

Ouverture du concours : 15 août 2019

Date limite de participation : 20 septembre 2019

Résultats affichés : 27 septembre 2019

Comment y participer

Toutes les inscriptions doivent être transmises via notre formulaire d’inscription en ligne pour le concours artistique des Jours saints de la saison automnale, qui sera tenu à la disposition des artistes à partir du 15 août. Chacun des participants doit communiquer son nom, son âge, une adresse courriel valide, sa congrégation, quelques phrases à son sujet ainsi qu’une courte description de son œuvre artistique au moment de l’inscription. Tous les artistes relevant du premier groupe doivent avoir l’approbation parentale pour y participer. Si vous n’avez pas accès à Internet ou si vous n’avez pas les moyens de créer des copies électroniques de vos œuvres d’art, n’hésitez pas à demander l’aide d’un membre dans votre congrégation locale.

Règlement officiel

1. Aucune œuvre artistique ne doit reproduire des images représentant Dieu, Jésus-Christ ou des créatures célestes.

2. Œuvre originale seulement – pas de plagiat ni de matériel protégé par des droits d’auteur.

3. Les réalisations doivent pouvoir être regardées par des enfants de moins de 12 ans.

4. L’Éducation Living se réserve le droit de rejeter les œuvres inappropriées.

5. Les artistes doivent soumettre leurs œuvres sous leur propre nom selon la catégorie d’âge appropriée.

6. Les artistes peuvent soumettre jusqu’à deux œuvres artistiques par personne. 

Avis de non-responsabilité :

La sélection d’une œuvre artistique pour le concours de l’Éducation Living sur les Fêtes divines automnales transfère à l’Éducation Living le droit d’utiliser et de modifier l’œuvre artistique à des fins éducatives et/ou de publication promotionnelle. L’Éducation Living s’engage à ce que les œuvres artistiques sélectionnées ne soient pas utilisées à des fins mercantiles.


Les meilleures sélections de chacune des catégories seront insérées dans nos leçons hebdomadaires pour les enfants ou dans notre Édition spéciale – Fêtes d’automne de Dieu**. Elles seront affichées sur le blog « Actualisations » de notre site Web avec une courte biographie de l’artiste avec une description de l’œuvre artistique. Les artistes recevront un crédit de nom pour toute œuvre artistique utilisée dans nos publications. De plus, les gagnants de chaque groupe d’âge recevront un petit prix parmi nos souvenirs de l’Éducation Living.

Les œuvres artistiques recevant une mention honorable seront affichées sur le blog « Actualisations » de notre site Web ainsi qu’une courte biographie de l’artiste avec une description de l’œuvre artistique.

* Si votre œuvre artistique est sélectionnée, vous recevrez une notification par courriel. 

** Il pourrait y avoir des occasions spéciales pour des artistes exceptionnels de se joindre à notre équipe d’illustration pour le programme biblique des enfants de l’Éducation Living, pouvant impliquer de nombreux autres types de projets et d’initiatives en tout genre.

Pour de plus amples renseignements concernant les détails de ce concours, ou d’autres questions, veuillez contacter : Rebekah Ross | Living Education – Children’s Bible Program Staff [email protected] 704-708-2295 

Fall Holy Days Art Contest!

Contest Guidelines and Official Rules

Have you ever dreamed of illustrating a book? Do you love drawing cartoons? Is watercolor your middle name? Do you have experience creating vector images on a tablet, or is good old graphite and paper more your style? 

We are looking for artists of all ages whose work could be featured in our Special Edition Children’s lessons for the Fall Holy Days. 

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The Fall Holy Days: When you think of God’s Fall Festivals, what picture pops into your head? Do you think of an Israelite playing a shiny silver trumpet in front of the tabernacle? Or what about the two goats on the Day of Atonement? Or perhaps you imagine the lion and the lamb to represent the Millenium? Whatever it may be, get ready to put your creativity to good use! 

Submit your artwork relating to the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day. Artwork can depict symbols, church traditions, characters, or Biblical scenes relating to these Fall holy days. We are especially interested in cartoon-style work, although we will accept any style acceptable to be used with our Special Edition Children’s lessons publication, “God’s Fall Festivals: A Study Guide for Parents Teaching their Children God’s Way”.

What kind of artwork are we looking for?


Submitted artwork can be prepared in any 2-D medium (e.g. graphite, ink, colored pencils, charcoal, pastels, watercolor, paint,). Artwork done in either traditional or electronic medium will be accepted. Keep in mind that we are looking for artwork that is neat, and ready to use in our various publications.

Submissions should be the highest quality you are able to provide (i.e. free of wrinkles, stains, eraser markings, etc.). If applicable, set scanner, export, or camera settings to submit high-quality images. .

Who is eligible?

Artists of any age are invited to submit their best work. Artwork will be evaluated in three categories based on three age groups.

Group 1  | 12 and under 

Group 2  | 13 – 20 yrs 

Group 3  | 21 – 121 yrs

Contest Dates/Deadlines

Contest Opens: August 15, 2019

Last day for entries: September 20, 2019

Results Posted: September 27, 2019

How to Enter

All entries must be submitted to our online Fall Holy Days Art Contest Entry Form which will be made available for artists on Aug 15. All artists must provide their name, age, a valid email address, congregation, a few sentences about themselves, and a short description of their artwork along with their submission. Artists submitting work for Group 1 will need their parents approval to enter. If you don’t have internet access or a means of creating electronic copies of your artwork, perhaps ask someone in your local congregation for assistance.

Official Rules

  1. No artwork with depicted images of God, Jesus Christ, or heavenly creatures
  2. Original work only – no plagiarism or copyrighted material 
  3. Images must be appropriate for viewing by children ages 12 and under
  4. Living Education reserves the right to reject submissions containing inappropriate content.
  5. Artists must submit their work under their own name in their appropriate age category
  6. Artists may submit up to two pieces of artwork each  


Submitting artwork for the Living Education Fall Holy Days Art Contest transfers to Living Education the right to use and modify artwork for the purpose of education, and/or promotional publication.  Living Education agrees that any submitted artwork will not be used for any purposes of financial gain. 


The top selections from each category will be used in our weekly Children’s Lessons or in our Special Edition – God’s Fall Festivals packet**. It will be displayed on our website’s “Updates” blog along with a short biography of the artist and a description of the artwork. Artists will receive name credit with any artwork used in our publications. Also, winners of each age group will receive a small prize from our Living Education memorabilia. 

Artwork which receives honorable mention will be displayed on our website’s “Updates” blog along with a short biography of the artist and a description of the artwork.

*If your artwork is selected, you will receive notification by email. 

** There may be special opportunities available for outstanding artists to join our illustration team for the Living Education Children’s Bible Program which may involve many different types of projects and initiatives.

For more information on the guidelines of this contest, or for other questions contact:

Rebekah Ross  | Living Education – Children’s Bible Program Staff

[email protected]
