Singles Movie Night
Author: Katelyn Wissinger | Student, Living Education Charlotte 2024
This past Saturday evening, the Living Education students helped coordinate a movie night for the singles in the Charlotte congregation. In the week leading up to the movie night, the LivingEd women’s and men’s RA tirelessly worked on the logistics, decorations, and snacks. The women had a blast digging out old decorations from the ladies’ dorm garage where they found signs and twinkle lights. The day before the movie night arrived; one student was making popcorn drizzled in sweet white chocolate. They tasted scrumptious! On Saturday night all of the students arrived at the meeting hall at our Headquarters facility to set up the chairs and tables for snacks. The kitchen was a hive of activity with popcorn and drinks hurriedly being made as well as the snacks being opened. The women enjoyed setting up the decorations and displaying the food for the movie night and a warm cozy atmosphere filled the meeting room. Once everyone had arrived, they settled into chairs or found a comfortable spot on the floor eager for the movie to begin. With the lights dimmed, the action started and everyone locked into the beautiful “Sound of Music!”