Do Hard Things

Can We Trust the New Testament?

By John A.T. Robinson

During the second semester, the Living Education students are taking a deep dive into the New Testament in their “Survey of the New Testament” class, which is taught by Mr. Ken Frank. They are looking at “authors, backgrounds, themes, and contents of each book”, as well as “important concepts contained in each book that relate to understanding history and the development of human knowledge” and “identifying and discussing the key points of the books that are subject to criticism.” This book is worth the read because before one is able to take what God has to say to heart, one must first prove that the New Testament is the word of God and can be trusted.


“This is more than just a masterly survey, by one of the most distinguished New Testament Scholars of the day, of the state of New Testament studies. It is, first and foremost a rigorous personal searching for a truthful answer to the question posed in the title. Robinson’s conclusion is that the New Testament can indeed be regarded still as a trustworthy guide to the words and work of Jesus the Christ. This book therefore does two things: it sorts out and places in context the various critical approaches to the New Testament which have been made within the last half century, and it makes plain, and gives reasons for, the writer’s own personal conviction, as he emerges on the other side of all this tumult, that the New Testament is still ‘The Word of Life.’”