
International Travel

On Tuesday, Mr. Dexter Wakefield was excited to share his personal experiences of traveling internationally. He hoped to convey the beauty and art of traveling around God’s creation. 

Mr. Wakefield has had only two Feast of Tabernacles in the United States for twenty-five years. These adventures started when he was asked, “What Feast site would you like to serve at?” He answered, “Anywhere they need a minister, as long as I can afford it.” Mr. Wakefield encouraged everyone to take the chance to travel internationally and gave us a few tips for our trips. 

His first tip was that you will have a lot of free time, so you should look for things to do around the area to which you travel. On a trip to Belgium, Mr. Wakefield mentioned there were Chocolatiers in every third shop, so of course, he and his wife stopped at a few of them. Going on with his list, Mr. Wakefield advised researching the history of the place one is heading for and the nitty gritty. Such as driving, traffic laws, and regulations on international flights in smaller countries

Mr. Wakefield states that whatever one expects, they should expect the unexpected. You are in a foreign country and never know until you experience it yourself. He also said that no matter where he and his wife traveled for the Feast of Tabernacles, once they were with the congregation, it didn’t feel like a foreign country but felt like they were among family, being warmly welcomed by the local brethren. He informed the student of a couple of Feast sites he and his wife have been to in recent years: Kimberly, BC; Bruges, Belgium; Living Stone, Zambia; Bela Bela, SA; Bingsburgh, SA, Kendu Bay, Kenya, and Tororo, Uganda. 

Mr. Wakefield’s list continued:

  • Prepare for Jet Lag
  • Study the land’s history
  • Understand your insurance
  • Photocopy of personal information: credit cards, passport, license
  • Flashlight
  • Places of things to do around where you are staying,
  • Traffic laws and signs
  • Have local currency 
  • Stay on the main roads
  • Prepare for anything to happen

With Mr. Wakefield’s information, the LE students can better understand what to expect when traveling internationally. They left with a greater appreciation for international travel and are excited for future opportunities to apply these lessons.