
Forum Summary: Consider Your Time

Author: Ryan Price | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2021-22

Estimated Reading Time: 3 min.

At the end of the first semester of Living Education, Mr. Gerald E Weston asked the LivingEd students a question: “How did you use your time this semester?”

It seems time is always in short supply, but it is important that we consider how we use our time, for time is our life. For the final forum of the semester, Mr. Weston addressed the fleeting nature of time and challenged the students to use their time wisely.

Time is fleeting

Mr. Weston began by telling the students that there is only so much time given to us, and the older we get, the faster it seems to go by. Productive use of our time will lead us to success, while poor use of it will lead to emptiness. Paul writes in Ephesians 5:10 that we should be “finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.” Is what we’re doing acceptable to God? Or even in physical terms, acceptable in leading a successful life? It’s important that we think about life and where we’re heading because before we know it, we’ll be asking ourselves, “Where have all the years gone?”

How do we use our time?

Mr. Weston then said, “Wisdom is often simple in nature, but it’s not easy to practice.” It can be hard to manage our time wisely, especially with all the distractions the world provides. Bad habits can develop that become increasingly hard to change the longer they are practiced. Habits determine what we do in the future; our choices today affect our choices tomorrow. Most set their goal in life to have as much fun as possible. To them, a happy life is a fun life. But if we look at King Solomon’s life recorded in Ecclesiastes, we can see that fun does not lead to lasting fulfillment or happiness. 

Life is made of choices, and in Deuteronomy 30:19 we see that making the right choices lead to blessings and life, and the wrong choices lead to curses and ultimately death. Similarly, how we use our time can give us either a life of fulfillment or a life of emptiness. For instance, we can waste a few hours watching television or playing video games, but will we really feel fulfilled afterward? Even in times of leisure, Mr. Weston encouraged the students to consider what they do to relax. Do we watch TV or read a book? Do we play video games or spend time with our family and friends?

The Proverbs promote diligence and condemn laziness. In much of the western world—especially the US—we see a golden opportunity. Anyone can get ahead if they are willing to work for it and the job market has never been better. However, it takes time to find success. There is no quick and easy route to a fulfilling life.

In closing, Mr. Weston asked the students to consider how they spent their time this semester, and more importantly, what will they do with the time ahead of them? Developing good habits now, thinking about where our time goes, being circumspect, and making good choices with our time will lead to lasting success, both spiritually and physically.