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Family Picnic

Author: Hyabiel Daniel | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2023-24

On a sunny Sunday, the Charlotte congregation’s annual fall picnic took place at Cane Creek Park. The day was filled with laughter, bright smiles, and the warmth of friendship. Each family brought homemade dishes, adding to the feeling of unity at the event.

The dedicated LE students also joined in, ready for a fun-filled day and the chance to make new friends. This was a welcome break from their usual routine of studying! The picnic kicked off at 9:30 in the morning and ran until late evening. Thanks to everyone’s generosity, there was plenty of food to go around.

Lunchtime brought a wave of togetherness. Everyone shared stories over their meals, creating a comfortable and connected atmosphere.

At 13:00, when lunch ended, everyone split up to take part in different activities. Volleyball was a favorite among the crowd. The kids, full of energy, claimed the nearby playground, while some chose a peaceful walk on the beautiful nature trail.

As the sun started setting, the activities slowly wrapped up. Everyone left with joy in their hearts and stronger connections with one another. It was certainly a day that will be remembered fondly.

Hyabiel Daniel is a first-year Living Education Student. She is from London, United Kingdom, and typically attends the Seven Oaks Congregation. She enjoys studying social sciences and also loves spending time reading books, baking, and spending time with loved ones.