Firefly man in suit standing on pillars standing with back overcoat 32218

Establish Your Pillars

In his forum this past Thursday, Mr. Wallace Smith shared a significant life lesson he has learned. He expressed keys that affect us daily, whether conscious or not.

Mr. Smith began by drawing our attention to the fact that there are innate things that we believe and hold dear. These include truths and falsehoods, such as your parents loving you or attending a church service on Sunday.

According to Mr. Smith, these beliefs support a worldview that shapes how we see the world. He went on to say that it is the philosophy through which we see all the things around us, and there are subsets that we should be careful to avoid


One worldview based on naturalism is dangerous because it states that there is no free will. We should understand that this is not the case – God has created man uniquely, like no other of His marvelous creation, and gifted us with a spirit that allows us to think for ourselves. Denying this fantastic truth results in direct aversion to God’s handiwork. Mr. Smith expounded that people who resonate with this thinking are often double-minded. People like to condemn others when they do something wrong or wicked, yet according to this philosophy, no one has the free will to avoid these behaviors. 

Foundational Pillars 

After discussing the shortcomings of Natural Law, Mr. Smith emphasized his proven principle that served as a solid foundation throughout his life. He stated that we need hierarchical pillars we can use to interact with the physical, emotional, and spiritual world around us. He likened these pillars to Christ being the chief cornerstone or pillar of the church. He shared how, at times, what he held to be pillars of truth in his life have been attacked and damaged, which is why we need to establish absolute truths for our foundational pillars. Having unshakable pillars can allow us, if one of the other pillars is damaged, the time to rebuild it or even stand strong enough if proven false. Mr. Smith wanted to give us an idea of how these pillars could look, so he shared his top three, which he has formed over the years.

  1. God exists 

Hebrews 11:6, and Romans 1:20-21

  1. Jesus Christ is the Son of God

1 Corinthians 15:12-20, and John 17:3

  1. The Bible is God’s Word

John 17:17, and 2 Timothy 3:14-15

This forum brought much out for us to put into action. We are thankful for the warning not to fall into the typical thought processes people follow but to build a Godly understanding of the world around us!