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Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: NT Lesson 16 “Establishing Congregations (part 2)”

Featured Passage: Acts 18


Paul traveled all around Asia minor, visiting the brethren and spreading the gospel wherever he went. Some places where he went, the people were not very receptive to his preaching, like in the city of Athens. In other places, the people were excited to hear about the truth and the congregations grew quickly! One of those places was the city of Corinth. Paul met a couple there named Aquila and Priscilla. Aquila was a tentmaker by trade, just like Paul! Paul stayed with them for a while, for there was a lot of work to do – making tents and teaching God’s message!



  1. Who were Priscilla and Aquila? Why had they come to Corinth?
  2. On what day of the week was Paul preaching and persuading Jews and Gentiles? 
  3. What impact did Paul’s preaching have on the Corinthians in terms of baptisms? Were there any notable people baptized in Corinth?
  4. How long did Paul stay in Corinth? Where did he travel to when he left Corinth? Who traveled with him?
  5. Why did Paul stay only a short time in Ephesus? What was Paul’s purpose in going back through Antioch, Galatia, and Phrygia? Why do you think it was important for Paul to travel around to so many different places? 
  6. Who was Apollos? What did he do that attracted the attention of Aquila and Priscilla? What did Aquila and Priscilla do to help Apollos? Why was it important for Apollos to understand this doctrine?

Memory Challenge:

Acts 18:9

“Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.”