Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: NT Lesson 4 “Jesus Prepares to Teach”
Featured Passage: Luke 3-4

Jesus grew up in grace and stature with both men and God. Jesus’ step-father Joseph was a carpenter, so Jesus learned to be a carpenter too. He worked as a carpenter until He was about 30 years old. In the meantime, His cousin John was teaching people to repent of their sins and was baptizing many people in the Jordan River. John the Baptist was preparing the people for the Messiah to teach them. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, was about to start doing the job His Father sent Him to do.

- Why did John baptize people?
- What happened when Jesus was baptized?
- Why did Jesus go into the wilderness for forty days? What happened when He was there?
- Why did Jesus go to the synagogue? What did He do there?
- What did the Nazarenes try to do to Jesus? How did He escape?
- What were some miracles that Jesus did? What do you think it would have been like to live where Jesus was performing miracles?
- What message was Jesus teaching the people?

Memory Challenge:
Luke 4:43
“But He said to them, ‘I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent.’”