Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: NT Lesson 14 “The Lost Sheep”
Featured Passage: Luke 15

Wherever Jesus went, people of all kinds followed Him to hear Him speak and to see His miracles. Many of them were poor or sick, but there were others who were rich and important – they all wanted to hear what Jesus had to say. One day, a group of tax collectors and sinners came to hear Him. The Jewish leaders were upset. They didn’t want Jesus to spend time teaching those kinds of people. They thought it was a waste of time. Then Jesus told them a story – it was a parable. He was explaining why He chose to teach and help the people who mostly everyone else didn’t seem to like.

- What is a parable? (If you have a dictionary, look up the word, or you can go to online to find the meaning)
- Who does the shepherd in Jesus’ story about the lost sheep represent?
- What happens to the sheep in the parable?
- Why do you think Jesus told this parable to the Jewish leaders?
- How does God feel about all the people in the world? How does God feel when someone repents?
- What are some ways we can show love to other people? What about people who don’t understand God’s way?

Memory Challenge:
Mark 16:15-18
Luke 15:7
“I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.”