Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: NT Lesson 11 “Five Loaves and Two Fish”

Featured Passage: Luke 9, John 6


The disciples had just returned from preaching the gospel to many people, and they were excited to tell Jesus about what they had done. Jesus took them to a deserted place so that they could rest. Even so, the crowds heard where they went and came to find them. Jesus began to teach the people so they stayed to listen to Him all day as He preached the gospel of the Kingdom and healed their sick. After sitting there so long everyone started getting hungry.



  1. Why do you think Jesus wanted to feed the people? How many people were there listening to Him teach?
  2. What food did Andrew find among the people? Who brought the food to share? Was it enough to feed all the people?
  3. What did Jesus do to the food before giving it to the disciples to distribute?
  4. How many baskets of leftover food was taken up by the disciples? 
  5. What did the people want to do when they witnessed the miracle Jesus performed (John 6:14-15)? Why didn’t Jesus want this?

Memory Challenge:

John 6:35 

“And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.”

Programme biblique pour enfants : niveau 3 – NT leçon 3 “Le Fils de Dieu”

Passage étudié : Matthieu 1 à 3 ; Ésaïe 53


Les prophètes, comme Ésaïe et Jérémie, ont parlé du Messie – Celui qui viendrait et restaurerait la gloire d’Israël. Ils ont également parlé de Celui qui souffrirait et mourrait pour sauver toute l’humanité. Dès le début, Dieu a prévu de créer des êtres humains qui pourraient devenir comme Lui, et vivre dans Sa Famille pour toute l’éternité. Dieu savait, qu’à cause du péché, les gens devraient être sauvés de la peine de mort. Dieu et la Parole ont donc prévu que la Parole naîtrait en tant qu’être humain, et mourrait pour payer l’amende des péchés de toute l’humanité.


Discussion :

  1. La Parole S’est dépouillée de Sa divinité pour naître comme un simple être humain (Philippiens 2:5-11). Qu’est-ce que cela nous apprend sur Elle ?
  2. Qui trouve-t-on au début de la généalogie de Jésus-Christ, dans Matthieu ? Est-ce que tu reconnais d’autres personnages cités dans cette liste ?
  3. Compare la généalogie de Luc 3 avec celle de Matthieu. Jusqu’où remonte celle de Luc ? Pour quelles raisons ces listes sont-elles différentes ?
  4. Dieu a soigneusement choisi les parents humains de Jésus. Quels sont les traits de caractère, chez Marie et Joseph, qui ont conduit Dieu à les choisir pour cet honneur ?
  5. Qu’a dit la voix du ciel lorsque Jésus a été baptisé ?
  6. Le Christ a vécu sans commettre un seul péché durant toute Sa vie (2 Corinthiens 5:21). Aurions-nous pu avoir accès à la vie éternelle si le Christ avait péché ?

Mémorisation :

Matthieu 1 : 21

“Elle enfantera un fils, et tu lui donneras le nom de Jésus ; c’est lui qui sauvera son peuple de ses péchés.”

Programme biblique pour enfants : niveau 2 – NT leçon 3 “Naître de nouveau”

Passage étudié : Jean 3


Alors que Jésus commence Son ministère, Il devient de plus en plus populaire parmi les gens de la région. Les chefs religieux juifs, les pharisiens et les sadducéens, commencent à s’en apercevoir. Les sadducéens sont un groupe de Juifs qui ont une interprétation plus libérale de la loi ; ils ne croient ni aux anges ni à la résurrection. Quant aux pharisiens, ils sont très stricts ; ils ont ajouté leurs propres règles, et ils pensent qu’en les respectant, ils seront plus justes. Mais Jésus enseigne la loi de Dieu telle qu’elle est écrite dans les Saintes Écritures, ce qui met ces dirigeants juifs en colère. Pourtant, l’un des chefs religieux vient voir Jésus pour chercher la vérité.


Discussion :

  1. Qui est Nicodème? À ton avis, pourquoi Nicodème est-il allé voir Jésus de nuit ?
  2. Que dit Jésus à Nicodème ? Quelle est la condition pour être dans le Royaume de Dieu ? Quelle est la réponse de Nicodème ?
  3. Quel exemple Jésus utilise-t-Il pour expliquer à Nicodème ce qu’est un être spirituel ?
  4. Que dit Jésus à Nicodème sur le fait “d’aller au ciel” ?
  5. Que dit Jésus au sujet de la récompense de ceux qui croient en Lui ? Que signifie croire en Jésus, et croire qu’Il est le Fils de Dieu ?
  6. Que voulait dire Jésus lorsqu’Il dit que “Dieu a tant aimé le monde” ? Qui Dieu veut-Il que nous aimions ?

Mémorisation :

Jean 3:16

“Car Dieu a tant aimé le monde qu’il a donné son Fils unique, afin que quiconque croit en lui ne périsse point, mais qu’il ait la vie éternelle.”

Programme biblique pour enfants : niveau 1 – NT leçon 3 “Jésus et les affaires de Son Père”

Passage étudié : Luc 2


Dieu a choisi Marie et Joseph pour être les parents de Son Fils, sur la terre. Ils sont tous les deux issus de la famille du roi David, et ils obéissent aux lois divines. Ils prennent soin de Jésus quand Il est enfant, et ils L’enseignent du mieux qu’ils peuvent. Dieu guide et dirige cette famille. Et à mesure que Jésus grandit, Il commence à apprendre qui Il est, et ce qu’Il doit faire sur la terre.


Discussion :

  1. Pourquoi Jésus et Sa famille étaient-ils à Jérusalem ?
  2. Où Joseph et Marie ont-ils retrouvé Jésus, après L’avoir cherché pendant 3 jours ? Que faisait-Il ?
  3. Quel âge faut-il avoir pour commencer à apprendre à connaître Dieu ?
  4. À ton avis, pourquoi les docteurs (ou les enseignants) du temple ont-ils été surpris lorsque Jésus leur parlait et leur posait des questions ?
  5. Lorsque Jésus a dit qu’Il devait S’occuper “des affaires de [Son] Père”, de qui parlait-Il ?
  6. Que signifie le verset : “Jésus croissait en sagesse, en stature, et en grâce, devant Dieu et devant les hommes” ? Quelles sont les choses que tu peux faire, dès maintenant, pour suivre l’exemple que Jésus a donné quand Il était jeune ?

Mémorisation :

Luc 2:52

“Et Jésus croissait en sagesse, en stature, et en grâce, devant Dieu et devant les hommes.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: NT Lesson 10 “Passover and Plotting”

Featured Passage: Matthew 26


Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem did not sit well with the chief priests and elders. Besides, not many days before that, Jesus had resurrected Lazarus from the dead in front of a host of witnesses. Many of the people started to believe that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah, and the religious rulers were determined that He must be stopped. They looked for an opportunity to take Him without the people knowing it, and the opportunity presented itself.



  1. What happened when Jesus and His disciples were at the house of Simon the leper? Why were the disciples upset by this? 
  2. What was Judas promised for his betrayal? Where in the Bible is there a prophecy that this would happen?
  3. Where did Jesus and the disciples eat the Passover meal? 
  4. How did Jesus tell the disciples to prepare for what was about to happen to Him? How did they respond? What did Jesus say Peter would do?
  5. What did Christ do to prepare for what was about to happen? 
  6. Who came to arrest Jesus? How did the Jews know who Jesus was to arrest Him? What did the disciples do? 
  7. What crime did the high priest and elders say Jesus had committed? Was Christ guilty of that crime? Why or why not?

Memory Challenge:

Matthew 26:39

 “He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, ‘O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.’”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: NT Lesson 10 “A Little Girl Resurrected”

Featured Passage: Luke 8


Like wildfire, the news spread that Jesus was doing miracles and healing many people of all kinds of sicknesses. Crowds of people followed Him nearly everywhere He went. One day, when Jesus returned to one of the towns by the Sea of Galilee, a man came to Jesus and desperately begged him to come to his house. The man’s young daughter was very sick and was dying. Jesus began to follow the man, but as he went, the crowd of people tried to keep following Him, bumping and pushing to get close. Suddenly Jesus felt someone touch him. He stopped to find that a woman had reached out to touch His garments, believing she would be healed—and she was! While Jesus was still talking to the woman someone came to tell Him that the little girl had already died. It was too late, or was it?



  1. How old was the girl who was sick? 
  2. How do you imagine the man, Jarius, felt while the crowd was making it take longer for Jesus to get to his house to heal his daughter? 
  3. What did Jesus say when they found out the little girl was dead? Why do you think He told them that?
  4. Who did Jesus allow to be with Him in the house when He went to the little girl? Why do you think He didn’t want anyone else to come in?
  5. What did Jesus mean when He said the little girl was “sleeping”? Can you think of any other places in the Bible where God says being dead is like sleeping?
  6. How do you think the girl’s parents felt when Jesus caused her to wake up from being dead? Is there anyone you know who has died who you are looking forward to seeing again when God brings them back to life in the resurrection?

Memory Challenge:

Luke 8:50 

But when Jesus heard it, He answered him, saying, “Do not be afraid; only believe, and she will be made well.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: NT Lesson 10 “A Disciple’s Betrayal”

Featured Passage: John 13


After Lazarus had been resurrected, Jesus went up to Jerusalem with His disciples. It was almost time for the Feast of Unleavened Bread to start. Jesus spent lots of time teaching the people at the temple, but the Jewish leaders were very jealous. They didn’t want the people to follow Jesus instead of them, so they began plotting about how they could kill Jesus, and Lazarus. The only problem was, they didn’t know how to catch Him without making themselves look bad in front of the people. One day, a man secretly came to them and told them he would be willing to help them catch Jesus, as long as they would pay him. The Jews were happy they now had a way to carry out their evil plot, for one of Jesus’ own disciples agreed to look for the right moment to betray Him.



  1. What festival was Jesus and His disciples observing when they sat down together to have a meal? 
  2. Why did Jesus wash the disciples’ feet? What lessons can we learn from His example?
  3. Who was the disciple that betrayed Jesus? How do you think Jesus knew which one would betray Him? 
  4. When Judas left the supper after Jesus gave him bread, why do you think Jesus said “What you do, do quickly”? What did the other disciples think He meant?  
  5. After Judas left, what did Jesus tell His disciples? Why do you think He encouraged them to remember to love one another? 
  6. How do you think Jesus felt to be betrayed by His friend? What can this story teach us about being a good and loyal friend?

Memory Challenge:

John 13:34

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: NT Lesson 9 “The Messiah Enters Jerusalem”

Featured Passage: Matthew 21


It was nearing the time for the Passover, and Jerusalem was beginning to fill with pilgrims traveling from many different places near and far. The streets were abuzz with talk about a man from Nazareth called Jesus. Many had witnessed His miracles of healing the sick and heard about His unique teachings. Some said they knew for a fact that He had raised a man, Lazarus, from the dead (John 12:1, 9-11). Many wondered, could this Jesus be the Messiah, the Savior of Israel who would come from the line of David? Imagine their excitement when they saw Jesus entering the city in a way which fulfilled a special prophecy about the Messiah. 



  1. How did Jesus enter Jerusalem? How did the multitudes respond as Jesus entered the city? What do you think it would have been like to be there? (This fulfilled the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9)
  2. What happened when Jesus arrived at the temple? What did the religious authorities think about all this?
  3. What lesson did Jesus intend the disciples to learn from the death of the fig tree?
  4. When the chief priests and elders questioned His authority, Jesus asked them a question in return. Why do you think they would not answer Christ’s question?
  5. In the parable about the landowner who leased his vineyard, who represented the landowner, vinedressers, and the son? What punishment did the elders say should be administered to the vinedressers?
  6. What was the point Jesus was making when He quoted Psalm 118:22? Do you think the chief priests and Pharisees knew what Jesus was talking about?

Memory Challenge:

Matthew 21:9 

“Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying: ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!’”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: NT Lesson 9 “Lazarus”

Featured Passage: John 11


The Pharisees wanted to stone Jesus and tried to catch Him, but Jesus escaped out of their hands. He went to a region beyond the Jordan River where John used to baptise people and many came there to listen to Jesus teach. During this time, one of His dear friends, named Lazarus, became very ill. Jesus had healed many people, so He could certainly heal his friend too! However, the disciples reminded Jesus it was dangerous to travel back to Judea because the Jews still wanted to kill him. Jesus was not worried about that, but He delayed going to Lazarus for another purpose.



  1. Who were Lazarus’ sisters? Can you think of any other stories in the Bible that talk about them?
  2. Why do you think Jesus waited until Lazarus was already dead before He decided to go to him? 
  3. How long had Lazarus been dead when Jesus arrived? Why do you think this was important? 
  4. What did Jesus say to Martha about the resurrection? What things do you know about the resurrection? 
  5. What was Jesus’ response when Mary came to Him crying? What can we learn about who Jesus is from His reaction? 
  6. How did the Pharisees react to Lazarus being raised from the dead? Why did they consider Jesus a threat to their positions?

Memory Challenge:

John 11:25

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life, He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.’

Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: NT Lesson 9 “The Wind and the Waves”

Featured Passage: Luke 8


Jesus picked twelve men from among His disciples to travel with Him and to be taught by Him firsthand. Others also followed Jesus throughout the region as He preached the gospel of the Kingdom of God, performed miracles, and healed the sick.  Often, large crowds came to see Jesus and to hear Him preach. They wondered who He could be and what was the meaning of the things He said. His disciples believed that He was the Messiah, but did they really know what that meant? They would soon begin to see.



  1. Who were some of the women that traveled with Jesus? 
  2. What is a parable? Why did Jesus speak to the people in parables? 
  3. What happened after Jesus and the disciples set out to sea? What was Jesus doing? 
  4. Why do you think the disciples wanted Jesus to wake up? What happened when Jesus woke up? What does the word “rebuke” mean? 
  5. How was Jesus able to calm the storm? What were the disciples’ reactions when the storm ceased? Do you think they were surprised?

Memory Challenge:

Luke 8:25 

“Who can this be? For He commands even the winds and water, and they obey Him.”