Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: NT Lesson 16 “The Unjust Steward”

Featured Passage: Luke 16


Jesus often taught the people using parables. When His disciples asked Him why, He told them it wasn’t time for all the people to understand the meaning of everything He was saying. One day, when Jesus was teaching His disciples, He began telling them a parable about a steward – a person who manages someone’s estate or money. The steward’s boss heard that he was doing a bad job, so he told the steward he was going to fire him. The steward, knowing he was going to lose his job, had to make a quick decision. He did something that Jesus explained with some important lessons for us. 



  1. What did the steward do? What does it mean to be shrewd? 
  2. What is “mammon”? 
  3. With the decision that the steward made, he was making friends with the people who owed his boss money, and preparing for his own future. God wants us to be careful with how we use our money now, in this physical life, but what future are we preparing for ultimately?  How is our future in the kingdom more important than our lives in this world?
  4. What do you think Jesus meant when He said “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much”? Think about the things you own – your toys, clothes, money, etc. What are some ways you can “be faithful” (trustworthy) with the things you own? How would taking care of your things prepare you to take care of bigger things in God’s kingdom?

Memory Challenge:

Luke 16:10 (NIV)

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: NT Lesson 15 “Establishing Congregations (Part 1)”

Featured Passage: Acts 16-17


God started His Church in Jerusalem with over 3,000 people baptized on the same Pentecost when Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit. As the apostles continued to preach the gospel, and news of Jesus Christ’s resurrection traveled, the church quickly grew.  Though many of the original followers came from the areas around Jerusalem, a growing number of people from other regions and nations were also interested in learning about Christ and following God’s way. The apostle Paul and some others traveled near and far to cities all around Asia minor to teach the people about God’s way and to set up congregations for the brethren. Their mission was exciting, but also rather dangerous.



  1. After being in Jerusalem for a conference with the other leaders in the church, what reason did Paul have to go on another trip (Acts 15:36-41)? 
  2. Who was Timothy? Why do you think Paul wanted Timothy to come with him?
  3. What were the people in Philippi doing by the riverside on the Sabbath? Who did Paul and Silas meet from that group of people?
  4. Why were Paul and Silas arrested in Philippi? What were Paul and Silas doing in the prison that night? What do you think caused the jail keeper to become a believer? 
  5. To what city did Paul and Silas go to after leaving Phillipi? How did the Jews there respond to the gospel message? What did they accuse Jason and the other Christians of doing (Acts 17:6)? 
  6. When Paul taught in Berea how did the people there receive the truth? What can we learn from their example?
  7. When Paul spoke to the people in Athens, how did he introduce the true God? Why do you think he took this approach? 
  8. Imagine that someone asked you something about your beliefs. What are some ways you could answer them? Have you ever had to explain what you believe to someone? Are you always going to be able to explain things the same way? Why or why not?

Memory Challenge:

Acts 17:30-31 

“Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: NT Lesson 15 “Philip Preaches the Gospel”

Featured Passage: Acts 8


After Stephen was killed the Christians began to be persecuted more than ever before.  A young man named Saul received permission from the authorities to hunt down Christians and put them in prison. Many of the Christians began to move to other places to get away from the persecution in Jerusalem. The Apostles stayed in the area, continuing to preach the good news. Philip, a recently ordained deacon, was one of those who went out from Jerusalem preaching the gospel, making an impact everywhere he went. One day, an angel spoke to Philip and sent him on a very particular mission.



  1. What is persecution? What was Saul doing to the Christians?  
  2. What was the name of the magician who had astonished the people of Samaria? Why was he following the Apostles? What did Peter tell him? 
  3. Where did the angel tell Philip to go? Whom did he meet? How was he able to catch up with him? 
  4. What part of Scripture was the Ethiopian reading when Philip overtook the chariot? What is it in this passage that Philip could use to preach the gospel? 
  5. How did the Ethiopian respond after Philip explained the passage? 
  6. Where did Philip go after he left the Ethiopian? How did he get there? What do you think he did when he got there?

Memory Challenge:

Acts 8:12 

“But when they believed Philip as he preached the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: NT Lesson 15 “The Lost Son”

Featured Passage: Luke 15


The Jewish leaders didn’t like the fact that Jesus spent so much time teaching and eating with sinners. Jesus had told two parables to them about lost things – the parable of the lost sheep, and the parable of the lost coin. He wanted to explain to them how much God loves every person and how happy He is when someone who is sinning decides to repent and start following Him. There was one more parable Jesus wanted to tell the people listening about something, or someone, who got lost.



  1. Who are the characters Jesus talks about in this parable? 
  2. What does the younger son decide to do? How do you think the father felt when he made this decision? 
  3. What happened to the son? 
  4. What did the son decide to do after he got the job feeding pigs? 
  5. How did the father react when he saw his son coming home? How did the older son react? 
  6. Who does the father in the story represent? 
  7. How do you think God wants us to react when someone decides to repent from their sins to follow God’s way?

Memory Challenge:

Luke 16:32

“It was right that we should make merry and be glad, for your brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found.”

God’s Spring Festivals – Part 2: Feast of Unleavened Bread

Artist: James Mitchell – Kingston, Jamaica

The second festival on God’s Holy Day calendar

that immediately follows the Passover is the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This festival is also often called the Days of Unleavened Bread as it goes for seven days. Just like Passover, the Days of Unleavened Bread remind us of events that happened in the past. This festival reminds us of the events in Exodus, when God brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt, yet these special days are meant to teach us some important spiritual lessons as well. What does God want us to learn from this Feast of Unleavened Bread that will help prepare us to be in His family? Wait and see!

How it works:

This Study Guide is written for the purpose of helping parents teach their children vital Biblical topics in a focused, easy-to-follow format. Each section is not meant to be taught in one lesson, rather the topics are organized so parents can choose specific areas of focus and gear lessons toward the learning styles and ages of their children. Each topic is presented in a straightforward manner with accompanying verses for study. The main study should always come from the Scripture itself, while these lessons can act as a guide for reading passages from the Bible. Each lesson packet includes memory verses, questions for meaningful discussion, and activities (added at the end of the packet). Also, though some things may be labeled as Level 1, 2, or 3, the activities, questions, and scriptures for memorizing can be used to fit the needs and learning levels for children of all ages. Enjoy!

God’s Spring Festivals – Part 1: Passover

Artist: James Mitchell – Kingston, Jamaica

“And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,

‘Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: “The feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts.”’” (Leviticus 23:1-2). In that incredible moment, God announced that He wanted His people to keep His feasts and to keep them every single year! Through these special feasts, or holy days, He wanted to teach His people the wonderful and exciting plan He has for every human being that has ever lived! Each year, God’s feasts give us time to reflect on God’s plans while also giving us a reason to celebrate! God set up the feast calendar so the first feasts in His plan happen in the springtime. Like the season of spring where the flowers and trees begin to grow again after a long, cold winter, God knew it would be the perfect time to begin a perfect plan. 

How it works:

This Study Guide is written for the purpose of helping parents teach their children vital Biblical topics in a focused, easy-to-follow format. Each section is not meant to be taught in one lesson, rather the topics are organized so parents can choose specific areas of focus and gear lessons toward the learning styles and ages of their children. Each topic is presented in a straightforward manner with accompanying verses for study. The main study should always come from the Scripture itself, while these lessons can act as a guide for reading passages from the Bible. Each lesson packet includes memory verses, questions for meaningful discussion, and activities (added at the end of the packet). Also, though some things may be labeled as Level 1, 2, or 3, the activities, questions, and scriptures for memorizing can be used to fit the needs and learning levels for children of all ages. Enjoy!

Programa Bíblico para Niños – Nivel 3: Lección 15 “Dios declara los Diez Mandamientos”

Pasajes Destacados: Éxodo 19:12–25; 20:1–26


Los hijos de Israel se prepararon por tres días para venir ante Dios. Cuando Dios se acercó a la montaña, hubo truenos y rayos; la montaña tembló y el suelo donde ellos estaban parados se sacudió. ¡Hubo un despliegue impresionante del poder de Dios conforme Él descendía a la montaña! Y el pueblo observaba el estruendo y los relámpagos y temblaron. La cima de la montaña parecía estar en llamas mientras Dios declaraba los Diez Mandamientos con voz de trueno. El despliegue era para mostrar a los israelitas cuán poderoso era Dios, y para que lo recordaran y lo obedecieran. Los israelitas estaban tan abrumados por el poder de Dios que suplicaron a Moisés que pidiera a Dios que ya no les hablara directamente, porque temían por sus vidas. Dios pidió a los israelitas que guardaran los Diez Mandamientos, y ellos estuvieron de acuerdo.



  1. Explique a sus hijos que los Diez Mandamientos continúan vigentes (Mateo 5:17-18).
  2. ¿Por qué es importante el mandamiento de guardar el día de reposo o sábado?
  3. Explique que los Diez Mandamientos fueron dados por Dios para nuestro bien y no son una carga (1 Juan 5:3).
  4. Discuta las repercusiones positivas de guardar los Diez Mandamientos. ¿Cómo sería el mundo si nadie mintiera o si nadie tomara lo que no le pertenece? ¿Cómo se transformaría el mundo si todos pusieran a Dios primero y lo amaran?
  5. Discuta la relación entre la obediencia a los Diez Mandamientos y la paz que la humanidad desea. Ayude a sus hijos a comprender que el quebrantar las leyes de Dios es lo que conduce a la infelicidad que experimenta la humanidad. Use un ejemplo como robar o mentir para demostrar esto.

Para Memorizar:

Éxodo 20: 1–17

Los Diez Mandamientos (El texto completo y sin resumir).

Programa Bíblico para Niños – Nivel 1: Lección 15 “Noé, el arca y el Diluvio”

Pasajes Destacados: Génesis 6:13–22; 7:1–20; 2 Pedro 2:5


Siguiendo las instrucciones de Dios, Noé inmediatamente comenzó a construir un arca para salvar de la destrucción a su familia y a los animales terrestres. Noé debió haber trabajado en la construcción del arca por muchos años y es posible que la gente se burlara de él por construir un barco en tierra firme mientras les decía a las personas que se arrepintieran de sus pecados. Al final, solo ocho personas entraron en el arca: Noé y sus hijos Sem, Cam y Jafet y las esposas de todos ellos. Dios envió siete parejas de cada animal limpio al arca, machos y hembras, para que pudieran preservar sus vidas. También envió dos de cada animal inmundo, un macho y una hembra, así como siete parejas de aves, machos y hembras. Después de que Noé, su familia y todos los animales estuvieron adentro, Dios selló la puerta del arca. A los siete días comenzó a llover. Las aguas de debajo de la tierra brotaron y la lluvia del cielo fue derramada ¡durante cuarenta días y cuarenta noches! El agua subió tanto ¡que cubrió las montañas! Solo los del arca sobrevivieron.



  1. Pregunte a sus hijos por qué Dios destruyó todos los animales terrestres, aves y seres humanos. Pregunte por qué Dios salvó a Noé y a su familia.
  2. Pregunte a sus hijos cuántas personas estaban a bordo del arca y quiénes eran.
  3. Explique a sus hijos que durante el tiempo en que estaba construyendo el arca, Noé estaba advirtiendo la gente sobre el Diluvio que vendría. Dios les estaba dando la oportunidad de arrepentirse y salvarse. Enfatice la misericordia de Dios al querer que las personas sean salvas.
  4. Explique a sus hijos qué hace a los animales “limpios” o “inmundos”. ¿Por qué Dios le dijo a Noé que metiera al arca más animales limpios que inmundos? Quizá usted desee utilizar esto como una oportunidad para hablar sobre las leyes de los alimentos escritas en Levítico.

Para Memorizar:

2 Pedro 2:5

“[Dios] no perdonó al mundo antiguo, sino que guardó a Noé, pregonero de justicia, con otras siete personas, trayendo el diluvio sobre el mundo de los impíos“.

Programa Bíblico para Niños – Nivel 2: Lección 15 “La Torre de Babel”

Pasajes Destacados: Génesis 11:1–9


La ciudad de Babel fue el comienzo del imperio de Nimrod y el comienzo del intento postdiluviano de la humanidad de gobernarse a sí misma olvidándose del verdadero Dios. En su rebeldía, Nimrod lideró a la gente en la construcción de una torre muy alta, por lo que Dios decidió confundir el lenguaje de las personas, quienes al no poderse comunicar claramente, tuvieron que dejar de construir la torre. La palabra “Babel” en sí misma significa confusión, y te puedes imaginar el caos que ocurrió cuando Dios confundió los idiomas. Solo podían entenderse aquellos que hablaban el mismo idioma, ya que Dios dividió los idiomas conforme a las líneas familiares. Así fue como se agruparon por familias y comenzaron a establecerse en sus propios territorios como Dios había querido que lo hicieran desde el principio. La Torre de Babel nunca se completó, pero la actitud de rebelión de la humanidad contra Dios continúa hasta nuestros días.



  1. Pregunte qué hizo la gente de Babel para mostrar su desafío a Dios.
  2. Pida a sus hijos que imaginen estar trabajando en una tarea en grupo cuando de repente no pudieran entender nada de lo que decían otros miembros del equipo. ¿Serían capaces de trabajar juntos en equipo? Esta es la misma situación que ocurrió en Babel cuando Dios confundió los idiomas.
  3. Señale a sus hijos que Dios quiere que las personas se comuniquen y se entiendan unas a otras. Es por eso que restaurará un lenguaje puro para toda la humanidad en el Milenio (Sofonías 3:9).

Para Memorizar:

Génesis 11:9

“Por esto fue llamado el nombre de ella Babel, porque allí confundió el Eterno el lenguaje de toda la Tierra, y desde allí los esparció sobre la faz de toda la Tierra”.

Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: NT Lesson 14 “Peter’s Message”

Featured Passage: Acts 2


Jerusalem was bursting at the seams with Jews from throughout the world. They had come for one of the pilgrimage festivals, the Feast of Pentecost. Jesus told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem to receive power from on high. They were to receive the Holy Spirit. When the day of Pentecost came, through an amazing miracle, Christ’s followers received the Holy Spirit. With this gift they immediately began to fulfill the commission Jesus Christ had given them – to preach the Gospel to all nations.



  1. What happened as soon as the disciples received the Holy Spirit?
  2. Can you name some of the nationalities of the people who were in Jerusalem? What language did each person hear spoken?
  3. What prophecy did Peter say was being fulfilled when the disciples received God’s spirit? 
  4. What did Peter talk about in his sermon? How did the people respond when they realized that they had murdered the Christ? What did Peter tell them they needed to do? 
  5. What type of attitude did the brethren have toward one another at that time? How did they express this?

Memory Challenge:

Acts 4:29-30

“Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.”