Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: Lesson 2 “The Re-Creation: Days 1 and 2”

Featured Passage: Genesis 1:1-8

The re-creation week occurred perhaps millions of years after God first created the universe. Some of the angels, about one third, rebelled against God’s rule over them, and they spread chaos throughout the universe, leaving the earth in devastation. It was in this setting that God rehabilitated the earth, making it suitable for human life again. The first thing God did was to restore light to the earth, and on day two, the sky was prepared.


  • Help your child grasp that a lot of time could have transpired between verses 1 and 2 of Genesis 1.
  • Ask what the earth must have been like when everything was dark and covered by thick clouds and water.
  • Ask if human beings could live in such an environment.
  • Explain that God makes things in stages, and when re-creating the earth, He started by “turning the lights on” (clearing away the murky darkness) first!
  • Help your child see that God starts the days in the evenings.
  • Ask what God did on the second day.
  • Explain that the atmosphere, blue skies, and clouds were prepared on this day.

Memory Challenge:

The Days of Creation Week:

  • Day 1 – Divided light from darkness
  • Day 2 – Prepared sky and clouds
  • Day 3 – Separated dry land from seas; created plants
  • Day 4 – Appointed sun, moon, and stars for lights in the sky
  • Day 5 – Created birds and fish
  • Day 6 – Created land animals and man
  • Day 7 – Created the Sabbath by resting

Children’s Bible Lessons Unveiled!

We’re beginning our Children’s Bible Lesson series today! This should be a helpful tool for families in training children in the knowledge of God and the Bible.

Here is an important overview…

Children’s Bible Lessons

Parents of children ages 6 through 11!  Welcome to a brand-new initiative for the Living Church of God, online Children’s Bible Lessons.  This course has been developed with the writing and editorial help of dedicated LCG members and volunteers.

What’s the purpose?  To provide a teaching tool for you to teach your own children fundamental truths of the Bible, in an organized and structured way, at the your child’s e

ducational level, with guidance from the Church.


What are the goals of this course?

  • To strengthen your child’s knowledge of the Bible at his or her appropriate level
  • To enhance your role as a parent by helping you develop skill and understanding in teaching spiritual truths to your child
  • To build bonds of family togetherness as you and your children take part in this activity together.

What’s the structure?

  • 3 Levels (Ages 6-7, 8-9, 10-11)
  • Format: Online
  • PDF summary of each lesson for download and printing
  • Also delivered through email weekly, for those who subscribe to weekly notifications
  • Weekly lessons, consisting of:
    • a short summary of that week’s lesson
    • related Scriptures to read together
    • thought-provoking questions to ask your child
    • suggested memorization


What this course is not:

  • A replacement of parents.

You are the best one to teach your own children.  God designed it that way!  We are here to help you teach your own children, not replace you!

By age 12, we would recommend having your child begin taking the LCG Bible Study Course.

  • An exhaustive course covering every topic of the Bible.

The course is designed to cover the major personalities and stories that children are attracted to, and the important spiritual lessons derived from their stories.

We hope you and your children find this new course educational, stimulating and enriching as a family!  Feel free to send us any comments or questions you may have.

Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: Lesson 1″The God Kingdom”

Featured Passage: Revelation 1:8; Colossians 1:15–16; Psalm 103:19; Hebrews 1:1–3; Joshua 10:11–14; 2 Kings 20:10–11; Matthew 14:25–33; Mark 4:37–41; Revelation 21:7; 2 Corinthians 6:18; 1 John 3:1–3.

 The plant, animal, and human kingdoms are classifications of living things in our material world. The spirit world also has living beings, and the angelic kingdom has different classifications of angels. However, there is one Kingdom above all others, material or spiritual: the God Kingdom. God is on a level of existence that is hard for humans to understand. God is self-existing and eternal. God was, He is, and He always will be. God is the Creator of all things, spirit and material, therefore, God is above all things. God is not bound by physical laws, time, or space because God created these things and controls them all. This is why God could keep the sun from going down for Joshua and turn the sun back ten degrees for Hezekiah. This is why Jesus Christ could walk on water and calm the roaring sea. The good news is that the God Kingdom is a family, and every human being who has ever lived has the potential to be a member. You were born to be part of the family of God! 




  • Talk with your child about the greatness of God, His power and majesty. State examples and ask him/her to give examples as well.
  • Discuss the fact that God is not bound by the laws of physics (like gravity, magnetism, movement of planets, etc.), which means He can do miraculous things. Discuss some miracles mentioned in the Bible that defy physical laws.
  • Explain that God is offering us eternal life in His family as His sons and daughters. We will be members of the God Family (1 John 3:2).
  • Our inheritance is the entire universe. Perhaps everyone will have his or her own galaxy. Ask what your child would do to inherit the universe. What on earth is worth giving up eternity? Nothing!


Memory Challenge:

Colossians 1:16-17 “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.”


Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: Lesson 1 “Before Time Began”

Featured Passages: Genesis 1:1; John 1:1–3; Job 38:4–7 [“sons of God” refers here to angels]; Hebrews 1:10; Deuteronomy 10:14.

The creation week (actually, as we will see in a later lesson, “re-creation” week) is an important teaching of the Bible and God’s Church. However, before the week recorded in the first chapter of Genesis, there was a time when there was only God—two Beings whom we now know as God the Father and the Word, whom we usually call Jesus Christ. God purposed to expand His family. He first created other spirit beings, including angels. Afterward, God began to create the physical universe. God’s creative ability is truly amazing! The whole universe, everything seen and unseen, was created in preparation for the future sons and daughters of God Almighty.



  • Make these verses come alive by asking your child questions about what it must have been like before God and Jesus Christ (the Word) created anything.
  • Explain that Jesus Christ had a different name to begin with (the “Word”) and that He later was born as God’s Son and was given a new name, Jesus Christ. That is also why we now refer to God as “the Father.”
  • Talk about how God and Jesus Christ wanted a family and built a creation for them to enjoy. Originally, it was just the two of them, and they wanted a much bigger family.
  • Help your child to understand that God is the Creator and that only God can create from nothing. Even when we create a chair of wood, God is the One who created the wood!
  • Explain to your child that God created the angels before creating the physical universe.
  • Ask your child what things in God’s creation he enjoys the most. Help him understand, in a simple way, that God created all of these things for us.

Memory Challenge:
Help your child memorize the days of the creation week:

  • Day 1 – Divided light from darkness
  • Day 2 – Prepared sky and clouds
  • Day 3 – Separated dry land from seas; Created plants
  • Day 4 – Appointed Sun, Moon, & the Stars for lights in the sky
  • Day 5 – Created Birds and Fish
  • Day 6 – Created Land Animals and Man
  • Day 7 – Created the Sabbath by Resting

Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: Lesson 1 “Who Is God?”

Featured Passages: John 1:1–3; Genesis 1:26–27; John 4:24; John 3:16; Psalm 90:2; Colossians 1:16–17; Isaiah 46:9–10; 1 John 4:8

It is very important to understand who and what God is. We can only know this if God chooses to reveal it to us, and He has, through the Bible. What was it like when nothing physical existed? In that pre-historic era, there were two eternal, powerful, spirit beings called God and the Word. Together, God and the Word planned and designed everything seen and unseen: the angelic hosts, the stars and planets, the plants and animals, and man. The Word, who became Jesus Christ, was the One who did the creating, and God created all things through Him. God is not some magical “force.” No, God is real! He has form and shape. We can know what God looks like because He made us to look like Him. God is all-wise, all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving. By His Spirit, He can see what is going on everywhere! However, we cannot really know who God is without knowing His character. God is good, merciful, kind, and filled with compassion. Everything God does is motivated from love. God is love.


  • Help your child understand that there are two beings in the God Family, God and the Word, whom we now call the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ.
  • Explain that God wants every human being to be born into the Family of God.
  • Explain that the Spirit of God is not a separate person, but rather the power by which God does things.
  • Ask your child to describe what he or she thinks the relationship between God and the Word was like before the creation.
  • Speculate with your child about what it would be like to be a God Being. What would you do? Where in the universe would you visit?

Review Memorization:

Help your child memorize the following verse:

Isaiah 46:910Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.’