Programme biblique pour enfants : niveau 1 – NT leçon 6 “En passant par le toit”

Passage étudié : Luc 5


Les Juifs attendaient la venue d’un messie. Mais le Christ est venu comme un charpentier modeste, une personne ordinaire à leurs yeux. Et beaucoup de gens, notamment les chefs religieux, avaient du mal à croire que Jésus était envoyé par Dieu. Les anciens prophètes avaient prédit que le Messie permettrait aux sourds d’entendre et aux aveugles de voir. Les gens apprennent que Jésus est capable de guérir les malades, alors ils viennent de partout pour voir s’Il fera un miracle pour eux. Ils sont tellement nombreux à venir Le voir, qu’un jour, certaines personnes vont devoir faire preuve d’un peu de créativité pour permettre à un homme qui ne pouvait pas marcher d’approcher Jésus.


Disscusion :

  1. Comment les gens savaient-ils que Jésus avait le pouvoir de guérir les malades ?
  2. Quelles étaient les personnes qui venaient pour être guéries par Jésus ?
  3. Qu’ont fait les amis du paralytique en voyant qu’ils ne pourraient pas traverser la foule pour l’amener auprès de Jésus ?
  4. Qu’a fait Jésus lorsqu’Il a vu cet homme qui était descendu par le toit ?
  5. Pourquoi les pharisiens étaient-ils contrariés que Jésus dise au paralytique que ses péchés étaient pardonnés ?
  6. Qu’a fait l’homme lorsqu’il a été guéri ? Essaie d’imaginer la scène si tu avais pu assister à cette guérison.

Mémorisation :

Luc 5:24

“Or, afin que vous sachiez que le Fils de l’homme a sur la terre le pouvoir de pardonner les péchés : Je te l’ordonne, dit-il au paralytique, lève-toi, prends ton lit, et va dans ta maison.”

God’s Festivals – Pentecost

God wanted a family,

and from the beginning He made a plan for His children. Do you remember Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? God worked with each of these men, and because they obeyed him, he decided to work out His plan through them to have a family. The children of Jacob (whose name you might remember God changed to “Israel”) would become the example  children for the rest of the world. God wants all people to be His children, but He had to start with a few people first to be an example for everyone else. So God was working out His plan for all people on earth through the example of the Children of Israel!

So what does this have to do with Pentecost? Just wait and see!

How it works:

This Study Guide is written for the purpose of helping parents teach their children vital Biblical topics in a focused, easy-to-follow format. Each section is not meant to be taught in one lesson, rather the topics are organized so parents can choose specific areas of focus and gear lessons toward the learning styles and ages of their children. Each topic is presented in a straightforward manner with accompanying verses for study. The main study should always come from the Scripture itself, while these lessons can act as a guide for reading passages from the Bible. Each lesson packet includes memory verses, questions for meaningful discussion, and activities (added at the end of the packet). Also, though some things may be labeled as Level 1, 2, or 3, the activities, questions, and scriptures for memorizing can be used to fit the needs and learning levels for children of all ages. Enjoy!

Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: NT Lesson 20 “The Kingdom of God”

Featured Passage: Revelation 20-22


Jesus Christ revealed to John things that would happen in the end times. He showed him that there would be a terrible time of tribulation coming on the whole earth. Thankfully, God promised that He will not allow the earth and all human life to be completely destroyed. Christ will intervene and return to the earth as King of kings to establish His kingdom and to teach mankind the way to peace and happiness. God promises that those who are called to follow Him now and who are obedient will get to be there to help Jesus Christ establish the kingdom. God has the best ending to His story!



  1. What will happen to Satan at the beginning of Christ’s reign on earth?
  2. Who will reign with Christ for one thousand years? The thousand year reign of Christ on earth is called the Millennium. What Holy Days do we keep that represent the Millenium? What are you most looking forward to in the Millenium? 
  3. When Satan is released at the end of the thousand years, what will he do?
  4. Who will be a part of the second resurrection? Why is this such an exciting time to look forward to? Can you think of anyone who might be in the second resurrection?
  5. What will happen to everyone not found written in the book of life? 
  6. Where will God’s headquarters be when all humans have become spirit beings? 
  7. How did John describe the New Jerusalem?
  8. What blessing did Christ pronounce for those who do His commandments? What curse will fall on any who changes the revelation Christ gave to John?

Memory Challenge:

Revelation 22:20-21

He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: NT Lesson 20 “Paul Goes to Rome”

Featured Passage: Acts 21-28


The Holy Spirit had revealed to Paul that when he went to Jerusalem, he would be taken prisoner. The brethren were sorrowful because Paul told them that they would not see him again. Some even pleaded with Paul not to go. Yet, after Paul had encouraged the brethren and warned the elders to be good shepherds of the flock, he set sail for Jerusalem to meet his destiny.



  1. With whom did Paul and his traveling companions stay when they reached Caesarea? What was different about Philip’s daughters?
  2. What happened to Paul at the temple when he arrived in Jerusalem? Who came to his rescue?
  3. How did Paul react when he realized he had spoken against the High Priest?
  4. What did Paul say that pitted the Pharisees and Sadducees against each other? 
  5. Who told the Roman commander about the Jews’ plot to kill Paul? What did he do when he found out?
  6. Who was Felix? What did Felix expect to get from Paul? 
  7. What did Paul do to avoid going back to Jerusalem when the new governor, Festus, took over? 
  8. What did Paul do when he appeared before King Agrippa and the noblemen? What was the king’s response?
  9. Why did Paul advise the Centurion not to continue on the journey from Fair Havens? What happened when they did not heed Paul’s warning? 
  10. What happened to Paul when he was bitten by a poisonous snake? How did the native people respond? What did Paul do for the people there?
  11. What did Paul do while imprisoned at Rome in his rented house?

Memory Challenge:

Acts 26:17-18

“…I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you, to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: NT Lesson 20 “On the Road to Emmaus”

Featured Passage: Luke 24


Many people began to believe in Jesus as He preached throughout Judea. The Pharisees and the other religious rulers were jealous, so they made up charges to have Him crucified by the Romans. It was the time of Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread, and Jerusalem was overflowing with people, and many of them witnessed Jesus’ death. Jesus’ followers were very confused because they thought He was the promised Messiah and now He was dead, or was He?



  1. What happened when the women came to the tomb in the morning? What did the angels tell them?
  2. What were the two people discussing while they walked to Emmaus?
  3. Why didn’t they recognize Jesus when He approached them? What did Jesus explain to them while they walked together? 
  4. When did the two people realize that the person who was talking to them was Jesus Christ? How do you think they felt when they realized who He was? 
  5. What do you think it will be like to walk and talk with God face to face?

Memory Challenge:

Luke 24:46, 48

 “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day… And you are witnesses of these things.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: NT Lesson 19 “Letters to the Seven Churches”

Featured Passage: Revelation 1-3


John was one of the last living apostles. He suffered persecution from the Roman authorities, until finally, they exiled him to the isle of Patmos. While on the island, Jesus Christ revealed to John many things about the future. Jesus Christ gave warnings for seven churches that were established. While these seven churches were given these warnings in the first century, it is thought that these seven churches also represent seven eras, or time periods, of the church of God.  including warnings for each Church era. These warnings teach lessons which could apply to all Christians in any era.



  1. How did John describe the One like the Son of Man who spoke to him? 
  2. What were some of the good works for which Christ commended the church at Ephesus? What correction did Christ have for the Ephesians?
  3. What did Christ warn the church of Smyrna that they would suffer? What promise did God give to those who overcame?
  4. For what did Jesus commend the Church at Pergamos? What did Christ warn them to repent of? Who was Balaam? 
  5. What good things did Christ have to say about the church at Thyatira? What did Christ promise those in Thyatira who held fast to the truth?
  6. What did Christ have to say about the church at Sardis? What did they need to do to be in the Kingdom of God?
  7. What do you think is meant by the Philadelphians having “an open door” (Colossians 4:3)? What did Christ promise them about the Great Tribulation? 
  8. What problems did Christ address with the Laodiceans? What will happen to the Laodiceans if they fail to repent? 
  9. What is the reward for those who overcome and endure to the end?

Memory Challenge:

Revelation 3:20-21 

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: NT Lesson 19 “Paul and Silas”

Featured Passage: Acts 16-20


After visiting many congregations, Paul and Barnabas returned to Jerusalem for a special conference. When the conference was over Paul wanted to return to the congregations and see how the brethren were doing. Barnabas decided he wanted to bring a young man named John Mark along with them on this trip, but Paul didn’t like the idea. He was opposed to him coming because he had left the previous tour before the mission was completed (Acts 13:13). Since Paul and Barnabas could not agree, Barnabas took John Mark and left for Cyprus, while Paul chose another man, Silas, to go with him.



  1. Why were Paul and Silas put in jail at Philippi? What were they doing in the jail?
  2. What miracle did God perform so that Paul and Silas could be released from prison?
  3. What did the mob accuse Paul of in Thessalonica?
  4. What thing stood out in Paul’s mind about the city of Athens? Were there a lot of converts in Athens?
  5. What happened when Paul was in Ephesus? 
  6. What happened to Eutychus while Paul was speaking? 
  7. What did Paul tell the elders of the church from Ephesus? Why do you think the people were so sad when Paul left?

Memory Challenge:

Acts 16:31

“They replied, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.’”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: NT Lesson 19 “Zacchaeus”

Featured Passage: Luke 19


Most everywhere Jesus went, huge crowds of people followed Him. They wanted to hear Him speak and see the wonderful miracles that He performed. Many of the people who wanted to see Jesus were poor, sick, or considered to be sinners. One day, a man named Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus. The problem was, he was very short and there were so many people crowding around Jesus that Zacchaeus couldn’t see Him. Zacchaeus saw there was a tree near the path where Jesus was going to walk, so he had an idea.



  1. What did Zacchaeus do for a living?
  2. What did Zacchaeus decide to do so he could see Jesus? 
  3. How did it happen that Jesus went to Zacchaeus’ home? Why do you think He decided to go there?
  4. What was the crowd’s attitude when Jesus said He was going to visit Zacchaeus? 
  5. What did Zacchaeus tell Jesus he was going to do? 
  6. Why do you think Jesus associated with those who were not considered righteous (Mark 2:17, Luke 19:10)?

Memory Challenge:

Luke 19:10

“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

Programme biblique pour enfants : niveau 3 – NT leçon 5 “Les béatitudes”

Passage étudié : Matthieu 5


Jésus-Christ a commencé Son ministère sur la terre. De nombreuses personnes Le suivent, impatientes de voir les miracles qu’Il accomplit et d’entendre ce qu’Il dit. Un jour, Jésus monte sur une montagne pour enseigner des leçons très importantes aux gens et à Ses disciples. Le discours qu’Il prononce ce jour-là est l’un des plus célèbres jamais donné, et il est souvent appelé “le sermon sur la Montagne”. Il commence Son discours par une liste de qualités que nous appelons “les béatitudes”. Les béatitudes sont un bon début pour apprendre ce que le Christ recherche chez chaque chrétien.


Discussion :

  1. Les béatitudes expriment les attitudes qui devraient faire partie de la vie d’un chrétien. Quelles sont les béatitudes enseignées par le Christ ?
  2. Le mot grec traduit par “heureux”, dans la Bible Louis Segond, est parfois traduit par “béni”, dans d’autres versions. Quelle conclusion peux-tu tirer sur les personnes qui ont ces qualités ?
  3. Que signifie “être pauvre en esprit” ?
  4. Que signifie “avoir faim et soif de la justice” ? (Psaume 119:172 définie la justice ; dans ce passage, le mot “justes” peut aussi être traduit par “justice”.)
  5. Pense à une situation où tu pourrais agir comme un pacificateur (c’est-à-dire “procurer la paix”).
  6. Le Christ a dit que les véritables chrétiens seraient persécutés. As-tu déjà fait ce genre d’expérience ? Peux-tu donner des exemples de chrétiens à qui cela est arrivé ?
  7. Quelles promesses Dieu fait-Il à ceux qui développent les qualités mentionnées dans les béatitudes ?

Mémorisation :

Matthieu 5:3-12

Aidez votre enfant à mémoriser les béatitudes !

Programme biblique pour enfants : niveau 2 – NT leçon 5 “La piscine de Béthesda”

Passage étudié : Jean 5


L’histoire se passe à l’époque de la Fête des Tabernacles. La ville de Jérusalem grouille de gens qui viennent de partout. Il y a une piscine à Jérusalem où, de temps en temps, un ange vient agiter l’eau de la piscine, et la première personne qui entre dans l’eau est guérie. C’est pour cette raison que de nombreux malades se trouvent au bord de la piscine, mais à chaque fois, un seul d’entre eux peut être guéri. Par compassion, Jésus guérit un homme qui attend là depuis longtemps, mais tout le monde n’est pas heureux de voir ce boiteux marcher à nouveau.


Discussion :

  1. Pourquoi Jésus Se trouvait-Il à Jérusalem à ce moment-là ?
  2. Depuis combien de temps cet homme guéri par Jésus était-il malade ?
  3. En voyant l’homme porter son lit, les Juifs pensaient qu’il transgressait une loi. Quelle était cette loi, selon eux ? Pourquoi étaient-ils contrariés que l’homme ait été guéri ?
  4. Pourquoi les Juifs voulaient-ils tuer Jésus ?
  5. Qu’a dit Jésus au sujet de Sa relation avec le Père ?
  6. Quelle autorité Dieu a-t-Il donnée à Jésus-Christ ?

Mémorisation :

Jean 5:19

“Jésus reprit donc la parole, et leur dit : En vérité, en vérité, je vous le dis, le Fils ne peut rien faire de lui-même, il ne fait que ce qu’il voit faire au Père ; et tout ce que le Père fait, le Fils aussi le fait pareillement.”