Course Spotlight: Condemnation for Blasphemy

“What was the precise crime of crimes for which Jesus was tried at these two sittings of the council?” Learn about the powers of the Sanhedrin and the condemnation for Blasphemy.

Course Spotlight From The Life, Ministry, and Teachings of Jesus Christ: (Unit 4) Passover to the Resurrection

Start Your Bible Reading Plan Now

As the year 2021 draws to a close on the Roman calendar, it is a good time to consider a plan to read through the Bible.

While we recognize that God’s Holy Days are reckoned by the Hebrew Calendar, nevertheless, our daily lives are more closely tied to the year beginning on January 1st and ending on December 31st. A reading plan that breaks down the Bible into 365 manageable segments can be a helpful tool in accomplishing the objective of reading through the complete Bible in a year. While you may have already read through the Bible, why not do so again over the upcoming year? And if you have read through the Bible from cover to cover as the Bible is arranged in our KJV or NKJV, why not do so using a different approach. To what am I referring?

The web site Blueletter Bible offers both printable PDF and handy online “checkoff” versions of “Read the Bible in a Year” schedules. In addition to the Canonical Plan, which takes you through the Bible according to the order of books in which we are familiar, they also provide the following options:

Canonical Five Day Plan – This takes the reader through the Bible according to our familiar order, but in two years.

Old Testament and New Testament Each Day – This schedule includes both a reading from the Old Testament and the New Testament each day. There is a one-year schedule and a two-year schedule with this approach.

Chronological Plan – If you’d like to read the Bible in the order of when the recorded events occurred, this plan schedules accordingly

Historical Plan – This plan schedules the daily reading according to the way in which the Old Testament is laid out in the Hebrew Bible, from the Law to the Prophets to the Writings. The New Testament readings are scheduled according to the order in which the books were authored.

While there are many different online and electronic Bible sites, Blueletter Bible provides a good options, and a downloadable app is available to use on a phone or tablet as well.

Finally, our own faculty member, Mr. Ken Frank prepared a “Read the Bible in a Year” plan with his wife for the congregation he pastored in Winnipeg many years ago. Here’s a link to his schedule.

Happy studying!

Jonathan McNair

Course Spotlight: Is Alcohol Sin?

Does the Bible teach that a Christian must not drink alcoholic beverages? When Jesus performed His very first public miracle at Cana and “manifested His glory,” did He merely make grape juice (John 2:11)?

Course Spotlight from The Life Ministry and Teachings of Jesus Christ: (Unit 1) The Early Life of Christ

Digging Deeper: The Fullness of the Blessing

Author: Mr. Kenneth Frank
| Faculty in Theology, Living Education

Estimated reading time: 7 min.

Did you know that, when Paul announced he planned to visit Christians in Rome, he was confident God would impart to them a blessing in its fullness?

Paul had never met most of the brethren of the capital of the Roman Empire, except perhaps those who had met him in other locations of his ministry. Nevertheless, through the years a Church of God had developed in the capital. For some time, Paul desired to visit these outlying Christians but obstacles prevented him from doing so. This Digging Deeper considers the background to Paul’s joyful announcement to understand the spiritual interaction between brethren and ministry that imparts a full blessing. Readers will discover an anticipated blessing through Paul’s ministry to the Church of God at Rome.

Several countries have a day of national thanksgiving for the year’s blessings, usually in the autumn. Americans observed their Thanksgiving Day not long ago. Traditionally at the Thanksgiving meal family and friends recount what they are grateful for. People enjoy so many blessings that it is often difficult to choose just one. They may sense a “fullness of the blessing.”

Our focus verses are: “When therefore I have performed this, and have sealed to them this fruit, I will come by you into Spain. And I am sure that, when I come unto you, I shall come in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ” (Romans 15:28-29 KJV throughout). Paul wrote this epistle around AD 57 or 58, probably from Corinth. He explained he had been much hindered in coming to visit them for some years (Rom 1:13; 15:22-23). He planned to visit them on his way to Spain; however, first, he planned to travel to Jerusalem to deliver a gift from the Macedonian and Achaian brethren to the suffering Judeans (Romans 15:24-27).

A roundabout way to Rome

The NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible provides historical context for traveling by ship in that time: “I will go to Spain and visit you on the way. Friends often announced travel plans in letters. Ships from the east would normally stop in Rome; voyagers to Spain would travel on from there to Tarraco, some 900 miles (nearly 1,500 kilometers). (By road one could also travel from Italy to southern Gaul then across the Pyrenees mountain range.) Travel to Cordoba would be even farther” (Tecarta Bible App).

As it later turned out, Paul was delayed in coming to Rome because he was arrested in Jerusalem. Through various unexpected events, he finally arrived in Rome—but as a prisoner. His intentions were right but he could not anticipate all that would happen to change his circumstances for his visit to Rome. The Pulpit Commentary by Spence and Exell teaches us an important lesson here: “How different from his anticipations were the circumstances of his first visit to Rome we know from the Acts. So man proposes, but God disposes, and all for final good (cf. Philippians 1:12, seq.)” (e-Sword 13.0.0).

Explanatory Notes by Rhoderick D. Ice explains how Paul’s plans changed: “He certainly did not expect to reach Rome as a prisoner (see note on Acts 28:16). Yet his coming was with this blessing (Romans 1:11; Acts 28:30-31)(e-Sword 13.0.0).  Even though he did not arrive in Rome in freedom, his visit did provide these brethren a fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. The Roman authorities permitted him to have visitors since he was under house arrest (Acts 28:30-31). Without question, his presence in this great city turned out to be the fullness of the blessing of Christ’s good news but in a way he did not experience.

Spiritual fullness in the Gospel

It is important to understand more fully the phrase “in the fullness of the blessing.” Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible explains: “This is a Hebrew mode of expression, where one noun performs the purpose of an adjective, and means with a full or abundant blessing'” (e-Sword 13.0.0). Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers clarifies how Paul would offer such a blessing: “By ‘the fulness of the blessing of Christ’ the Apostle means the full or abundant measure of those spiritual blessings which he, as the Minister and Apostle of Christ, was commissioned to impart to them” (Ibid.).  

John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible details some of what that blessing involved: “There is a fulness in the Gospel; it is full of the deep things of God, which the Spirit searches and reveals, 1 Corinthians 2:10; it is full of the doctrines of grace and truth, which Christ himself is said to be full of, John 1:14, it is full of exceeding great and precious promises transcribed from Christ, and out of the covenant of grace; and it is full of a variety of food, of milk for babes, Hebrews 5:13, and meat for strong persons, Hebrews 5:14” (e-Sword 13.0.0).

Paul’s time in Rome, even as a prisoner, turned out to be such a blessing, as explained by the Commentary on the Whole Bible by Ger de Koning: “Paul knew something else too, that if he were to come, he would ‘come in the fullness of the blessing of Christ’. Well, that full blessing came. It was from the prison in Rome where he wrote letters about the highest blessings of the church. We have these letters in our Bible. You can read about the ‘fullness of the blessing’ in these letters to the believers in Ephesus, Colossae and Philippi. These letters provide you with a view of Christ’s full blessing” (BP Bible These letters, along with Philemon, are today called the Prison Epistles. All of them are rich in spiritual blessings for Christians of all ages and have reached every nation on earth by the distribution of the Bible.

The blessing today

Ministers and brethren today may enjoy the same rich blessing of Christ, as noted by Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible: “There is then a happy meeting between people and ministers, when they are both under the fulness of the blessing. The blessing of the gospel is the treasure which we have in earthen vessels. When ministers are fully prepared to give out, and people fully prepared to receive, this blessing, both are happy. Many have the gospel who have not the blessing of the gospel, and so they have it in vain. The gospel will not profit, unless God bless it to us; and it is our duty to wait upon him for that blessing, and for the fulness of it” (e-Sword 13.0.0).

Handfuls on Purpose, Vol 1. by Smith and Lee teaches an important lesson from this story: “It is a great blessing to be assured that when we go in God’s Name we go in God’s power, and in the fulness of the Gospel of Christ. Although Paul went to Rome in chains, he nevertheless went in the fulness of the blessing. Nothing can hinder our usefulness is [sic ‘as’] Christians but sin. This blessed assurance ought to characterise every preacher of the Gospel” (Bible Analyzer In the end, brethren in Rome, as well as those in Asia Minor (modern Turkey), were blessed by Paul’s visit and his prison epistles. Today Christians enjoy the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ when they read and study these foundational books. Additionally, they are blessed by their ministers who preach these books with the spiritual gifts given them to edify God’s church (1 Corinthians 14:3; 2 Corinthians 10:8).

Kenneth Frank headshot

Kenneth Frank was born and raised in New Jersey, USA, and attended Ambassador College, graduating in 1973. He served in the Canadian ministry from 1973-1999, after which he returned to the USA to pastor churches in Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina for 15 years. Having earned a BA degree from Ambassador College he later earned a MA degree from Grand Canyon University before being assigned to the Charlotte office to teach at Living University, now Living Education. Currently, he teaches the Survey of the Bible course to the on-campus students and writes the Digging Deeper column for our online Bible study program. He is married, has four children, and seven grandchildren.

Course Spotlight: Synagogue and Sabbath

The detailed description of Jesus’ visit to the Nazareth synagogue found in Luke 4:16-21 provides substantial information about synagogue life and customs in the early first century C.E. An examination of this passage will help us understand Jesus more clearly and accurately.


Course Spotlight: Lectures by Dr. Douglas Winnail

Take note of some additional resources you may have not realized were available! Dr. Douglas Winnail has recorded a number of lectures on 1st and 2nd Peter. These lectures give more insight and are a great tool if you are looking to go more in depth in your Bible study. To access these lectures, click on the links provided.

Course Spotlight From The General Epistles: (Part 1) The Letters of James and Peter

Course Spotlight: God’s Statutes and Business Relationships

In an excerpt from “One Way to Know God Better” we learn more about the statutes applied today. “We saw earlier that the Apostle Paul gave the gentile Church in Corinth the example of not muzzling an ox as the application of a statute. Here are two additional examples of statutes that show the character of God.”

Course Spotlight From Christian Business and Finance: Business Relationships in the Church

How to Enroll in a LivingEd-Online Course

Course Spotlight: The Unpardonable Sin

What is the unpardonable sin? What did Jesus say about this topic? Take a look at this excerpt “Is there an Unpardonable Sin?” by Richard Ames to get an overview of this topic!

Course Spotlight From The Life, Ministry, and Teachings of Jesus Christ: (Unit 2) The Galilean Ministry

Course Spotlight: The Nazarite Vow

What is a Nazarite vow? Do we have any examples of a Nazarite vow in the Scriptures? In Lectures 2, 3, and 4, Dr. Meredith describes how Paul and his companions participated in a Nazarite vow.