Second Thoughts: To Be a Pioneer

“You are pioneers. You will be an example…” – Mr. Gerald Weston

When we begin working on something original, involve ourselves in a brand new project, venture into undiscovered or unknown territory, or even to step out of our comfort zone to be part of something bigger than ourselves, we become adventurers, inventors, pioneers. For the students in this first semester of the Living Education – Charlotte program, they have courageously stepped into the experience, accepting the task as pioneers in a new era of education in the church.


“We didn’t choose a time of entering this world…it was chosen for us.”


Pioneer: (n) “a person who is among those who first enter or settle a region, thus opening it for occupation and development by others.” (
While this may be the dictionary’s answer, what does it really mean to be a pioneer? What kind of responsibilities does pioneering require?


Addressing the fourteen, on-campus students of their involvement with the brand-new Living Education Program, Mr. Weston began, “I am going to explain to you the importance of your pioneering experience.” He continued by describing his experiences, and observations from his time at Ambassador College in the 1960’s. He related the lessons he learned there, to take care of others, of carefully following instructions and working within designated parameters, to carefully prioritize, and to dress professionally and modestly, in order to inspire the students to be mindful of how they conduct themselves as pioneers of the program.

“What we want to do here at Living Education is to be part of creating a culture of purity, honor and respect…a culture means more than one person.”

Mr. Weston encouraged the students to embrace and help establish good traditions at Living Education such as to enjoying Friday night dinners, building good habits of prayer and study into your daily routine, exemplifying of a high standard of living to your neighbors by keeping care of your property. To be an excellent pioneer means humbly embracing the role, developing a personal honor code, and understanding that a pioneer’s example continues far beyond the time they perform the part.



Books mentioned:
Dress for Success” John T. Malloy
When Character was King” Peggy Noonan

Second Thoughts: Christian Discipline by Making Your Bed?

From Left: Collin Winnail, Tressie McNair, Mr. Richard Ames, Francesca Rodino, Thomas White

Yesterday, the Living Education students had the opportunity and privilege to hear Mr. Richard Ames speak at our weekly assembly. He based the title for his speech “Make Your Bed and Practice Godly Discipline” from Admiral William H. McRaven’s #1 New York Times Bestseller, “Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World”. Mr. Ames expounded on McRaven’s first two principles, discussing how beginning each day with a task completed, and making your bed every morning demonstrates discipline in your life. He explained the relevance of these principles for the on-campus students, illustrating with personal examples the disciplinary benefit of implementing even such a simple task as making your bed into your daily routine.

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Living Education-Charlotte Orientation Schedule

Today we welcome our new students!

If you’d like to review the Orientation Schedule, just check it out below…


HQ: Living Ed Students Meet & Greet

It’s hard to believe there are only a few days left until classes begin for 2018! As we kick off the new year, we will be welcoming 14 new students from all over the country to join us for the inauguration of our brand new Living Education – Charlotte Program. We are all very much looking forward to the opportunity to receive these wonderful young people into our Charlotte HQ community, excited to see what skills and talents they will bring and share with us as we move ahead.

We would like to give the new students a warm, Charlotte welcome and also give them a chance to meet the members of the Headquarters’ team from the outset. To give occasion for such an experience, we are inviting all the staff at Headquarters for a Meet and Greet Luncheon with the Living Education on-campus students. You will find the details provided below.

What: Living Education – Charlotte: Meet & Greet Luncheon

Where: Upstairs Staff Meeting Room – Living Church of God HQ building

When: Monday, August 13 @ 12:00-1:30pm

On the menu: Mouth-watering chili, and tasty green salad


Whether you plan to stop by for a bite to eat or not, it is our hope that all will join us for a few minutes to say a cordial hello to the new students and to give them a chance to get acquainted with the HQ team as well. We are so excited for this wonderful opportunity to begin the new year on a high note! Thank you for your support!

See you there!

Library: Au Courant with Science and Archaeology!

Last week’s TWNow (Episode 70) was hosted by Assistant Director of the Living Education program, Dr. Scott D. Winnail. The title was “Does God Hate Science?” and the panel guests were Mr. Gerald E. Weston and Mr. Wallace G. Smith. Hopefully you had a chance to view it, but if not, it is still available as the most current program; it will be moved to the archive after this week’s program airs live on Thursday.

Since the topic of science is currently “front-and-center,” you may be interested to learn that the Library carries a variety of scientific magazines that are available for perusal by the headquarters staff and the new on-campus Living Education students. This week we would like to highlight some of the scientific journals that grace our shelves. While some of these publications are subscriptions carried by the Library, others are faithfully and consistently donated by Mr. and Mrs. Ames, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, and others.

Some science titles include:
Astronomy, Discover, Popular Science, Science News Magazine, The Scientist, Scientific American, and Skeptical Inquirer.

In addition, we have an abundant collection of journals from one specific branch of science – archaeology.

Some archaeology titles include:
Ancient American (focusing on the Americas before 1400), Archaeology, Artifax (a quarterly journal on the Near East), Biblical Archaeology Review, and Kmt (a quarterly journal on ancient Egypt).

Be sure to visit the Library soon!

Orientation Schedule – Living Education-Charlotte

The orientation for our fall semester for Living Education-Charlotte will begin on Sunday evening, August 12, and run through August 14.  Classes begin on August 15th!



Congratulations to new students!

Congratulations to the students who have been accepted into our Living Education-Charlotte program!  We have accepted 11 students, with 2 more finalizing arrangements for acceptance.  This small band of intrepid learners will be our first group to respond to the challenge of this nine-month training program that is being offered as we begin a new chapter in strengthening our young adults as pillars in the Church of God.  Orientation begins on August 13th with an introduction to the program, their work responsibilities at our Headquarters facility, their housing accommodations, and each other!  It will also include a special opportunity to attend a welcome dinner hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Weston.  Classes will begin on August 15th.  If you know one of our new students, congratulate them on taking on this new challenge!

Roderick C. Meredith Memorial Library

We’ve recently had to come to a decision as to what to use as a name for our library, as we are required to register our library with local authorities.  Previously, it was officially the “Living University Library”.  After some consideration, Mr. Weston approved the new name of “Roderick C. Meredith Memorial Library” as the official name.  This would rightly honor Mr. Meredith and would be very appropriate as a portrait of him is installed in the library.  It would also serve to emphasize the purpose of the library as a resource for the Living Church of God as a whole.

“Living Education—Charlotte” begins August 15

On August 15, we plan to begin our first year of “Living Education—Charlotte.” We will accept a limited number of students for our first year, as we focus on building a Godly foundation for life! All students will attend daily classes at our Headquarters facility, in this one-year intensive training program. Class titles will be “Principles of Christian Living,” “Fundamentals of Church Doctrine” and “The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ.” We’ll also study the “Acts and Writings of Paul,” and get an overview of the Old Testament through our “Old Testament Survey” class. This program is for young adults who believe in the Way of God and want to learn more about how to build their life on that Way. Students must live in Charlotte for this program as this is a face-to-face learning and mentoring program by our Headquarters faculty and staff. If you are up for the challenge of this intensive learning experience, listen closely for more details and information about how to apply in next week’s The World Ahead weekly update!—Jonathan McNair

Rightly divide the word of truth

As we begin the new calendar year, consider the challenge of a “Read the Bible in a Year” project. Many of the popular online Bible sites like Blueletter Bible, Bible Study Tools, or Gateway Bible provide an easy way to create a reading schedule. They often allow a user to select multiple approaches to reading the Bible in the year. You can select the “Genesis to Revelation Plan” and read through day by day as our Bibles are typically formatted today. Another option that is often included is the “Old Testament/New Testament Plan,” which includes a reading from both the Old Testament and the New Testament each day, again, completing the whole Bible in one year. Most of these sites offer a “historical” or “chronological” approach, reading portions of the Bible according to when they occurred.  All of them allow the user to print out a paper version of the program if they desire. The point is, reading the Bible is important.  If we just open the Bible each day to wherever the pages happen to fall, we won’t truly be students of the whole Bible. We’re exhorted by Paul to study God’s word in order to “rightly divide the word of truth.” The literature, telecasts, and classes offered to members of the Church are most effective if paired with a daily reading of the word of God. Read the Bible this year—you’ll be glad you did!—Jonathan McNair