It’s all fun and games until someone yells “Bingo!”

Author: Kaleb Johnson | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated reading time: 2 min.

To bring a little fun and games to the Charlotte congregation, the Living Education students hosted the inaugural Bingo Brunch at the women’s dorms. 

On a cloudy Sunday morning, to kick off our return to classes and the second semester, the students set up refreshments and decorations in the women’s dorm for a round of bingo games for local widows. The food for the brunch portion included mini-muffins, cinnamon rolls, sandwiches, and the main entree: chicken and waffles! 

The decorations transformed the whole dorm for the event. There were hand-drawn signs and some larger-than-life dice on the buffet table that featured fancy platters with all the food perfectly placed. Inside the living room, three large tables were set up with folding chairs to fit the guests comfortably. All the tables were adorned with vibrant tablecloths and flower centerpieces that brought energy and excitement to the room. 

The Games Begin

Mr. McNair kicked off the first round… and explained the house rules. Each table became a team and competed with the other tables. If anyone at that table got Bingo, it was a point for their team. After five rounds, prizes, ranging from pens to applesauce would be handed out to the winning team. The tables chose curious team names: the Winning Team, the Packers, and the Yodeling Yaks. One team seemed to dominate the playing field: the Packers (If only the “real” Packers also had that kind of luck that day). At the end of three rounds, the guests were sent home with a commemorative Living Education mug to remind them of their time spent with the 2023 students. 

Afterward, the students got together and cleaned up what was left behind—all while feasting on leftovers, Ellie’s favorite part. We then sped off to their next activity—a game night with friends and nachos, or watching the Packers game that night.

This was the first event the students helped host since the Living Education Alumni Dinner in 2022.

Kaleb Johnson is a student in the Living Education-Charlotte Program. He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in the spring of 2022. In addition, Kaleb enjoys writing, video-making, trying new activities (anything and everything), playing chess, and debating (it’s not arguing!) with people. He currently works in the Living Education department producing written content & videos and helping with a variety of other projects.

Jesus’ View of the Old Testament 

Author: Kaleb Johnson | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated reading time: 4 min.

For his forum presentation, Mr. Kenneth Frank detailed how Jesus quoted the Old Testament and how He confirmed its authority. 

Scripture after scripture, precept upon precept, Mr. Frank went through the numerous times that Jesus referred to the Old Testament, showing both specific implications from Christ’s words and also His general perspective. Mr. Frank proved this truth: if you believe in Jesus Christ, you must believe in the authority and accuracy of the Old Testament. 

The Old Testament Is Scripture

Mr. Frank turned to a few passages in which Christ referred to the Old Testament. First, he mentioned John 5:39, where Christ calls the Old Testament scripture. In Matthew 5:17, Christ refers to the Scriptures as the Law and the Prophets, a division of the Old Testament that was common in the first century. And to alleviate any remaining doubt, Christ also referred to the Old Testament as the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms, which refers to the Writings section of the Old Testament (Luke 24:44-46). 

These divisions cover all the books in the Jewish canon. In fact, Christ quoted directly from 14 of the 22 Old Testament books (by the Hebrew reckoning), and never once challenged the canon, though it was well-established and defined by that point. 

Old Testament Characters Are Real People

Efficiently and effectively, Mr. Frank presented the instances wherein Christ referred to the people in the Old Testament as real. In Mark 2:25, Jesus cites David eating the showbread to the Pharisees to justify His disciples’ actions. He also challenges those around Him by stating that the queen of Sheba “came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and indeed a greater than Solomon is here” (Matthew 12:42). 

Christ treats these individuals as real, not as characters in a story or allegory. After all, would not this statement undermine Christ’s greatness if the queen of Sheba who visited Solomon was just a myth? Countless times, Christ refers to characters from the Old Testament, from Abel to Lot’s wife, and never once does He insinuate that they are only fictional characters. 

Old Testament Stories Are Real

What does Christ say about controversial stories like those of Jonah and Noah? Mr. Frank pointed out that Christ compares His own resurrection to Jonah being spewed out of the whale’s belly (Matthew 13:40). Christ refers to the flood (Matthew 24:39) and other stories doubted by many in the world today, even professing Christians. 

Old Testament Prophecy Will Come to Pass

Mr. Frank then pointed to the scriptures that show that Christ verified Old Testament prophecy. Christ referred to a prophecy He was fulfilling, “and He began to say to them, ‘Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing’” (Luke 4:21). He confirmed John the Baptist coming as Elijah (Mark 9:12-13), and He spoke of future fulfillments of prophecy with certainty (Matthew 24:15; Luke 21:21-22). 

Christ’s Personal Relationship with the Old Testament

Before concluding, Mr. Frank covered the passages highlighting Christ’s personal relationship with the Old Testament. Summarizing, Christ understood that the Messianic prophecies were referring to Him (John 5:39), and He personally submitted to the Old Testament. Christ made the law full and did not do away with even a single word (Matthew 5:17-19). Mr. Frank pointed out that Christ even set the example of using scripture to justify His disciples (Matthew 12:3-5), showing Christ’s reverence for the Old Testament.

Trust the OT because Jesus Did

Mr. Frank concluded that Christ unilaterally presented the Old Testament as factual, binding, and important. He validated characters and stories, and His continuous uplifting of Scripture leaves no doubt: Christ trusted and revered the Old Testament. In fact, it was about Him. As Mr. Frank eloquently stated, “Both Testaments are primarily about Him. It was only natural that He quoted and referred to the OT so often, to substantiate that He fulfilled the many OT prophecies.”

“Both Testaments are primarily about Him [Jesus Christ].”

Mr. Frank

Kaleb Johnson is a student in the Living Education-Charlotte Program. He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in the spring of 2022. In addition, Kaleb enjoys writing, video-making, trying new activities (anything and everything), playing chess, and debating (it’s not arguing!) with people. He currently works in the Living Education department producing written content & videos and helping with a variety of other projects.

Working in the LivingEd Department

Author: Kaleb Johnson | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated reading time: 3 min.

Here’s an inside look at work/study positions in the Living Education Department

Have you ever wondered what the students in Charlotte do in the work/study program? Well, this post is the first in a new series of Student Life posts that will answer that question by describing the student roles available in each department of the Living Church of God Headquarters. Today’s post covers the student positions in the Living Education department. The two students featured are Kaleb Johnson (c’est moi!) and Nathan Kroon. 


Nathan Kroon is the Media Associate who edits videos, makes posts for Living Education  on social media, and organizes the weekly newsletter

Nathan is one of the three students in the new Student Leader program. In addition to being the Media Associate for the LivingEd department, Nathan is also the lead landscaper for the dorms and the Resident Assistant for the guys’ dorm. For the LivingEd department, he is the primary video editor, official photographer for events, and much more. 

Nathan’s Roles in the Living Education Department:

What does Nathan have to say about:

The most fun part of the job? “I think video editing has been most fun, especially when I am able to be more creative with it. But that requires having a lot of material to work with like photos and B-Roll.”

The most challenging part of the job? “A bunch of different things get thrown at you. Mr. McNair is sometimes. . . unpredictable with what he’ll throw at you next. Keeps it exciting, but also can be challenging.”


Kaleb Johnson is the Staff Assistant who writes web content, works with Google Analytics, and assists with ongoing projects

Kaleb is a first year student who works only for the Living Education department. I perform—wait, I mean Kaleb performs many support tasks for projects that are ongoing in the Living Education purview, such as creating videos and slideshows for events and making scripture and quote indexes for new study courses (check out all the courses here).

Kaleb’s Roles in the Living Education Department: 
  • Writing/posting forum summaries and student life posts (like this one!)
  • Creating weekly Bible quiz (click here)
  • Using Google Analytics
  • Providing support in video editing 
  • Assisting with ongoing projects 

What does Kaleb have to say about:

His favorite part of the job? “It is a lot of creative work. You get the chance to write, to make storyboards for videos, and brainstorm ideas. It is quite different from engineering, almost more challenging as you have to be creative and think outside of the box.” 

The most challenging part of the job? “Interviewing myself. I am both a terrible interviewer and interviewee. Seriously though, it is difficult to manage all the different projects we have, only working four hours a day. Mr. McNair really does know how to keep you on your toes.”

Working: Part of the LivingEd Experience

Both first and second year students get the opportunity to work at the Living Church of God headquarters in many different departments; this post has only covered one. The Living Education department provides an invaluable experience for the students by challenging them to learn new skills and master ones they may already possess, and it gives students the chance to help out in the Church’s commission to feed the flock. 

Working is only one part of the Living Education program. If you’d like some more details, read this article: A Day in the Living Education-Charlotte Program

The Predestination Doctrine

Author: Nathan Kroon | Student Leader, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated Reading Time: 4 min.

Predestination, as a misunderstood doctrine, has led many religious groups astray for thousands of years.

Mr. Wyatt Ciesielka spoke about it to the Living Education students, and explained its effects on modern theology. He explained that the late Dr. Roderick C. Meredith called it “the foundational principle of [the father of Calvinism] John Calvin’s entire theological system.” Predestination is commonly known as a generic name for the idea of eternal damnation, meaning that you are predetermined by God to either enter the mainstream concept of heaven or burn in hell forever. Why are people so keen to see this doctrine as absolute truth?

The Protestant Position

When people are given a false sense of inevitability, it can lead to all sorts of disaster. Restraint tends to be cast off when they already believe themselves predetermined to be saved or doomed. The Spanish Inquisitors, for example, believed themselves saved, yet they killed multitudes of people—supposedly in the name of God! Similar to the doctrine of predestination, the selling of indulgences in the Middle Ages caused people to think that as long as they gave alms to the Catholic Church they would be saved, or could save others from purgatory or hell, no matter what. 

Martin Luther realized that this practice was not sound, and soon after posted his own statement of beliefs through his “Ninety-five Theses.” He was right to doubt the Pope’s intentions, but would go on to make some wild statements and teachings of his own. He would often say, “God is the cause of why men sin and are condemned,” which rings false when we read James 1:13: “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God’; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.” From these examples, we can tell that early Catholic and Protestant Church fathers misunderstood certain biblical topics, and as Mr. Ciesielka reviewed, had in fact brought into their false-Christianity fatalism inherited from ancient Babylon. Is it then possible that a deeper look into Scripture can disprove the modern idea of predestination?

What does the Bible NOT say?

Using statements by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, Dr. Roderick C. Meredith, Mr. Richard Ames, Mr. Gerald Weston, and others, Mr. Ciesielka demonstrated what the Bible DOES and DOES NOT say regarding predestination. For example, proorizo is the Greek word most commonly translated into “predestine” in the Bible, yet it only appears in six verses (Acts 4:28; Romans 8:29, 30; 1 Corinthians 2:7; Ephesians 1:5, 11), and predestination is only discussed five times (Romans 8:29–30; 11:2; 1 Corinthians 2:7; Ephesians 1:4–12; 1 Peter 1:2). “Don’t read more into it than the Bible actually says,” stated Mr. Ciesielka. Ephesians 1:11–12, for example, says, “In Him [Christ] also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.” 

Real predestination refers to people that have been chosen and called by God to be given the chance to be conformed to the character of Christ. People may be called, but that does not make them incapable of sin any longer, or incapable of falling away. In fact, we know that Christ and His angels will gather those who persist in lawlessness during the Great White Throne Judgment, and their only reward will be the second death (Matthew 13:41–43). Predestination is not our finish line; it’s more of a head start to the Kingdom of God. We must still choose whether or not we will use it.

Nathan Kroon is a Student Leader at Living Education. He originally hails from Washington State and is a 4th generation Christian. Currently, he works at Headquarters as a Video Editor and is the Lead Landscaper at the LivingEd dorms. His hobbies include playing guitar, listening to music, drawing, and watching movies.

A Survey of Feast Administration

Author: Nathan Kroon | Student Leader, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated Reading Time: 3 min.

Mr. Rod McNair took the opportunity to share a little bit about what goes on in the world of Feast Administration.

The Church has experienced some new developments this past Fall Holy Day season, and he was eager to explain them to the students. On multiple graphs, Mr. McNair showed record-breaking statistics that the Living Church of God achieved in 2022. On the Festival Survey, there were more first-time Feast attendees than ever—many people have come into the Church through the efforts of the Tomorrow’s World Presentations.

International or Local?

Mr. McNair listed the benefits of traveling internationally as well as the benefits of traveling locally. There was a considerable increase in transfer requests in comparison to last year, though that was mainly due to COVID-19 being more normalized in the United States today. Perhaps the most obvious benefit to traveling internationally is that you get to see new sights that you may not be used to. Another benefit is experiencing the customs of other cultures and seeing what traditions international members have during the Feast of Tabernacles. Some sites, like Myanmar, have not yet been able to hold any Feast activities since the COVID panic. One advantage of traveling locally, however, is that you may have a better idea of how to serve others in the area and help your local pastor. Mr. McNair suggested that if you mostly travel locally, it could be rewarding to go international, and vice versa.

Multiple Miracles

There were also many instances in which God granted protection to several Feastgoers. Most notably, He allowed hurricane Ian to pass over four southeastern US locations in which there were Feast venues, without any sort of damage or harm inflicted upon the brethren. On top of that, during the middle of church services while Mr. Kenneth Frank presented his sermon, a tornado nearly missed the site in Fontana, Wisconsin. Also, a married couple attending the Lake of the Ozarks feast site avoided death when their car fell into a heavily wooded ravine; when it seemed like they were about to crash into a large tree at a high speed, the car came to an improbable slow-down, and they were stopped by a younger, much smaller tree. Afterwards, they recalled that they introduced the ambulance driver to the Tomorrow’s World telecast. These examples and others made it clear that God was watching over His Feast sites!

Through this forum, the students were given some insight on what goes on in Feast Administration. They also saw what statistics those working in the Festival Department pay attention to, such as new attendees, transfer requests, and possible concerns and circumstances in which God intervened.

Nathan Kroon is a Student Leader at Living Education. He originally hails from Washington State and is a 4th generation Christian. Currently, he works at Headquarters as a Video Editor and is the Lead Landscaper at the LivingEd dorms. His hobbies include playing guitar, listening to music, drawing, and watching movies.

The Battle for the Planet

Author: Nathan Kroon | Student Leader, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated Reading Time: 4 min.

In today’s society, the “Go Green” movement is being heavily pushed.

As a result, there has been an increase in “meatless” meats and electric vehicles. “There’s a lot more to this than just making a buck,” said Mr. Paul Kearns in his recent forum. While there are certain elements of this movement that are laudable, such as leaning away from the use of plastic bags that only produce more waste, could it be possible that the world is taking it too far, and that this movement can impact morality?

PETA Pandemonium

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is one of the lead proponents of this “Green” push. While many may not realize it, they are actively advocating a new morality, promoting the elevation of animals to the same level of existence as humans, whom God created in His own image. “A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy,” they have said. To them, if you so much as eat a hamburger, you are eating your own kin. While it is not wrong to eat a vegan meal, it certainly is not right to paint eating meat as a criminal offense!

The Cost of Gas

Some scientists claim that the fate of our world’s well-being is in the hands of the people, and that as long as you care about the environment, you are a good person. These claims are taken more seriously in certain places than in others. Mr. Kearns explained that New Zealand, his home, is quickly becoming “the most liberal country in the world.” Recently, its government is considering taxing cow burps to reduce emissions! This ridiculous proposal has caused many people to protest as this would cause farmers to have to raise their meat prices and would ultimately be a detriment to the consumer. 1 Timothy 4:3 tells us that God created clean animals to be eaten and “received with thanksgiving,” but fewer and fewer people are doing so, because of absurd new agendas in our world.

Stay Vigilant

Nearing the end of his forum, Mr. Kearns advised us to always stay vigilant and watch for turns that the “Go Green” movement might make. This “battle for the planet” may sound good to most people, but it’s beginning to show a sinister side. God told Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, not the tree of just plain evil. We have to realize that Satan offers ideologies with a mixture of both bad and good, so as to make them seem more inviting. This is how he deceives multitudes so easily. One recent development in certain media is that some people are telling everyone that they should refrain from having children now, because they are the “world’s biggest polluters.” To them, not having children is a good thing, but Malachi 2:15 tells us that God desires godly offspring. Even when they have children, most are usually conceived and born outside of the sacrament of marriage. Satan fools many and causes them to see evil as good. We have to know the difference between the two.

Mr. Paul Kearns ended his speech by reminding us that though caring for the environment is not ungodly, we must learn what environmental extremism looks like, how Satan is pushing it, and how it can rebel against the word of God. We have to remember that climate change is not in the hands of the people, but in the hands of God. Yes, the world will heat up, but not in the way most people think! Revelation 16:8 tells us that the fourth bowl, when poured out onto the earth, will leave men scorched. The Day of the Lord will ravage the world, not cow burps.

Nathan Kroon is a Student Leader at Living Education. He originally hails from Washington State and is a 4th generation Christian. Currently, he works at Headquarters as a Video Editor and is the Lead Landscaper at the LivingEd dorms. His hobbies include playing guitar, listening to music, drawing, and watching movies.

The Details of Design

Author: Kaleb Johnson | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated reading time: 4 min.

The Managing Editor for the Living Church of God, Mr. John Robinson, gave an exemplary forum presentation for the Living Ed students in which he discussed his role, the editorial process, and the details of design theory.

Mr. Robinson began his presentation with a short, ironic story. When he was in highschool, he had to take a vocational survey that would show him what fields he would excel in. By now, he has forgotten completely what it said he was suited for, but he remembers what careers it said he shouldn’t pursue: the clergy and creative work like graphic design. Today, Mr. Robinson is an elder and a managing editor, a position that involves a lot of creativity, especially in making graphical layouts and designs. But he did not end up in the position by accident. 

Mr. Robinson delved into his professional experience, explaining that he spent 20 years in the print design field. He tried to get into the growing digital design world, but life always worked out in such a way that made him stay in the print field. One Sabbath day, he heard the job ad for a Managing Editor position at Headquarters in the announcements; it was practically his job description. He waited a few weeks before applying, and then he got the position. And an interesting thing happened. Mr. Robinson emphatically explained, “Within the first six months of working for the Church… I used every single life experience that I had from the previous 20 years.” God works everything out just right. 

The Editorial Process 

Mr. Robinson described the system the Editorial Department uses to refine submitted articles. First, the staff make sure that the article has no spelling mistakes or punctuation issues. Next, the editors go through and remove redundant information, which always manages to creep into writing. Mr. Robinson mentioned a quote from Blaise Pascal that many editors are familiar with: “If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.” 

The editorial department also ensures that the message is crystal clear for all potential readers. Then, the article is put into a template, like it would appear in the magazine, and sent to a group of reviewers for feedback. The reviews are processed, and then it is approved and sent to be printed. 

Design Theory 

Mr. Robinson then began to talk about design theory. The challenge in design is taking a complex idea and communicating it with a design anyone can understand. Mr. Robinson stated that the most effective designs follow the principle of this anonymous quotation: “Elegance is not the abundance of simplicity, but the absence of complexity.”

The purpose of design is to penetrate to the essentials with clearly intelligible organization. The designer must eliminate excess and clarify the subject. Mr. Robinson explained that design demands decisiveness. The designer must know where the reader’s eye should be drawn and what information is most critical, and use font size, pictures, location, and color to communicate it. He showed slides with examples, and he explained how choosing font type can even be a complicated design choice. 

Color Theory and Cover Selection

Mr. Robinson moved into color theory. He briefly explained complementary colors and the color wheel, and moved into the difference between print and digital colors. The difference between additive colors on a screen and subtractive colors used to print creates a unique situation. Sometimes, we can see a color on a computer that cannot be printed. Even these color considerations are part of Mr. Robinson’s role. 

Mr. Robinson gave the students an extra insight into the editorial process. He showed the different covers that could have been on a Tomorrow’s World issue. We discussed the differences between them, and then he explained which one was chosen and why.

Kaleb Johnson is a student in the Living Education-Charlotte Program. He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in the spring of 2022. In addition, Kaleb enjoys writing, video-making, trying new activities (anything and everything), playing chess, and debating (it’s not arguing!) with people. He currently works in the Living Education department producing written content & videos and helping with a variety of other projects.

The First Ever Alumni Dinner 

Author: Kaleb Johnson | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated reading time: 3 min.

Tucked away in the woods of Cane Creek Park, the Living Education program hosted the first-ever Alumni Dinner at the Lakeside Lodge, exquisitely adorned with a winter theme.

Choosing a peaceful location at a picturesque park by a lavish lake for the dinner, the ambience was perfect as faculty, students, and some guests gathered to commemorate five years of the program. 

On the day of the event, the current students flickered with excitement, and some stress. The time was here for this new event, and there was no precedent or previous experience. The students left from work early and loaded up the vehicles and left for the Lakeside Lodge. Alumni, too, were taking off and preparing to attend this innovative event.  

Some Backstory 

Plans were in the making for over a month before. A video of commemoration was being made. The decorations were being carefully curated and created. The refreshments and snacks were pondered, picked, and then prepared. Special Living Education-themed prizes were even ordered and organized into a raffle for the guests – all during finals, a busy time for students and faculty alike. But it was all worthwhile, as students and faculty paused to look back on the last five years of the program. 

The Alumni Dinner

The day of the Alumni Dinner, the students arrived at the lodge with an hour to prepare. Tables were rearranged, decorations adorned, and refreshments situated. The raffle prizes were bagged and ordered, with stickers being cut and mugs being set out even as the first alumni arrived. An hour turned out to be the perfect amount of time. 

Alumni and faculty came in and the event flew off. The various years mingled, discussing their different experiences in the same program. The faculty saw old protegees and again, and the alumni caught up with old compatriots. For some it was an opportunity to come into town. For others it was a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of Charlotte and engage with friends. The evening included reflective speeches by Mr. McNair and Mr. Weston, encapsulating the years of the program and the effect it was having. As Mr. Weston said, “the program is cumulative. Every year brings new students.” Every year expands that effect. 

The final piece to come together was the take down. The students—helped by some alumni—took down the decorations, stowed the food, and packed up the cars again. The tables were put back, and the floors cleaned. The take down took less than half-an-hour, and the event was a success, start to finish. 

Are Ceremonies Worth It?

Ceremonies, such as this dinner, can seem difficult, maybe impossible to arrange, but they are vital for establishing traditions. If we escape the inertia of daily life, resist that feeling of “not having enough time,” they can be done, and they leave a satisfied sense. The past did really happen, and it meant something; it still means something. For us current students, this Alumni Dinner gave us the chance to see all the years that came before us, that have crafted and refined this program. We got to see its “cumulative effect.”  

Kaleb Johnson is a student in the Living Education-Charlotte Program. He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in the spring of 2022. In addition, Kaleb enjoys writing, video-making, trying new activities (anything and everything), playing chess, and debating (it’s not arguing!) with people. He currently works in the Living Education department producing written content & videos and helping with a variety of other projects.

Humans’ Automatic Warning System – the Conscience

Author: Kaleb Johnson | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated reading time: 5 mins.

The students in the Living Ed program had a forum presentation from an elder in South Africa who runs the Church’s office there, Mr. Botha.

He began with the story of a plane crash in Spain. In this instance, the pilots had clearly heard the automatic warning system telling them in English, “PULL UP.” The pilot responded with “shut up, gringo!” They ignored the warning—with catastrophic consequences. Do we act the same way with our automatic warning systems? Do we ignore our consciences?

Should We Trust Our Conscience?

Mr. Botha warned that many people today consider the conscience to be “a defect that robs people of their self-esteem.” But in actuality, the conscience is a gift from God that can tell us, “PULL UP!” when we are in danger. Even people in the world (Romans 2:15) can make use of this gift. 

“Our conscience entreats us to do what we believe is right.”

Mr. Botha

Mr. Botha clarified that our conscience is not the same as the word or law of God, but is concerned with our inner motives and true thoughts, something above intellect and reason. If we act contrary to our authentic motives and beliefs, we contradict our conscience, and “a violated conscience is not easily convinced.”

Conscience in the Bible

In the Old Testament, Mr. Botha explained, the word translated “heart” is the closest in meaning to the Greek word translated “conscience.” Through the Old Testament, we see consciences, or hearts, set against God (Exodus 8:15) and directing men to follow God (2 Chronicles 34:27). Our conscience can be abused by wrong beliefs or silenced by being ignored (Titus 1:15). Yet at one point, all will experience their conscience testifying against them.

Conscience versus Doctrine

Do we always follow our conscience? Mr. Botha pointed out that there is a difference between what our conscience thinks and what God thinks. But as we spiritually grow, our conscience becomes more in harmony with God’s will. Mr. Botha illustrated this by comparing our conscience to a skylight—it is not a light source on its own, but rather it needs a strong light source to shine through it. When in harmony with God, our conscience grows to be a powerful tool to keep us on track by accusing us when we do wrong things, like David’s conscience after he had cut the robe of Saul (1 Samuel 24:5). And a pure conscience can grow to be a testimony to others. 

“For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience that we conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God, and more abundantly toward you.”

2 Corinthians 1:12

Overcoming a Weak Conscience

Mr. Botha addressed the difficulties that come from having an oversensitive, weak conscience. He pointed to clean and unclean meats. A weak conscience leads to a legalistic, overscrupulous approach fueled by disputing (Romans 14:1-2). It comes from an immature spiritual state, a mind that has not been saturated in the word of God. The answer is to study the Bible and prove God’s will through prayer and fasting. Mr. Botha clarified that, if we have a weak conscience, we still should not violate it. Those with stronger consciences should defer to the weak (1 Corinthians 8:13), and we should not be in the habit of going against our conscience. 

“But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin.”

Romans 14:23

How to Keep Your Conscience Clean

Mr. Botha explained that having a right conscience before involves having a clean conscience, and he gave the students three ways to keep our consciences clean.

1) Confess and forsake known sins. “He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13). If we know we have sinned, and we confess and forsake our sin, God is faithful to forgive us (1 John 1:9). 

2) Seek forgiveness from those you have wronged. We should be sure to reconcile with others (Matthew 5:23-24). Mr. Botha pointed out that we should make restoration for our wrongs, going above and beyond (Luke 19:8). 

3) Do not procrastinate in clearing your wounded conscience. “This being so, I myself always strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and men” (Acts 24:16). Mr. Botha emphasized that letting guilt fester leads to depression. 

Final Thoughts

As his last part of the presentation, Mr. Botha reiterated the importance of strengthening our conscience by saturating our minds in God’s word and warned against violating our own conscience. He also showed how the world views our conscience as useless and tells us to ignore it. In reality, “a pure conscience is more to be pursued than the world’s approval.” We should be able to stand ourselves, to not feel guilty about actions. We need to have faith and a good conscience (1 Timothy 1:19). We should not ignore our automatic warning system, because “the cost of switching it off is dangerously high; it will inevitably result in spiritual catastrophe.”

Kaleb Johnson is a student in the Living Education-Charlotte Program. He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in the spring of 2022. In addition, Kaleb enjoys writing, video-making, trying new activities (anything and everything), playing chess, and debating (it’s not arguing!) with people. He currently works in the Living Education department producing written content & videos and helping with a variety of other projects.

Walking on the Trail of Faith

Author: Kaleb Johnson | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated reading time: 4 min.

In Valdese, North Carolina, lies a treasure trove of history hiding in plain sight: the Waldensian Trail of Faith.

This outdoor museum brings the Piedmont valleys of north Italy across the sea to Valdese and makes Waldensian history come to life with life-size recreation of critical monuments and buildings. The Living Education students walked on this Trail of Faith to learn more about the Thyatira era of the Church of God, hearing about the zeal and persecutions of the Waldensians and also seeing their slip into Protestantism that ended their era of God’s church. 

Arriving at the Trail

As the Living Ed students and faculty pulled in, they glimpsed the outdoor exhibits on the trail, and noticed there were Christmas decorations and crosses strewn about the outdoor museum in preparation for the holiday season. Mr. McNair was quick to comment on this. “You may be thinking,” he said, “What’s the deal with this? I thought the Waldensians were our Christian forerunners.” Well, as we were to find out, a lot happened on the Trail of Faith that the Waldensians walked, and not all of it was good. 

Beginning the Trail of Faith

The tour began with a replica barberi college. The Waldensian students of the thirteenth century studied in unimposing, cozy cottages that would not stand out, and this was intentional. Kezia, one of the Living Education student leaders, explained that these colleges served as secret sanctuaries for education where faithful students would memorize the whole new testament and the psalms (thankfully, we don’t have to do that). These colleges avoided attracting the attention of Catholic inquisitors at all costs. Often, they could not even risk having fires in the winter to stay warm. Kezia related the end result of a student’s studying at this college. Once that student left, equipped to preach the word of God, he had about a three-year life expectancy. Yet the Waldensians still studied through miserable conditions and trained to spread the true word of God. That’s true zeal. 

The students continued to the Church in the Cave exhibit. The cave in Valdese is a man-made duplicate of a grotto in the Piedmont valleys that features in a harrowing story. Nathan—another student leader—recounted how faithful Waldensians once hid in this cave for church services. It was small and cramped, and they had to crawl inside it; the only light inside came through a small crack at the top of the cave. The Waldensians could not even sing hymns for fear of being heard by Catholic inquisitors. Despite all this, they were discovered one day. The Catholic inquisitors did not want to crawl in, so they started a fire and cunningly directed the smoke into the small gap in the cave’s roof. Slowly the cave filled with smoke until it was unbearable for those inside. One by one, the Waldensians crawled out—and, one by one, they were killed. What else did these Waldensians endure on their Trail of Faith? We continued on to find out. 

Leaving the Trail of Faith

The students came to a memorial commemorating the Waldensians’ entrance into the Reformation. They conformed their doctrines to match the greater Protestant movement, but they would pay the price. The students continued on the Trail of Faith, but the Waldensians had fallen off. The next exhibits recounted the persecutions they faced, and, in a replica church, Ellie shared with us the intense wars and struggles the Waldensians faced in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. The Waldensians were captured and removed from their villages in the Piedmont valleys, with little help from any Protestant countries. Though the Waldensians did fight their way back in their “Glorious Return,” they were no longer the same Waldensians who had put God and His Gospel above fighting and “homelands.”

The later exhibits on the Trail of Faith show us the early Waldensian colony in Valdese, and relate the stories of those who left the then-overcrowded Piedmont valleys to come to America. One of the last exhibits is a war memorial that commemorates all the Waldensians who have served in the United States’ armed services. Mr. McNair noted the irony. The Waldensians were once Christians completely unconcerned with war and politics and focused on spreading God’s word, but they came to embrace war with pride.


The students left the tour filled with good memories, powerful stories, and a little deeper knowledge of God’s Church through the ages. The story of the Waldensian Trail of Faith is fascinating. It is full of zeal but also tragedy, especially after the majority of those in that Church era fell from the faith and faced horrible persecution. Despite the heaviness of the topics, we all enjoyed the tour immensely and shared many laughs and smiles throughout the day.

Kaleb Johnson is a student in the Living Education-Charlotte Program. He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in the spring of 2022. In addition, Kaleb enjoys writing, video-making, trying new activities (anything and everything), playing chess, and debating (it’s not arguing!) with people. He currently works in the Living Education department producing written content & videos and helping with a variety of other projects.