Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: NT Lesson 8 “The Good Shepherd”
Featured Passage: John 10 After Jesus healed a man who was blind from birth, the Pharisees wanted to know who He was. Some of the Jews thought He was evil […]
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Featured Passage: John 10 After Jesus healed a man who was blind from birth, the Pharisees wanted to know who He was. Some of the Jews thought He was evil […]
Featured Passage: Matthew 7 Jesus Christ taught His disciples about how they should conduct themselves as they go through this life. After giving principles of how we should not worry […]
Some believe that Ephesians 4:9, combined with 1 Peter 3:18-20 and 1 Peter 4:6 prove that Christ preached to the dead, but does it really prove the “immortality of the […]
“Don’t make rash life decisions” was one of Mr. Rand Millich’s points in his forum on December 15. He said, “In ‘63, the prevailing thought in the Church was that Jesus Christ was going to return in 1975. I would have been 29 years old.” Because of that thinking, some people made hasty decisions. funds, or chose not to further their education. There were even those who married hastily, afraid they would run out of time and never have the chance. “So,” he said, “when 1975 came and went, there were actually some relationships that ended in divorce.” And some became bitter. Decisions reach far into our futures—whether they’re rash or wise. “That decision might be with you longer than you thought.”
Featured Passage: Luke 6 Jesus obeyed God and kept the Sabbath each week just like the Ten Commandments say we should. However, the Jewish leaders, especially the Pharisees, added many […]
Featured Passage: John 9 As Jesus taught and worked many wonderful miracles, the Jewish leaders were becoming very jealous and angry. One day, when Jesus was teaching in the temple, […]
Featured Passage: Matthew 6 In the message He gave on the mountain (often known as “The Sermon on the Mount”), Jesus first encouraged His disciples in the attitudes they should […]
“If you haven’t noticed already, we’re here to sell you something.” Mr. Gerald Weston gave the last Living Education forum for the semester. He began by saying Living Education is trying to “sell” a better way of life. This is also the purpose for the Living Youth Programs. Society sells young people all kinds of lifestyles—all, supposedly, equally virtuous. “But,” Mr. Weston said, “God does something that the world doesn’t do. He says, ‘Look, there is a better way—choose that one.’”
Mr. Wallace Smith, the Church’s executive editor, gave the Living Education assembly this week. Mr. Smith spoke about the benefits of marriage and encouraged the students to seek a godly, fulfilling marriage for their futures.