Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: NT Lesson 12 “The Resurrection”
Featured Passage: Matthew 28 Jesus had died. A man named Joseph of Arimathea went to Pilate and asked if he could take Jesus’ body and properly bury Him. Pilate agreed, […]
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Featured Passage: Matthew 28 Jesus had died. A man named Joseph of Arimathea went to Pilate and asked if he could take Jesus’ body and properly bury Him. Pilate agreed, […]
Martin Luther removed books from the Old Testament, and fought to strip away sections of the New Testament as well. Luther’s words denigrating James’ epistle are well-known.
Modern science claims matter and energy are the two fundamental elements of life. “But,” Mr. Richard Ames said, “there’s another factor: intelligence.” Mr. Ames played the documentary Unlocking the Mystery of Life for his Assembly. In this documentary, scientists argue that intelligent design is undeniably present in nature. Mr. Ames asked the students to consider this question as they watched the video: “Why should intelligence be a foundational element of science?”
Some religions teach that Jesus Christ is a created being. Some even say that He was the brother of Lucifer, or that He was the archangel Michael. Is Jesus Christ a created being, or is He eternal?
Author: Mr. Kenneth Frank | Faculty in Theology, Living Education Estimated Reading time: 8 min., 41 sec. Did you know that God intended ancient Israel to be the greatest nation […]
“Put your trust in God, and keep your powder dry.” – Oliver Cromwell
Dr. Richard Franz, the area pastor of the Illinois and Missouri congregations, said, “While trust in God is our ultimate duty, it doesn’t rule out our responsibility to work hard and prepare diligently.” In his assembly, he reminded the students of the importance of what they do today to prepare for tomorrow.
“If we’re waiting for the absolute perfect conditions to do something in life, it will never happen.”
Featured Passage: Matthew 26 Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem did not sit well with the chief priests and elders. Besides, not many days before that, Jesus had resurrected Lazarus from […]
Featured Passage: John 20 After being betrayed, Jesus was taken away and was killed even though He had done nothing wrong. He died for the sins of every person in […]
Featured Passage: Luke 9, John 6 The disciples had just returned from preaching the gospel to many people, and they were excited to tell Jesus about what they had done. […]