Focus Plan on Obtaining a Job.
This Tuesday, Mr. Mike DeSimone spoke to the Living Education students about three major points on how to get a job—the three absolute keys to getting the job. Mr. DeSimone said many of these keys he has seen work but are laid out in the book, “48 Days to the Work You Love,” by Dan Miller.
The first key was titled “How to Get the Interview”
Start by identifying thirty to forty companies within the industry where you want to work. There’s no need to worry if you get a job and find out it’s not the industry or job for you. That is okay – you can always move to another. You are the driver of the sector in which you want to work. The key to this point is to be proactive. Do not wait for an ad for a job to show itself – most of the time, it is already too late once the ad is out. Plus, about eighty percent of jobs do not advertise that they are hiring. Once you have thirty to forty companies listed, start sending out letters of introduction by groupings of fifteen. This will help build recognition and get your name out there. You want three points of connection with your name. The second step is to start sending out your cover letters and resumes one week after the letter of introduction. The cover letter and resume should be addressed to someone specific, and hard copies, something you know, will be in a particular person’s hand. The third step is to follow up with a call. Many people miss this step, and only approximately one or two job hunters will follow this through. Calling the person you sent your resume can put you at the top of the list as their attention is now on you as you have contacted them.
The second key is Mastering the Interview. Do not just wing the interview; this is a sure way to fail the interview. Mr. DeSimone listed some fatal flaws in an interview. The first fatal flaw was the lack of enthusiasm. Do not come in looking like you are dragging or lacking energy. Confidence and boldness are the keys to looking enthusiastic about being at the company. The second fatal flaw is going in with the attitude of “what’s in it for me.” The third fatal flaw was having unclear job goals. That is where you can apply Godly principles by having a serving attitude. Be clear with the company on what you are looking for and how you can help them. The fourth fatal flaw is having a poor personal appearance. Do not come in with a baseball cap. Companies are looking to hire a person, not credentials. Plan to dress one level up from your desired position. The last fatal flaw mentioned was not selling yourself. After an interview, immediately follow up with a thank you note; this shows your character and what you can present to the company. Wait three to four days before making a follow-up call. Don’t be afraid to touch bases.
The third key is Negotiating Compensation. Regarding this part of the hiring process, the company does not need to know the pay of your last job, nor do you need to talk about pay until the right time. The right time to talk about compensation is when you know what the job requires, they have decided they want you, and you have decided you want them. Do not bring up the topic; if you feel the company is bringing up the topic of compensation early, redirect the conversation. Ask to discuss the job itself further. Before the negotiations, make sure you have researched the positions and the position’s pay range. Let the company make the first offer; this is to your advantage.
The Living Education students took away three keys to obtaining a job and having a plan for getting one. The first key is how to get the interview, get things moving in their favor, and get their name out into the workforce. The second key is mastering the interview, specifically what not to do. The third key is negotiating your compensation and when to bring up compensation.