Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: Lesson 6 “The Re-Creation: Days 1 – 7”

Featured Passages: Genesis 1:1–2:3; Psalm 104:5–9

The re-creation week occurred perhaps millions of years after God first created the universe. Some of the angels, about one-third, rebelled against God’s rule over them, and they spread chaos throughout the universe, leaving the earth in devastation. It was in this setting that God rehabilitated the earth, making it suitable for human life again. The first thing God did was to restore light to the earth, and on day two, earth’s beautiful atmosphere, the sky, was prepared. On day three of the re-creation week, God made the land appear by separating the seas into their places. He caused the plants to grow. All the fruit trees, shade trees, edible plants, and beautiful flowers came forth at His command. The sun, moon, and stars, were ordained for signs, seasons, days, and years on the fourth day, so that humans could keep track of time. Knowing when the seasons occur helps us to plan for planting, harvesting, and especially for keeping God’s Holy Days. On day five of the re-creation week, God created birds and fish. Song birds along with larger birds flew through the sky; fish populated the lakes, streams, and oceans. God then created land animals on the sixth day. Toward the end of the sixth day, God created the first man, Adam, in God’s own image. God created the Sabbath on the seventh day of creation by resting on it, setting mankind an example to do the same.



  •    Help your child grasp that a lot of time could have transpired between verses 1 and 2 of Genesis.
  •    Ask what the earth must have been like when everything was dark and covered by thick clouds and water.
  •    Explain that God makes things in stages, and when re-creating the earth, He started by “turning the lights on” (clearing away the murky darkness) first!
  •    Ask why God made the land. What purposes does land serve for humans and animals?
  •    Help your child to make of list of all the things people and animals do with plants.
  •    Ask who humans look like, and what God said about His creation.
  •    Ask your child what he/she likes about the Sabbath and why it is special to him/her?
  •    Remind your child that God made the Sabbath, and He set it apart for holy use.

Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: Lesson 6 “God Creates a Helper for Adam”

Featured Passages: Genesis 2:18, 21–23; 3:20

God created a perfect paradise saying that it was very good (Genesis 1:31). Adam enjoyed watching the animals. He saw that each had a mate; however, there was no one for him. God waited until just the right time to create a mate for Adam, one that was comparable to him. The King James Version of the Bible states God would make a “help meet” for Adam (Genesis 2:18 KJV), in other words, a helper suitable for Adam. Adam was created from the dust of the ground, but his helper was created from Adam’s rib. Adam called the helper “woman,” which means “from man,” and named her Eve.  Both Adam and Eve, male and female, were created in God’s image, and both males and females have the potential to be a part of God’s family.



  •    Ask your child how they think Adam felt being the only human being on the planet.
  •    Ask how they think Adam felt when God presented him with a mate.
  •    Explain to your child what the word “comparable” means.
  •    Emphasize the fact that Adam was created first from the ground and Eve was created second from Adam.
  •    Discuss with your child the type of life Adam and Eve must have had in the beautiful garden. Ask them their thoughts about this.


Memory Challenge:

Genesis 1:27  “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.


Second Thoughts: Behind the Telecast

“Preaching the gospel is always integral to what Jesus is doing. We are supposed to follow Him…obey Him, follow His example as a church.”


The work of God today may functionally look much different than it did during the time of Christ and the apostles, yet fundamentally the commission is the same, principally to preach the gospel of the Kingdom and the true name of Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ day, the message had to be delivered by foot, letters, and word of mouth. Instead of airplanes for travel, satellite communication, and high-speed internet, they had wooden ships, strong speaking voices, and parchment. Mr. Ciesielka began his assembly by emphasizing that since the commencement of the work during the time of Christ, God’s commission and the responsibility of the church continues on. As I reflect on it, it is easy to see that even with the passing of time and the changes in technology, the focus of the church remains consistent. If one considers Christ’s sermons, speeches, and parables to have been the “front line” of preaching the gospel in His day, then the Tomorrow’s World telecast would be on the “front line” of preaching the gospel in our day.

“Throughout the gospel accounts He [Christ] is preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God…that’s the pattern the Church has…that’s the focus.”

Mr. Wyatt Ciesielka and Travis Pate

Mr. Ciesielka, head of the TV and Internet departments at LCG headquarters, gave us an overview of the part that the telecast plays in God’s work. He described the process of creating, and releasing the telecast, and the responsibilities of those involved with its production. The creation of each new telecast involves much more than simple recording and editing. Beyond preparing several versions and formats of the telecast for traditional TV stations with appropriate phone numbers and contact information for different regions of the country, the TV department’s responsibilities include preparing versions of each telecast in multiple languages (Spanish, Russian, Ukranian, German…etc), perfecting closed captioning in accordance with strict government regulation, providing updated audits of all inventory, managing copyright material and information, managing call centers, and the list goes on.

“The telecast is the most powerful thing we produce as far as reaching new people.”

Telly Awards for the Tomorrow’s World Telecast

In the assembly, and tour of the Tomorrow’s World building and studio, I was surprised to learn that with each new telecast, approximately thirty different versions must be produced. This is what makes it possible to be reached by so many people, as the telecast is presented not only on cable TV stations in the United States, but also on many different websites, Roku, foreign language stations, and other media platforms. It is exciting to think about the amazing potential that the telecast has for reaching people all around the world, and to observe how God continues to bless the work that the gospel of the Kingdom of God may truly reach all nations.

Video Editor’s office

Is it okay to keep Thanksgiving?

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Here’s an answer from our Personal Correspondence Department, courtesy Mr. Gary Ehman…

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your question concerning the relationship between the national holiday of Thanksgiving and the Bible.

To begin, there is no direct connection between the United States national holiday on the fourth Thursday in November, and God’s biblical Holy Days. Most people recognize the first Thanksgiving as taking place in December 1621, when the Pilgrims held a three-day feast to celebrate the bountiful harvest they had reaped. In addition, the day did not become an official day of observance until the presidential proclamation of Abraham Lincoln on October 3, 1863, where he declared “a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.”

Interestingly, through Lincoln’s words, we can see a nation that once professed God to be the true God, and denounced secular teachings. In essence, there was a link between the day of Thanksgiving and God. However, there is no direct biblical command pertaining to the fourth Thursday in November, and God continues to be removed from the picture in our nation today.

Conversely, God has detailed for us His Holy Days which are to be kept in accordance to scriptural outline. The Feast of Tabernacles in the fall designates a time of thanksgiving for blessings obtained throughout the year, and the great spiritual harvest still to come (Deuteronomy 16:13-15). Furthermore, God tells us to “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

While the United States national holiday of Thanksgiving is not directly commanded in the Bible, we can certainly praise God and give Him thanks, at any time, for the blessings He has bestowed upon us.

If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know.


Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: Lesson 5 “God Creates Adam”

Featured Passage: Genesis 2:4-8, 15, 19-20

God restored the earth, creating the perfect environment for mankind. God always starts things out small, so He created one man, Adam, as the beginning of His family. God made Adam from the dust of the earth to look like Him and breathed life into him. God placed Adam in Eden, a beautiful garden, and told him to maintain the garden. Every beautiful tree and seed-bearing plant was in Eden. The animals were tame and playful. It was a beautiful beginning for mankind. Contrary to what evolutionists teach, God created a literal Adam and Eve who were placed in a physical garden, and from these two human beings came all the people who have ever lived.


  • Help your child to understand that Adam was the beginning of God’s plan to have a family.
  • Ask your child what job God gave to Adam.
  • Talk about the beautiful garden and the animals which were tame like family pets.
  • Ask your child what kind of animal they would like for a pet if it were possible.  (Use this as an opportunity to talk about the wonderful world tomorrow.)
  • Talk about the close bond and loving relationship that Adam had with God.

Memory Challenge:

Genesis 1:27  

“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: Lesson 5 “Lucifer Becomes Satan”

Featured: Passage: Isaiah 14:12–14; Ezekiel 28:15–17; Luke 10:18.

Lucifer was a powerful archangel with great responsibilities. However, he allowed pride and vanity to pervert his thoughts and actions. Lucifer began to believe that he knew better than God and that his way of competition and get was better than God’s way of cooperation and love. He devised a coup attempt, convincing about one-third of the angels to rebel with him to take over God’s throne. Lucifer wanted God’s job! Of course the created being was not more powerful than his Creator. God threw Lucifer and his angels back to the earth. God names things what they are, so when he rebelled, God changed Lucifer’s name to Satan, which means adversary. God called Satan’s angels demons.



  • Satan was a son of God in that God was his Creator. Ask your child if they can think of any movie, television program, or personal example in which the child thought they knew more than their parent.
  • Help your child understand that we have nothing to fear from Satan because God is in charge and Satan can do nothing to us without God’s permission.
  • Explain that everyone will be given a chance to be in God’s family and that only those who willfully reject God will be burned up in the lake of fire (Mal. 4:1, 3).  No human being will spend eternity burning in hell fire.


Memory Challenge:

Hebrews 1:13–14

“But to which of the angels has He ever said: ‘Sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool?’ Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister to those who will inherit salvation?”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: Lesson 5 “Satan’s Rebellion”

Featured Passages: Isaiah 14:12–14; Ezekiel 28:15–17; Luke 10:18; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6; Revelation 12:7–9; 20:1–3,10

Lucifer was created by God as a powerful archangel with great responsibilities. However, he allowed pride and vanity to pervert his thoughts and actions. Lucifer began to believe that he knew better than God and that his way of competition and get was better than God’s way of cooperation and love. He devised a plan to try to overthrow God. He convinced about one-third of the angels to rebel with him to take over God’s throne. Lucifer wanted God’s job! Of course, the created being was not more powerful than his Creator. God threw Lucifer and his angels back to the earth. God names things what they are, so when he rebelled, God changed Lucifer’s name to Satan, which means adversary or enemy, and Satan’s angels He called demons.



  • Help your child to prove that the law existed before Moses. Have them read 1 John 3:4 KJV and 2 Peter 2:4 and guide them in their conclusions.
  • Explain that we have nothing to fear from Satan because God is in charge and Satan can do nothing to us without God’s permission.
  • Explain that everyone will be given a chance to be in God’s family and that only those who willfully reject God will be burned up in the lake of fire (Mal. 4:1, 3).  No human being will spend eternity burning in hell fire.


Memory Challenge: 

Hebrews 1:1314  “But to which of the angels has He ever said: ‘Sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool?’ Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister to those who will inherit salvation?”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: Lesson 4 “God Creates the Universe”

Featured Passages: Genesis 1:1; John 1:1–3; Job 38:4–7; Hebrews 1:10, 13–14; Romans 8:19.

There was a time when there was only God – two Beings that included God and the Word. God purposed to expand His family. He first created other spirit beings, including angels. Afterwards, God began to create the physical universe; at the instant the universe came into existence, time began. God’s creative ability is truly amazing! The whole universe, everything seen and unseen, was created in preparation for the future sons and daughters of God Almighty.



  • Make these verses “come alive” by asking your child questions about what it must have been like before God and Jesus Christ (the Word) created anything.
  • Explain that Jesus had a different name to begin with (the “Word”) and that He later was born as God’s Son and was given a new name, Jesus.
  • Talk about how God and the Word wanted a family and built a creation for them to enjoy. Originally, it was just the two of them – the Father and the Word – and they wanted a much bigger family.
  • Help your child understand that God is the creator and that only God can create, i.e., make something from nothing.
  • Explain that God created the angels before creating the physical universe.
  • Ask your child what things in God’s creation they enjoy the most. Help him/her understand, in a simple way, God created all of these things for us!


Memory Challenge:

Isaiah 45:18  

For thus says the LORD, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited: ‘I am the LORD, and there is no other.’”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: Lesson 4 “The Re-Creation: Days 5, 6, and 7”

Featured Passage: Genesis 1:20-2:3

On day five of the re-creation week, God created birds and fish. Songbirds along with larger birds flew through the sky; fish populated the lakes, streams, and oceans. God then created land animals on the sixth day. Toward the end of the sixth day, God created the first man, Adam, in God’s own image. God created the Sabbath on the seventh day of creation by resting in it, setting mankind an example to do the same.   



  • Ask your child to think of reasons why God created animals.
  • Ask who mankind resembles.
  • Discuss why God created mankind. Remind him/her that God wanted a family.
  • Ask what God said about His creation.
  • Talk about what he/she likes about the Sabbath and why it is special to him/her.
  • Remind your child that God made the Sabbath, and He set it apart for holy use.


Memory Challenge: 

The Days of Re-Creation Week:

  Day 1 – Divided light from darkness

  Day 2 – Prepared sky and clouds

  Day 3 – Separated dry land from seas; Created plants

  Day 4 – Appointed sun, moon, & the stars for lights in the sky

  Day 5 – Created birds and fish

  Day 6 – Created land animals and Man  

  Day 7 – Created the Sabbath by resting



More to Do!

These activities are optional, but some children may find them enjoyable

  1. .Using seven paper plates, draw and color what God created each day and label them.
  2. Have your child find pictures in magazines or books that are examples of God’s creation and state on which day they were created.


Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: Lesson 4 “God Creates the Universe”

Featured Passages: Genesis 1:1; John 1:1-3; Job 38:4-7; Hebrews 1:10, 13-14; Romans 8:19.

There was a time when there was only Godtwo Beings that included God and the Word. But God wanted to have more people in His family. He first created angels, which were designed to be helpers of human beings. Afterward, God began to create the physical universe.  All the planets, stars, comets, and everything on earth was created by God! The whole universe, everything that we can see and everything that we cannot see, was created in preparation for the future sons and daughters of God Almighty.



  • Talk about how God and Jesus Christ wanted a family and built a creation for them to enjoy. Originally, it was just the two of themthe Father and the Wordand they wanted a much bigger family.
  • Help your child to understand that God is the Creator and that only God can create from nothing. When we make something, for example, we use materials that He made.
  • Explain that God created the spirit world, including angels, before creating the physical universe.
  • Show your child that while most of the time “sons of God” refers to people, some times in the Bible it can refer to angels (Job 38:4-7).
  • Ask your child what things in God’s creation they enjoy the most. Help him or her understand, in a simple way, that God created all of these things for us!


Memory Challenge:

Isaiah 45:18  

For thus says the LORD, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited: ‘I am the LORD, and there is no other’”